Installing the upgrade kit

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Aug 14, 2014
Cologne, GER
After more than 2 years of happy vaping my black Grand with 306 vaporizers, I thought it might be time for a change.
I ordered an RM2, upgrade kits, spare springs, Samsung 25R batteries and pure VG juice. During the upgrade installation, it took some time to take the old 510 apart, but other than that, the upgrade went smoothly. I enjoyed building my first .9 coil for the RM2 and the new vape experience was really outstanding.
That is, until the next morning, when I found the Reo swimming in a puddle of juice. Everything looked ok, so I tightened the screw between 510/feed tube a little more.
A few days later, I noticed yesterday, that I somehow managed to destroy (widened) the little white washer around the 510 center screw (the thing needed to hold the sealing ring in place). What the heck did I do wrong ? During upgrade installation, I had tightened the screw very easy to avoid seal destruction. After some juice leakage, I tightened a little more. Now it looks, as if that little bit was a little to much. I have got the feeling, that the required screwdriver pressure to turn the screw was already enough to ruin the washer.
Has anyone else had this problem or is it just me doing something wrong ? :confused:
Before improvising, does anyone have an idea on how to replace that little white plastic washer ?


Senior Member
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Aug 14, 2014
Cologne, GER
That sounds like good news. No stress at the moment. I fortunately had ordered two upgrade kits and had a spare washer. You should have seen me sweating during the second Installation, just having one Reo to work with. I'll see tomorrow, if it leaks again...
The incident got me thinking though. I have been over-confident with my Reo (I mean, 2+ years using a single vaping device and still waiting for the first problem). I don't like the possibility, that a smal plastic washer may force me to reactivate my old hardware.
Thus I ordered a shiny new Silver Vein LP Grand today. I will investigate further, after the backup arrives here.


MKUltra Member
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Aug 23, 2013
Gabriola Island, Canada
I pooched one of the (teflon?) gaskets installing an upgrade kit myself, so you're hardly alone, caup. I also tried to place a new rubber insert... without having removed the old one (hey, they're tiny and I may or may not have had some wine prior to steady my nerves).

Sooo glad I had a redundant connector and pieces.
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