Introducing Ms T's New Awesome "Success" Signature Banner!!!

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Tempus Fugit

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ECF Veteran
Dec 22, 2009
Mos Eisley, Tatooine, Outer Rim
Need a new way to proclaim to the world AND remind yourself about your success with vaping? Our friend Roi Ceren was kind enough to create a functional work of art for us. Ms T's new FREE banner will automatically track your progress on how you have benefited from switching over to vaping! Just go to our website and click on the “Ms T's Success Banner” link in the link bar above our logo to set up your banner in no time. Simply enter the information it asks for which will create the banner, and then follow the instructions about how to insert the BBCode into your forum signature line. It is super easy. You can even pick one of Ms T's flavors as your favorite if you want. More flavors may be added to the list, especially if we get requests. When I made my banner I couldn't believe the results and how much good I have done myself since I switched to vaping!! You can see what it looks like in my signature line below. Get yours! It's a great free way to remind you and others of the vast benefits of vaping!!

Ms T's Bakery


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2012
Sacramento CA
Very nice work. Big props to Roi and anyone else involved.

I don't have a favorite flavor - I like them all :). Is it possible to have 'I Love Ms. T's e-juices' printed in yellow at the bottom of the banner for those of us who choose to leave the flavor option blank? No mention of Ms. T appears if a flavor option is not choosen.
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Tempus Fugit

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 22, 2009
Mos Eisley, Tatooine, Outer Rim
Very nice work. Big props to Roi and anyone else involved.

I don't have a favorite flavor - I like them all :). Is it possible to have 'I Love Ms. T's e-juices' printed in yellow at the bottom of the banner for those of us who choose to leave the flavor option blank? No mention of Ms. T appears if a flavor option is not choosen.

If you look at Brandon's signature banner compared to mine, you'll see what I'm talking about.

If it can't be changed, no big deal, I'll still wave the banner proudly.

Great suggestion. I have noted it to discuss with T. Thanks!

Ms T's Bakery


Senior Member
Verified Member
Apr 3, 2011
Love my new signature banner!!

I actually quit smoking analog cigarettes on Oct. 1, 2002. I began vaping in February 2011 to try to lose weight 'cause I was eating all the time 'cause even after almost 10 years I still "wanted" a cigarette.....especially after eating :)

Now I get to simulate smoking and get great taste without the health risks....the best of both worlds!


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Apr 9, 2012
Athens, GA, US
Hey guys, Roi here, just want to show my face so you can direct any ideas you have for the banner in the right direction. I just finished adding a much easier way to add liquid flavors to the system. You may notice, for some of you, that your banners will read incorrectly by the end of this, so, if you notice that, just go back to the banner creation site and remake it. I'm super sorry for the inconvenience! I just wanted to add more and more features for you great folks!

Keep an eye out for new backgrounds and colors, coming soon! Also, many new features beyond this may soon be available for all you Ms. T's fans. That lady is filled with amazing ideas!


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Aug 9, 2011
chicago suburb
Alright, guys, the update many folks wanted is here! Just go right back to where you originally grabbed the signature from (Ms T's Bakery Essentials, click on the Success Banner link on the top menu) and make your even-more-customizable banner! I hope you enjoy!

Thank you so much!! =]


Senior Member
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Apr 9, 2012
Athens, GA, US
I see the issue, sooner. It seems you misunderstood the instructions on the banner page (sorry about being confusing!). Let me describe more concisely how you have to use the image.

You used the "Upload Image" feature on the signature page, which is not correct. You need to take the "BBCode" text that it gave you and put that directly in the signature box. You do not use the upload image feature.

Essentially, you take the content of the text box below the "image preview". You paste it directly into the "Edit Signature" text box. You then click "Save Signature". That will take care of your problem. :)
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