Just got me eGo ... need help..

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Full Member
Aug 2, 2010
New Orleans
I have been vaping for months using 808 caromizers..

I wanted the eGo for three reasons..
I wanted to be able to drip a 510 atty.. (dripping 808s works to some extent but you end up with a bunch of mixed up flavors if you don't stick to one juice per cartomizer.)

I wanted the big battery..
and i wanted the ego MEGA atomizers / cartridges for an upcoming trip.. (ability to vape all day on one cartridge, on the go with no chance to charge)..

SO.. I think I have satisfied all three objectives.. but I cant get the 510 atty / cartriges to work right.

The first cartridge I tried on my 510 atty was an unfilled cartridge.. and I didn't realize that.. and I vaped on it.. NASTY and after only a few puffs.. that acrid horrible burning taste...
I figured the thing was dry so I added some fresh juice.. but it still tastes burnt.

After reading the forum.. I tried a drip tip on that same attty.. and that works fine.. tastes good and all... so the burnt taste is not in the atomizer...
So .. I opened another cartrige.. this one pre filled.. and I get nothing..
I am thinking of tring to squeeze out the juice it is filled with and replace it with something I know.. but I don't want to burn up another cartridge or ruin the atomizer..

as to the MEGA atty and carts.. they work fine.. but I suppose it because of the size..
I find the vape tends to be very cool by the time it gets to your mouth..
maybe I just got used to the satisfying warm / hot vapor you get from the 808's.. because your lips are so close to the heating element.. but I don't know if I like the cold vape that I am getting from the mega cart..

advice will be greatly appreciated.


Full Member
Sep 4, 2010
Seattle, WA
Sounds like initially, you did not blow out the primer on the atomizer. Vaping that stuff tastes nasty. As for the pre-filled cart not producing vapor, did you try your other battery? Did you check to see if the cart was moist on top? I'd suggest trying another cart to see if it were the same. You may also be tightening the atomizer too hard to the battery connection. Try turning it back a tad once it's snug.

By the way, if you notice an immediate burn taste, stop and check the cart. I've vaped a cart dry to the point of the filling being pulled to the atty. Always, always top off and prime it. And heck, just buy some empties and juice and you should be set.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Sep 14, 2010
Burnt Hills NY
I never cared for the flavor of the prefilled carts. I always washed them out and filled them w/my own juices when I used carts. Kaderick suggested LR atty - They are the way to fly (I am partial to the Cisco LR 306 but also use LR 510s for some juices). Also the LR cartomizers are nice on the eGo since dripping is tough when driving. Enjoy


Full Member
Aug 2, 2010
New Orleans
Thanks for all of the replies.. I am getting the hang of it now... Yes.. i did not know to blow out the cart.. and Yes that stuff is NASTY ...
That is the same taste I get when I run an 808 dry and start to burn the filler.. YUCK...
Not that I have figured out how to prime them... and I now know that the burn taste does not mean that I have ruined the atty.. only that it needs to be more wet.. I think I have it down..
When I step outside to vape now... I pull of the cart.. add one tiny drop to the filler (to wet the bridge of the atty) then vap away with no problem...
am I doing it right now???
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