Juice advice :)

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May 4, 2012
I know everyone hates these posts, but I need some juice advice. I am really having a hard time finding ones I like. I had no idea I was going to be this picky. There are only a few that I like and am looking for more to change things up every now and then. I've been vaping so much Boba's that I don't even taste it anymore.

I do not like fruit (have tried peach and strawberry), dessert (have tried several Mrs T's), or drink (have tried pina colada types and cola) flavors. I do not like maple tobacco either. Nor do I like florals (Virgin Vapor) There are certain vendors I do ot like as well, including Mom and Pops's and Velvet Vapors. Something in them has a funky taste to me, I haven't figured out why yet. Some kind of after taste.

I DO like Boba's, Gorilla juice, and Highbrow RY4. So far that's all. I suppose I like tobacco flavors only. Besides the ones listed, I haven't tried any others. I really like Alien Visions juice. What are their other tobacco juices like?

Can anyone give me any suggestions? Thank you so much! :)


ECF Guru
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May 9, 2012
Middle of No Where, GA
Well my favorite vendor right now is Heather's Heavenly Vapes. Heavenly Tobacco is good. They have some new tobacco flavors out that are supposed to be good. I've heard rave reviews on Gandalf. Although you don't like fruit flavors, their peach tobacco and caramel apple tobacco is really good too. It's not an overwhelming fruit flavor, it's is nicely balanced with the tobacco.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2009
If you like real tobacco flavor I recommend Johnson Creek Red Oak Silverthorn. I won a (barely) pre-release bottle and it tastes just like Turkish pipe blending tobacco and Bugler RYO tobacco I've had.
I haven't used anyone but JC since I found them the last time I was vaping in '09 so I can't compare to what you listed but before then I tried some juices named after cigarette brands and they were not even close. This one is pretty much on the money for Turkish (although this is the first day I've had it so I reserve the right to change my mind after it's had a few days to wear on me).

Their Domestic tastes a lot like an average cigarette to me.

Their Tennessee Cured is more of a cappuccino flavor to me, which I like, but I like about anything as long as it has flavor.

If you like menthol, Tundra is a good one that's loaded with flavor. I was not a menthol smoker but this could probably be my stranded on a desert island juice because no matter how used to it I get I can still taste it.

From what you've asked for and what I've tried of their PG free line (Red Oak) those are where I'd look. Possibly their clove flavor (Marcado I think) if you like clove, I hate clove so I haven't tried it.


Senior Member
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Feb 24, 2012
I know everyone hates these posts, but I need some juice advice. I am really having a hard time finding ones I like. I had no idea I was going to be this picky. There are only a few that I like and am looking for more to change things up every now and then. I've been vaping so much Boba's that I don't even taste it anymore.

I do not like fruit (have tried peach and strawberry), dessert (have tried several Mrs T's), or drink (have tried pina colada types and cola) flavors. I do not like maple tobacco either. Nor do I like florals (Virgin Vapor) There are certain vendors I do ot like as well, including Mom and Pops's and Velvet Vapors. Something in them has a funky taste to me, I haven't figured out why yet. Some kind of after taste.

I DO like Boba's, Gorilla Juice, and Highbrow RY4. So far that's all. I suppose I like tobacco flavors only. Besides the ones listed, I haven't tried any others. I really like Alien Visions juice. What are their other tobacco juices like?

Can anyone give me any suggestions? Thank you so much! :)

Interesting, I too enjoy Highbrow RY4 and think I have overdone Boba's. All of a sudden I'm not tasting it like I did over the last months. I picked up some Copper Creek House Blend and like it but still want a stronger tobacco flavor. That one has a nice cookie flavor but more intriguing. For the last few weeks I have really been enjoying the Johnson Creek Red Oak Domestic! I am waiting for some JC Silverthorn I just ordered and found this thread searching for reviews of it. I really like JC Domestic after coming off Boba's and recommend it highly. It vapes all day for me and has a complex enough flavor that keeps me interested. I vaped some Boba's last night and know I still love it but maintaining a good rotation of flavors is kind of where I'm at now. Boba's is so complex that it put me off simpler, single flavors but I have been happy and satified with the JC Domestic.
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