Judge caught vaping his way through high-profile murder trial

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Vaping Master
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May 22, 2015

Imagine the battery life in that mech! What’s he using???


ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2015
My Mountain
lol, that's... definitely something. not sure what, but I had fun reading it.

Question; did you type out the censors yourself or was it done by the forum? Just for the sake of context, to me it's funnier imagining someone typing "censored" over & over.

In all honesty though, you're not wrong, a lot of them are misinformed. My local b&m uses it as a ploy to sell the most expensive mods. Also I'm kind of impressed at the same time that someone brand new is diving in balls deep like that.

I added a censor every single time I said a cuss word. The forum did not do it..

As for those who are misinformed - you are among them and you are propagating the lies which are scaring the hell out of potential vapers.

I'm not arguing the whole topic again after I've just argued it. I'm not hitting every single thread in this forum to argue this...

Try as I might I'm just not enjoying having to argue with you people who feel it necessary to ignore the fact that vaping without TC saves lives and would rather run around spreading BS about how dangerous vaping is..

Your post:

we already know there's carcinogens/aldehydes above certain temps (which, it's only something like 5% of us is using temp control), leeching metals, etc & more testing needs to be done to ascertain the safety of it. Which, if we're honest with ourselves, we had at least an inkling all these years. In some ways it's more physically obtrusive bc of the size & stickiness. At least smokers have the decency to do it outdoors & away from other people.

Get a grip. Even the "save the children" left wingers had to admit that a cloud filled vape shop had better air quality than walking around outside in most cities after air quality tests were done.

There simply is no dangerous second hand vapor.. it doesn't exist.

Vaping is NOT smoking no matter if your standing next to a vaper or whether you are the vaper... and that is again, without TC..

People need encouragement, people need to know everything is going to be alright. That is why we write out our vaping success stories. That is why we look up to those who have vaped longer than we have, their continued success lets those struggling know there is yet hope for them.

What they don't need, is a bunch of anti vaping lies about the dangers of vaping in every single thread on this forum for absolutely no reason than to spread anti vaping lies and dissuade potential vapers from ever making the switch.
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Senior Member
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Oct 5, 2010
I added a censor every single time I said a cuss word. The forum did not do it..

As for those who are misinformed - you are among them and you are propagating the lies which are scaring the hell out of potential vapers.

I'm not arguing the whole topic again after I've just argued it. I'm not hitting every single thread in this forum to argue this...

Try as I might I'm just not enjoying having to argue with you people who feel it necessary to ignore the fact that vaping without TC saves lives and would rather run around spreading BS about how dangerous vaping is..

Your post:

Get a grip. Even the "save the children" left wingers had to admit that a cloud filled vape shop had better air quality than walking around outside in most cities after air quality tests were done.

There simply is no dangerous second hand vapor.. it doesn't exist.

Vaping is NOT smoking no matter if your standing next to a vaper or whether you are the vaper... and that is again, without TC..

People need encouragement, people need to know everything is going to be alright. That is why we write out our vaping success stories. That is why we look up to those who have vaped longer than we have, their continued success lets those struggling know there is yet hope for them.

What they don't need, is a bunch of anti vaping lies about the dangers of vaping in every single thread on this forum for absolutely no reason than to spread anti vaping lies and dissuade potential vapers from ever making the switch.

Most of the time when you see people discussing the safety of vaping it is not because they want to scare anyone. They do it because they care about other people and to address potential snags in how vaping is looked at by the media and folks that don't know anything at all. What we are saying is the mainstream media will report the negative studies, and in most people's minds the absolute safety of vaping is not proven, therefore we should consider taking the most conservative approach possible in order to make our case.

There is not as much activism going on these days, but when there was still a chance to make a difference people debated which features were the safest all the time. We wanted to make sure that no one died because we care about other people's health in general first, and also because it would be really bad press if people started getting sick while vaping was still getting off the ground.

You have to understand how well vaping worked to quit smoking. It was/is a miracle as far as I'm concerned. That kind of thing makes you want to win the legal battles with whatever it takes.

I have vaped without TC for at least 7 years. I am fine, but if newer innovations have evidence indicating that they provide even more harm reduction I will try to use them.

Concerning my own posts in this thread:

If vaping looks like an even worse addiction than cigarettes via people like this judge not being able to control themselves and vaping in a court room it’s bad.

