Just got a BUZZ and have a few questions

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What would Freud say?
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 10, 2010
Wilmington, DE / Ithaca, NY
It's in the mail ;-)

But I was wondering about 3 things... K9Frog has given me some good advice already.

1- Tell me about setting the voltage... where is a good/quality/inexpensive/digital volt meter online? Does anyone not use a meter?

2- What are your thoughts on an LR atty? Necessary? What's your personal preference for an atty?

3- any other thoughts?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 4, 2009
It's in the mail ;-)

But I was wondering about 3 things... K9Frog has given me some good advice already.

1- Tell me about setting the voltage... where is a good/quality/inexpensive/digital volt meter online? Does anyone not use a meter?

2- What are your thoughts on an LR atty? Necessary? What's your personal preference for an atty?

3- any other thoughts?

I use a Ideal Resi-Pro digital multimeter that I picked up at Lowe's for $21.79.


You can get digital multimeters as cheap as $4.50 but you get what you pay for and the accuracy isn't the best.


LR attys aren't necessary. I just use a 510 atty.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 29, 2010
Chino CA
I just ordered one yesterday,

I dont plan on using a volt meter right away, I know its set to 4.5v so if i need more ill just tune it till i fine a good spot,

what i do plan on doing is finding MY sweet spot without the volt meter and then after I have found it i will check and see what it is. That way it will be based only on me not some numbers on a meter.

I have heard alot about this mod and if its as good as it sounds ill be getting a 2nd one as soon as the 510 native connection is an option, ill set that to a higher volt for my everyday PV (since I dont vape much, but I like the higher volt for my vaping sessions), and ill use my first one at a lower volt for my heavy vaping sessions when Im drinking or playing modern warfare 2 on xbox, or doing both at the same time.

I use 510 cartos, with a drip tip, thou i dont know why i use the drip tip....

I would recommend finding your sweet spot without the meter, then test it and see what your sweet spot Really Is.
Oh and I cant wait for it!!
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 29, 2010
Chino CA
paco, get the dripper. i use 510 cartos with a tip also. drill a hole in the carto for the dripper and you're all set.

was thinking about that, But Im a light vapor 'I think', anyways when my Joker mod (5ish-Volts) was working a top off carto lasted about half a day, and with my chuck (6v) I have to top off twice on my drive home, (about 45mins). cartos dont like 6v too much they get a little dry and deciede to quit, gotta keep them wet on 6v.

so i know my sweet spot is definitly around 5v so thats not a problem, but now you got me thinking about the dripper.... for when im drinking since I vape More and seem to be chasing the Hit, then the stainless-steel-drip-tip+dripper+510carto+6v chuck, that sounds pretty dam good. Ill have to order one when i get my 2nd Buzz,

thanks for that idea joker
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