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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 12, 2010
congrats on your time in... i believe you have that nasty habit kicked

Indeed... my quit date is the same as my "joined forum" date to the left. Although I still have some cigarettes in a lockbox under my bed...

The Christmas before we started vaping, they had just discontinued my brand of cigarettes - Camel Turkish Gold 100s - and my guy went around to all the convenience stores buying up the last packs they had, as a Christmas present for me. I was smoking rollies at that point anyway, so I put them away to save for special occasions.

A month later, my cousin bought a Blu, and I was intrigued. A month after that, we bought our own ecigs, and switched cold turkey. Never went back, but still had those packs of cigarettes left under the bed. So last year, we went to a three-day festival in May, happening the same time as that supposed "doomsday" predication. I took a pack of those smokes with me, because who wants doomsday to come and not have a smoke to light up, right?

Over three days I smoked maybe 3/4 of that pack (gave some away). And I got SOOOO sick. Coughing and wheezing and chest pain and everything. So I suppose I've cheated, but it was an isolated incident, and it was in service of THE END OF THE WORLD lol. I'll never do it again!
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