The disclaimer I mentioned in the speech I wrote for the judge concerning second hand vapor is to calm the ire of the people who are truly ANTZ. My username is a play on that acronym. Antwoord means answer in Afrikaans. Afrikaans is a language. Vaping is an answer/antwoord.

Some people take the defensive approach to try to protect vaping and some take an offensive approach, but there’s no need to even debate anything anymore honestly. It will all be decided for you because we lost. We lost in part because so few vapers participated in the calls to action. The most important petition that we had, the one that directly addressed the deeming regulations only had 2500 signatures.

It was heartbreakingly pathetic. A lot of people worked extremely hard for nothing. One of the cherries on top is the judge vaping away in court, and then just running away from the issue without a care in the world. My comments on this thread are intended to inspire people to think and act with anger or passion or you can just write me off because no one actually gives a hoot anyway.

I support your right to vape.
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Vaping Master
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Sep 21, 2012
Alexandria, Va, USA
I added a censor every single time I said a cuss word. The forum did not do it..

As for those who are misinformed - you are among them and you are propagating the lies which are scaring the hell out of potential vapers.

I'm not arguing the whole topic again after I've just argued it. I'm not hitting every single thread in this forum to argue this...

Try as I might I'm just not enjoying having to argue with you people who feel it necessary to ignore the fact that vaping without TC saves lives and would rather run around spreading BS about how dangerous vaping is..

Your post:

Get a grip. Even the "save the children" left wingers had to admit that a cloud filled vape shop had better air quality than walking around outside in most cities after air quality tests were done.

There simply is no dangerous second hand vapor.. it doesn't exist.

Vaping is NOT smoking no matter if your standing next to a vaper or whether you are the vaper... and that is again, without TC..

People need encouragement, people need to know everything is going to be alright. That is why we write out our vaping success stories. That is why we look up to those who have vaped longer than we have, their continued success lets those struggling know there is yet hope for them.

What they don't need, is a bunch of anti vaping lies about the dangers of vaping in every single thread on this forum for absolutely no reason than to spread anti vaping lies and dissuade potential vapers from ever making the switch.

Lies... lol. relax, read the rest of the thread if you want, though I don't reccommend it. I can see what you're trying to do there, but it's already been thoroughly dragged out. It literally cannot stretch any further.
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Resting In Peace
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Jul 23, 2013
Bordertown of ProVariland and REOville
Most of the time when you see people discussing the safety of vaping it is not because they want to scare anyone. They do it because they care about other people and to address potential snags in how vaping is looked at by the media and folks that don't know anything at all. What we are saying is the mainstream media will report the negative studies, and in most people's minds the absolute safety of vaping is not proven, therefore we should consider taking the most conservative approach possible in order to make our case.

There is not as much activism going on these days, but when there was still a chance to make a difference people debated which features were the safest all the time. We wanted to make sure that no one died because we care about other people's health in general first, and also because it would be really bad press if people started getting sick while vaping was still getting off the ground.

You have to understand how well vaping worked to quit smoking. It was/is a miracle as far as I'm concerned. That kind of thing makes you want to win the legal battles with whatever it takes.

I have vaped without TC for at least 7 years. I am fine, but if newer innovations have evidence indicating that they provide even more harm reduction I will try to use them.

Concerning my own posts in this thread:

If vaping looks like an even worse addiction than cigarettes via people like this judge not being able to control themselves and vaping in a court room it’s bad.

The disclaimer I mentioned in the speech I wrote for the judge concerning second hand vapor is to calm the ire of the people who are truly ANTZ. My username is a play on that acronym. Antwoord means answer in Afrikaans. Afrikaans is a language. Vaping is an answer/antwoord.

Some people take the defensive approach to try to protect vaping and some take an offensive approach, but there’s no need to even debate anything anymore honestly. It will all be decided for you because we lost. We lost in part because so few vapers participated in the calls to action. The most important petition that we had, the one that directly addressed the deeming regulations only had 2500 signatures.

It was heartbreakingly pathetic. A lot of people worked extremely hard for nothing. One of the cherries on top is the judge vaping away in court, and then just running away from the issue without a care in the world. My comments on this thread are intended to inspire people to think and act with anger or passion or you can just write me off because no one actually gives a hoot anyway.

