Introducing GotVapes Supplier's Associate - Briar

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 27, 2011
Austin, TX
Do I need to call you Miss Briar now? lol

Giggle. I'm thinking Lady Briar.....kinda goes with Lord Davon......

Anyhoo, I'm really happy to read this. Conrats Briar. I echo what everyone else said, and especially want to stress how patient and helpful you've been in the Gotvapes For Dummies thread. Thanks so much.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2009
A fool on the hill in Deposit, NY
Well, since someone suggested "Lady Briar" (phrrrt - gasp - NOT):

Milords and Ladies - it is with a glad and grateful heart that I give you my thanks and sing you paeans (peaens?.. nah, paeans) of praise an exaltation! Indeed, the yellow conspiracy is done and the joy of yellow color has returned to our tubular world (not so tubular anymore)! And thou, Sir Daniel, and thou, Sir Christopher, shall bow to the will of thy people, and, being gracious and just and kindly rulers (buttering up never hurts!), shall bring about the joyful presence of yellow (and purple and green, and... and...) upon our exalted life-giving tools (not those tools, oh ye of dirty minds), that the gloom and martial similitude of black and steel shall be replaced with the joy of the color of life-giving sunshine! And I, your faithful servant, shall go forth amongst thy people and proclaim your law and your goodness (sucking up, sucking up) to every ear upon this land (well, more like virtual ear, and virtual land).

See - it's waaaaay late, and I can dispense highbrow drivel just as well as any bad romance novel! I could answer tickets that way, but then I'll get fired, and I like it here. :p

Seriously, guys, you make me blush. :blush:

Thanks. :)
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