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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
There are a couple issues I haven't seen mentioned in this thread, and my apologies in advance if I missed it. I'd be interested in other folks thoughts on them as it relates to the topic of vaping in public, especially indoors.

The first is aroma(or stench as the case may be depending on one's perspective). I have a few flavors that I enjoy but vape only outdoors because they can really take over a room, for hours on end. Kretek from Tasty Vapor is one, but I have a half dozen or more others in the same category, some of them worse, like some pipe or cigar flavors, or other pungent tobaccos. To what extent should this be a factor in the appropriateness of vaping in public? I try to limit myself to fairly inocuous flavors or ones with pleasant aromas when in public which seems only reasonable.
Agreed. Don't vape pungent juice in public. Check

The second is allergies. I've read that some folks are allergic to PG and thus vape only 100%VG. I don't know what other allergic reactions folks have reported and whether they even apply to second-hand vapor, so to speak, or only affect the vaper himself. My wife swears up and down that she has an allergic reaction(respiratory) to the vapor, so I don't vape indoors at home when she's anywhere in my vicinity. To be honest, I have had my doubts, but she does have allergic reactions to a lot of stuff, like many perfumes, etc., so I have to give her the benefit of the doubt on this one. So if, and it's a big if, second-hand vapor can affect others around you, to what extent does that factor into the equation.

PG allery is rare enough and, even then, the symptoms are fairly mild, even with relatively high exposure. It's not like being allergic to bee stings or peanuts. A lot of people who vape have varying degrees of tolerance to it, but we (including myself) can use up to about 30% or so. 80% would give me hives and irritate my throat and sinuses.

The amount that makes it out of you and into your vapor to be subsequently inhaled by someone so allergic it causes problems for them is, well.... remote to nil. If that was a realistic scenario, you can bet your lunch that the antis would be shouting it from the rooftops. Hospitals use it in their ventilation systems. I'm quite sure they don't shut them down when that one in 20 million person is in the building. It's also in thousands of food and cosmetic products. The concentration in your vapor is minute. You stand a far greater chance of causing an allergic reaction in someone with your aftershave or deodorant.

People who have allergies so severe that secondhand PG would cause them a problem are seriously ill and really shouldn't be out in public. You cannot live your life catering to the million to one longshot that you'll encounter one of the absolute sickest people on the planet.

This report will give you an idea of what is in a typical cartridge. Pages 5 and 21 are of particular interest. From what I can tell, the concentrations you would receive, as a vaper, is about 1% of what is recognized as the amount causing no observable effect in an adult. What you exhale is even less.
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