Joyetech eGo vs eGo-T Type B question

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Dec 10, 2011
Dallas, TX
Have to have an ego-t atty for the ego-t tanks to work, totally different setup than the standard ego...the battery will work though. I would get a couple punched boge lr cartos and a nice tank with a drip tip if I were you. I started on the ego-t system, and while it is nice, my new Boge carto and 3mL Liquinator setup is much better. Holds more juice, the draw is infinitely better, and when the carto goes bad, toss it for a new one for $2 instead of $10-12 for a new ego-t atty or spending tons of time trying to clean, adjust wick without messing it up, etc, like the ego-t setup.

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PV Master & Musician
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May 22, 2010
Central GA
The standard eGo kit consists of two batteries and a couple of atties with a cone to dress up the atomizer.

The tank system comes in type A, B, and C. Type A is an atomizer that is shaped like a cone. You just screw it onto the battery, fill and install a tank in the end, and vape. Type B is a barrel shaped atomizer with a tank that holds much more juice, since it isn't tapered like a cone. Type C is a totally different animal. Type C consists of an atomizer, a tank, and a cone shaped center that you install the atomizer and tank into. The tank and the atomizer snap together outside the cone and the cone screws on. It looks to be a much better engineered system than the type A or B.

Search YouTube for eGo or Joytech type C and you will find a number of videos that demonstrate and review the systems.


Senior Member
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Jan 26, 2012
Orange County, CA
Thanks for all the help everyone. I am only 1 day into this whole vaping thing, so just for clarification, c00lkatz, you are saying that if I wanted to utilize the tank system I can use the eGo battery that I currently have? I just have to purchase an eGo-T atty and tanks? (I already have four different e-liquids that I am anxious to try)


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Dec 10, 2011
Dallas, TX
Yup, just need the atty and tanks, make sure to get the soft silicone caps for the tanks too. The plastic caps they come with work for a bit but always leak like crazy after a while, especially on the b type. The soft caps are only like $1.50 for 5. But if you're going to do that, might as well go for the ego-c atty and tanks, haven't tried them but have heard they are better and are rebuildable.

Sent from my LG G2x using Tapatalk
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Senior Member
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Jan 26, 2012
Orange County, CA
Ok so just to make sure I got this straight, I can just buy the eGo-C atty and tanks to use with my current battery? Any suggestions on a site where I can purchase those for a great price? Thanks again everyone, I really appreciate it :) BTW, since I received my e-cig about 26hours ago, I have yet to smoke an analog!! The same can't be said about my wife though, unfortunately...


Full Member
Jan 25, 2012
Congrats on your first 24 hours first of all. I have the Ego-T type and and its good and all but is still flawed. My tank leaks quite bad but the battery that some with the ego's is a very versatile battery from what i can tell. I currently have a LR type A atty coming in the mail and im excited to see how that helps with the flavor i get now. I'm also going to get some Boge 2.0 cartos and a drip tip to try it out because there will be no annoying leaky tank. I am also going to try out the LR Chibi Tank Mod (Boge 2.0) which i think will look awesome and work very well. it does require a syringe to fill it but it is quite easy and there are several videos on youtube that go into great detail on how to fill it correctly. Keep Vapin!


Senior Member
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Jan 26, 2012
Orange County, CA
Hey iKillCount, thank you very much :) I seriously had no idea how well vaping was going to work, as far as keeping my urge to smoke analogs in check, very pleasantly surprised! Yeah based on what you all have been telling me on this thread, it sounds like the type C is the way to go, with the type B's tank system's leakage issues. I just need to find a website that has them for a decent price...


Super Member
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Nov 24, 2011
No need to buy all new kits just for the tanks. Anything that says ego or even 510 will fit. Lots of folks have had complaints about the varying tanks that are ego specific. There's also 'generic' 510 tanks like the Chibi or some sort of variation where there's a carto inside a clear plastic tube with end caps. Most folks that like tanks seem to migrate toward these over the Ego type tanks.

For something a little less is just cartos. Boge 2.0 and Smoktech 1.7's are my favorite. Both hold over 1 ml and can last quite a while before refilling. Both of these can also be the basis for any of the carto type tanks.


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Dec 20, 2011
I'm using the mega type b system and I love it. I have NO major leak problems, after a while there is a little, and I mean little build up of liquid in the atomizer at the wick post. but by no means is it a mess or a problem. the thing you have to remember is to make sure that the cap is placed back on the tank right. I do agree to get the soft caps for the tanks to replace the hard caps that come with them. Also before you even fill the tank. put the soft cap on the tank, put the tank in the atty and push all the way in, this will puncture the cap, as it should. Then take that tank back out, take the cap off the tank and then use some tweezers to completely remove the little donut hole that puncturing the cap has made. Fill the tank with your juice, Take the tank and push it in the atty , If you first taste burnt on no flavor, try pulling out the tank and pushing it back in 2 or 3 times to kind of prime the wick.

