Just a few thoughts...

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Moved On
Dec 3, 2011
Yardley, PA
I love ECF... here I feel at home! I can have healthy discussion and a great network, but its not like that outside here. Here are a few things that make me crazy in this industry:

I'm trying not to turn this into the rant of the century, but I warn you in advance that it is a very likely possibility.
I love to vape. I will likely be a bootleg vapist in a dark alley somewhere pushing my coveted wares long after the ignorant prohibition takes hold. Like the long line of botanists, chemists, and physicists I come from, the art of apothecary concoctions runs deep in my veins. I pride myself in knowing my trade, being a professional in it and making sure that I don't ever sell short the potential good that this new and burgeoning industry can bring to an ailing mankind. But stupidity, dishonesty, and plain out right acrimony is going to set the movement back before it even gets rolling if we vapists, e-cig companies and juice makers keep rolling in the sty fighting with each other.

Competition is healthy. And not the kind of competition we have been raised to have in this generation. Let's face it, everyone isn't a winner... success should be gauged on achievement, not attendance. No blue ribbons at this fair are being given just for participating. If you are going to throw your hat in the vaping ring...prepare to be criticized, scrutinized and mauled by the lions.

But... and a huge broad sized BUT: We shouldn't be out to destroy each other. As vapors and people who help those to vape, we need to stick together. We need to root out the garbage and create a network of strong, supportive, and educated people. We have got to get organized. Acrimony...the literal art of loathing others of equal or greater, or even lesser value than oneself is friggen tired. We do not do ourselves any good talking trash about each other.

True competition is about honesty and integrity, letting the skills and successes we have guide our golden tickets. A good competitor mentors the competition, ever evolving the skill sets of those around us so that we can do better as a whole... BECAUSE WHEN YOU KNOW BETTER... YOU DO BETTER. Period. In this industry you don't have to give away your trade secrets to mentor others. We want all competitors to make sure they have the right standards... know the rules, and take care of our clients.

It only takes one dumb mistake for this all to roll down hill like water to the drain. It doesn't pay to keep people in the blind or to deface them, we are all being branded with the same torch here. Even as a vapist, I continually undergo extreme scrutiny when it comes to vaping. I have to be vigilant. I face down demons everyday. Ignorance, fear, hostility, and plain out ....ty vibes. But I do it. It's not a pissing contest for me. And it shouldn't be for anyone else.

If they have different gear than me, I nod, let them go through the pro's and con's, ask them what juice they like, take suggestions and go my merry way. I want them to to be well. I want good things for them. Every time I see a new juice store up and running, I smile inside. Good for them! Go little guy!

If I get cornered by non smoking hate mongers, I gently educate the ones I can, and let the ones who won't hear me state their claim. I might not like what they have to say, but it doesn't break my back to hear them out. I don't have to post up their mantras, sell their opinion door to door, make fliers or commit to their way, but it doesn't hurt me to educate myself on their stand.

Life is about being rounded, and I consider my self well rounded... (physically and mentally) Ignorance and fear is what has historically driven the masses. Torches may burn, and pyres may be built, but we don't need to go around with a mouth full of kerosine spitting in the wind. If we want to succeed we got to get our heads out of our asses and start bonding together.

The stepping stones to success are not built on hatred and animosity. They are built on knowledge, achievements, and relationships. We as a people can be so much better than this.

We are the people, the only people. So if we want to do better... you got it... we need to know better. So support each others growth, so that when we do have to face down a real enemy, we won't be so busy fighting ourselves that we don't even see them coming.

I am flying right, joining the group of like minded people that believes in being the backbone to a good society, Treating people with respect and courtesy. You might not see us yet, but me and mine are in your peripheral view, coming up and changing the way things are done. I got your back... all you vapors out there. Now go and make sure you have the backs of everyone we can have in this industry. We are only powerful in numbers. And don't doubt for one second that life isn't measured in numbers. To succeed... we must unite and fight as a single, powerful body, because that is what it all vapors down to.
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