I support your right to vape.
Thanks for the explanation regarding antwoord, my only exposure previously to that word was the hip hop group.

Back to the judge, I agree with how you feel about the optics his behavior created. To some of us vapers we might look at at it and say, well , he was just stealth vaping... To our enemies he is a prime example of how we are just addicts to be despised and shunned from decent society, why, he is so addicted he can't even abstain from this disgusting addiction in his courtroom... Yes, we have lost, and the future does not look good here in the US, a judge vaping away in his courtroom is just icing on the cake of the save the kiddo's from JUUL'ing lot...

How the :censored: did the TC conversation even show up in this thread...I see this as a symptom of where this forum has devolved to...


ECF Guru
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Verified Member
Aug 19, 2015
My Mountain
Most of the time when you see people discussing the safety of vaping it is not because they want to scare anyone. They do it because they care about other people and to address potential snags in how vaping is looked at by the media and folks that don't know anything at all. What we are saying is the mainstream media will report the negative studies, and in most people's minds the absolute safety of vaping is not proven, therefore we should consider taking the most conservative approach possible in order to make our case.

There is not as much activism going on these days, but when there was still a chance to make a difference people debated which features were the safest all the time. We wanted to make sure that no one died because we care about other people's health in general first, and also because it would be really bad press if people started getting sick while vaping was still getting off the ground.

You have to understand how well vaping worked to quit smoking. It was/is a miracle as far as I'm concerned. That kind of thing makes you want to win the legal battles with whatever it takes.

I have vaped without TC for at least 7 years. I am fine, but if newer innovations have evidence indicating that they provide even more harm reduction I will try to use them.

Concerning my own posts in this thread:

If vaping looks like an even worse addiction than cigarettes via people like this judge not being able to control themselves and vaping in a court room it’s bad.

The disclaimer I mentioned in the speech I wrote for the judge concerning second hand vapor is to calm the ire of the people who are truly ANTZ. My username is a play on that acronym. Antwoord means answer in Afrikaans. Afrikaans is a language. Vaping is an answer/antwoord.

Some people take the defensive approach to try to protect vaping and some take an offensive approach, but there’s no need to even debate anything anymore honestly. It will all be decided for you because we lost. We lost in part because so few vapers participated in the calls to action. The most important petition that we had, the one that directly addressed the deeming regulations only had 2500 signatures.

It was heartbreakingly pathetic. A lot of people worked extremely hard for nothing. One of the cherries on top is the judge vaping away in court, and then just running away from the issue without a care in the world. My comments on this thread are intended to inspire people to think and act with anger or passion or you can just write me off because no one actually gives a hoot anyway.

I support your right to vape.

Yet they are scaring people... and those people they are scaring is potential vapers.

Not people like me or you who have been vaping and know it's safety compared to smoking from experience, but people who need vaping the most.. and they are scaring them with half truths and junk science..

Where concerns this thread we don't even know if this article is even true.. The New York Post is literally the ONLY paper that has reported this, and it's literally one man's word against a judge at this point..

That courtroom is packed with journalists from every paper every day, and only one journalist has seen this and reported on it - really?

Were there statements by others seeing this blue light? By anyone with a name?


saying "everyone knows" and "everyone saw" is not naming who knows or who saw.. if there were actual statements by actual people who could be called up and have this story verified it would be one thing... but there isnt.

This sounds like so much trash to me.. honestly it does.. it's worthy so far of the national enquirer.. this journalist only reported to authorities to give his article credence that it doesn't otherwise have.

The only people in the world giving any credence at all to this story are vapers..

That said, what you said about advocacy and people not signing petitions? I think we all try to.. although I have a difficult time telling one petition from the next, and a more difficult time remembering if this is one I've signed..but nonetheless I do try.. we all do I'm sure.

Most vapers are not on forums though.. most are reasonably oblivious to what is going on with vaping legally. We can't exactly fault people for that..

Even if you vape it's just another thing you do or a thing you have like your cell phone...

very very few are going to be thinking about legislation as they most likely think legislation on it is either already set seeing as how they bought it without difficulty, or will only change slightly for them if at all.

Let's face it life just goes on for most people... they live their lives and buy what's available and if that changes they adjust their lives accordingly.

Most people aren't advocates of anything they do.
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