Is It Harder For You To Vape in the Winter?

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Dec 28, 2010
Eastern WA
I have been vaping a little over 1 year. And was wondering if some people find it harder to take a drag off their pv in the winter as opposed to warmer weather. It seems strange. But I have a harder time. It feels like my cartos are failing. Then by the end of the day, my cheeks are sore from over pulling the e cig. But I just turn my Provari up or have to use a lr carto. Of course this drains the batteries faster. Cannot use my egos or other pvs, unless I use a lr atty/carto on them. Just wanted to know if I was the only one? My house it kinda cold, too expensive to heat a large house to 70 in the winter. It is probable about 66 to 68 in most areas of my house. And forget vaping outside in the 22 degree or lower temps. :)


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Oct 2, 2011
yes; especially when i was using ce2's the cold weather, wind, and snow. we've seen a couple weeks of -4F/-20C weather already and it inspired a pretty weak vape. we're back to a solid 23F/-5C with minimum wind so it's been a lot easier to vape outside. i'm dreading the part of this coming year where the temperature manages to reach that magical point where fahrenheit and celsius read the same: -30. :(
i use ego batteries and they definitely needed charging more frequently in the crappier weather.


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Florida Suncoast
Is It Harder For You To Vape in the Winter?




Senior Member
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Dec 28, 2010
Eastern WA
Wow, I did not know that vg did not wick well in the winter. But it makes perfect sense, because it is so thick. I just enjoy the clouds of vapor it produces. :) That is one thing that really has helped in quitting the cancer sticks. Wish we were where it was warm too. Thanks for the input, guys and gals!:toast:
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