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Here is a copy of the e-mail I sent to all my customers. I post it here for those who didn't received it, and for those who plan on doing business with us. We want to be as fair as possible with you, so please read the following. The first part is in French so just scroll down to the part in English. I left this part in there for everyone to truly understand.

Thank you all!

Important English message follow the text in French.

À chacun de vous ayant placé une commande chez je vous en remercie.

Nous tentons de nous positionner et devenir une référence dans la vente de cigarettes électroniques d’accessoires et de e-liquide à l’échelle nationale.

Pour ceux qui ne le sauraient pas, depuis quelques semaines plusieurs (près d’une douzaine) de fournisseur se sont vus contraint d’abandonner la vente et la distribution de ces produits suite à des menaces incessantes de Santé Canada de leurs faires perdre tout ce qu’ils ont. Santé Canada a entreprit de nous faire disparaitre de la surface du globe sous le seul prétexte qu’ils ne peuvent déterminé hors de tout doute que la cigarette électronique ne présente aucun risque, sachant même que les études démontrent qu’elle ne contient aucun des 400 cancérigènes et des 4000+ produits toxiques présent dans la cigarette. Autrement dit, ils nous disent, “N’utiliser pas la cigarette électronique, nous ne sommes pas sûr à 100% de sont innocuité, continuer à fumer la cigarette régulière...elle au moins on la connait (on le sait qu’elle vous tuera.)”.

Nous connaissons actuellement un succès inespéré, et de surcroit, une peine de plus en plus croissante d’obtenir nos produits de nos fournisseurs, soit qu’ils disparaissent un à un ou comme nous, subissent les peines de s’approvisionner.

Je tiens à vous dire que nous continuerons d’exister, de nous imposer et de se faire connaitre. Nous ne voulons pas être marginalisés et être relégués au rang de produits illicites, la cigarette électronique est un produit extraordinaire et révolutionnaire pour tous les fumeurs qui se battent pour se détacher de cette dépendance depuis des siècles.

Les témoignages et les études démontrent hors de tout doute son efficacité et OUI nous seront connu et reconnu.

Au cours des semaines à suivre nous intenterons des procédures, conjointement avec d’autre fournisseurs et distributeurs, nous n’avons pas encore établi exactement l’agenda, mais il y aura de l’action.

Nous vous avisons que les commandes placées chez nous seront toute respectées, avec malheureusement quelques délais supplémentaires, mais elles seront toutes et toujours respectées. Nous espérons votre compréhension et votre support.

Merci mille fois...

First of all I want to personally thank every one of you who ordered from We aim to establish a relationship of trust and become a reference in the electronic cigarette market at selling e-cig, e-liquids and accessories and this throughout the country.

For those of you who didn’t know, since a couple of week Health Canada has managed to have several e-cig vendors and distributors to close their door or to stop doing business in e-cig market. Health Canada has taken the journey to have all e-cig related business to be wiped from the face of the planet, with the only pretext that they can’t be sure that electronic cigarettes are 100% safe, even knowing that they don’t contain any of the 400 carcinogens nor the 4000+ known toxic chemicals found in the regular cigarette. What they are really saying is “Don’t use the electronic cigarettes, we aren’t sure its 100% safe, but keep smoking regular cigarette, at least we know everything about it (even that this one kill you)”.

We are having a great success, a success that wasn’t that expected plus we are struggling at getting supplies from our suppliers, whether they are closing one at a time or they also struggler at getting they stuff in the country.

I want to reassure you that we will keep on going, we’ll fight and win. We don’t want to be marginalized and be put into the “illicit” class. Electronic cigarettes are an extraordinary and a revolution for smokers who fought for years to get rid of their addiction. The testimonies and studies show without a doubt the effectiveness of e-cigs. We want everyone to find out about it, and we will.

In the coming weeks we will intend procedures, in conjunction with other suppliers and vendors from all across the country. The Agenda is not yet done but believe me you will see some Action.

We want you to be inform that all your orders will be taken cared of but you will see and experience some delay into the processing thou. But rest assured that we will respect ALL. We ask for you support and comprehension.

Truly, THANK you all

Sylvain Longpré, président






Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2010
Vancouver BC
May I ask you, and any other Canadian vendors, whether you want your business promoted through links to your site, or would you rather not have attention drawn at this time?

There seems to be some differences of opinion in another thread about whether a list of Canadian vendors should be floating around or not. I guess the thinking is "why make it easier for HealthCanada" to find you, though I imagine your business exists to be found and will go out of business if it's not!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 14, 2011
May I ask you, and any other Canadian vendors, whether you want your business promoted through links to your site, or would you rather not have attention drawn at this time?

There seems to be some differences of opinion in another thread about whether a list of Canadian vendors should be floating around or not. I guess the thinking is "why make it easier for HealthCanada" to find you, though I imagine your business exists to be found and will go out of business if it's not!

I too am curious about your opinion on the matter.
Either way, I 100% respect your decision to keep fighting and stay out of the shadows. I will be making a juice order in the near future.
I didn't have time yet to translate the educational part of my website. I'm working on it and I have to have it double check for grammar. Just like AllYourBase said, the store part if in both French and English.

About the question of having our website linked from other website, or doing any kind of reference to our website, well I don't see anything bad to it. I've been thinking on this matter for a while, I've been kind of "low profile" for the past weeks but as many are saying, they (HC) sure know about me anyway. And if I hide, well they win...
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