I have a Joye eGo XXL 1000mAh Mega Battery that works with either ego or 510 parts. yours should work just fine.

Oh, have I said I love the mega type B tank and atty system, LOL. Just my two cents worth from a new vaporer.


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Jan 26, 2012
Orange County, CA
Ok, thank you very much for all of your input everyone. I think what I am going to do for now is, use up the cartridges that the started kit came with and the pre-filled cartos that I got with my initial purchase. Wait for my order of the five pack of empty cartos to get here, so that I can start utilizing the four bottles of e-liquids I got with my first purchase (keeping fingers crossed that the cartridges/pre-filled cartos last me until then). Then decide on whether I want to go with the tank or eGo-C from there. I've looked on a couple of sites so far and couldn't find any of the eGo-C atomizer/tank that are sold separately though, any suggestions on where to go for those?


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Sep 8, 2009
Raleigh, NC USA
I tried pretty much everything and it was the eGo-T that broke my cigarette habit for good (I'm part of the cabal that refuses to call them analogs) -- almost 4 months without a puff on this current go 'round. For me, it's all about lack of fuss. Dripping is too high-maintenance for me, even sitting at home. Tried a bottom feeder... talk about leaky :blink:. Refilling cartomizers is a pain because you really need to do the spin-method or you'll be refilling even more often. I had all but settled on being resigned to dual-coil cartomizers until I tried the eGo-T.

I can fill the tank in 30 seconds and it will last me through the day. It gives a consistent flavor - no batting to gradually dry up. I got a couple of 1000mah ego batteries -- a single one will also last me all day. In addition, I got an eGo Booster, which turns the eGo into a VV (the ego-t can be weak on flavors, compared to other atomizers). With the mega battery and booster the thing is ridiculously long, but I think of it more as an e-cigar, and with the booster especially it gives great throat-hit and produces clouds of vapor. I have had zero problems with leakage.

I haven't use the ego-c. I hadn't even heard about it until I saw this thread. Regardless of whether you go with the ego-T or the C, I might also recommend picking up a couple of packs of 510 cartomizers too to try out flavors. When you put a new flavor in an atomizer and you don't like it, that flavor is going to stick around for a while. Test with cartomizers (the 510s are dirt cheap), wait to fill the ego-t tanks with juices you have tested and like.

If you do want to get rid of a flavor, I suggest getting one of these oral syringes from a drugstore. Stick the atomizer or cartomozer (it works with ego-T atomizers and 510/ego-t cartomizers, not sure about ego-C) on the end and cycle boiling water back and forth in a cup, through the syringe/atomizer. Let them sit and dry overnight (in the slats of a small fan will speed it up) and try again.

Also don't forget to pick up a syringe of some kind. You'll need a small needle for the cartomizers. I use a large-gauge needle for the tanks, perfectly round without a sharp tip. This helps for 2 reasons: 1) I don't need a syringe plunger. Just fill at the top and it drips down by itself. Frequent use will degrade most syringes. 2) More importantly, clearly the size and blunt tip implies it is not meant for intravenous use... which is good if you run into a curious law enforcement officer :2cool:.

Good luck!
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2012
Hi Revealed, if you do decide to go with the type B carto and atty combo(I went for the mega b's as I was advised),
I saw a utube clip where the guy took the brand new cart, removed the bottom cap, set the cap on a paper towel,
and punctured through the center of the cap with a blunt 12 ga. syringe.(Then plunged syringe to blow out the plastic piece) Making a nice pilot hole in the bottom cap ensuring no plastic flap is left on the cap(to restrict flow) and above all a tight fit and no leaks.

All the best on dropping the tobacco habit.

Cheers, Hitmetwice


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Nov 9, 2011
I'm a EGO C fan. I tried the type B's. At first I thought they were ok. Now that I have the C type I believe the old B's are junk.
The C' shave better taste and are much more consistent in use IMO. The flavors better ,cleaning for a flavor change involves a rinse,though it really isnt needed that bad. The old flavor goes away pretty fast on its own. The LR atties for the C's are GREAT! Though i cant vouch for there longevity as of yet.

C atties are also a lot cheaper Averaging about 5 bucks a piece or so.......... Only gripe I have is I'm hoping they release a C type 2ML tank that performs the same as the regulars.


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Jan 26, 2012
Orange County, CA
Ok, so I just went through everything I bought with my first purchase. Turns out that instead of buying a regular eGo extra atty, I accidentally bought the eGo-T atty. I believe it is the type A, since it is cone shaped. So in order to use this thing, what do need? Any suggestions on a good website for it, would also be appreciated, I live in southern ca. Thanks again, I truly appreciate all your help ;) Oops nevermind this post, spoke too soon, I believe I've found what I need.... :)
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