Importance of mods/batteries vs Toppers. Do we have it wrong?

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Mar 12, 2012
Cancun MX
It seems we spend all our time (effort and sometimes money) talking, researching, thinking, and some times debating about what mod we should get in order to reach vaping "nirvana".
Most of the posts from people wanting a better vape, are centered on what mod should they get, while most topics of people not having a satisfactory vape, or having problems such as burnt taste, poor vapor, crappy flavor, leaking, etc could be solved with a better topper. see the pattern here?

I see some (thankfully not many) heated and sometimes even plain insulting and idiotic debates of "my X mod is the only way and everything else sucks!".
But i barely ever see one of these "passionate" arguments over a topper.

Its as if we think the topper is just an "accesory" of little importance that will have little impact in the overall vaping experience.

Maybe im wrong, but i think the topper the single most important part in our PVs, and what will really determine how good & trouble free our experience will be.

Shure, the mod is important, but its only a power supply, a battery. And as long as it does what it supposed to, wich is basically provide a steady supply of X.X volts, its done! there is nothing else it can do for us!
On the other hand, the thing that actually transforms that liquid into vapor, what will provide or contaminate the flavor and vapor, is our topper.

Here´s a simple experiment for you:
1.- Take whatever you consider to be the best, most sofisticated kick-... mod you have or can get. put a CE4 or a protank on it. EDIT: Or whatever topper you do not like

2.- Take what to you is the cheapest, crappiest mod you can get. Any mod, as long as it provides the desired voltage, and put something like a Kayfun, a Taifun, or even an RDA on it. EDIT: Or whatever topper you DO like.

3.- Vape them both.

Im willing to bet, that you will get a far better vape from the second one. "better" as in richer, more pure flavor, more vapor, fewer problems.

Dont you think we might be focusing on the wrong part of our PVs?

EDIT: To avoid confusion, this is NOT a kayfun vs protank post. Its about topper vs mod.
Please replace protank, ce4 for whatever topper you did NOT like, and kayfun RDA and taifun with whatever topper you do like.
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Nov 2, 2012
I responded to someones thread saying they were getting a poor vape and thought they needed a mod that they really need to evaluate their topper. Im 100% with you. I have found the right topper can even be found to make a 510 cigalike usable by me when my other devices are too obvious or bulky to bring out, such as kayaking and biking. (If you must know its the Kanger esmart clearo)


Vaping Master
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Nov 18, 2013
New York, NY
I agree somewhat. I certainly spend more money and time on my toppers then the mod I'm using. However, some claim they can taste the difference between a 33 hz chip in a cheap mod and the smoother power output of a Provari. It's smoother yet with an unregulated mech mod. As for myself, my MVP hits far better then my ego style VV, even with the same toppers and the two supposedly set at the same voltage. I haven't tried anything better then an MVP though, so I don't know if I'd get a better hit with say, a Provari.


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Mar 12, 2012
Cancun MX
Good post. I have to fall into the category that says your vape is only as good as the weakest link. Bad wick, bad coil, bad mod, bad juice, will ruin even the best setup.
I couldnt agree with you more. And thats exactly why i think toppers are the most important thing.

Think of the "responsabilities" of our mods.
1.- Provide steady voltage for as long as possible (as long as possible being solvable by carrying extra batteries).
2.- There is no N° 2

In contrast, our toppers need to:
1.- Provide enough heat to convert the juice into vapor, but not so much that it will deteriorate its taste
2.- Feed enough juice to the coil so it wont taste dry or burned, but not so much that it will flood
3.- Respect (Not contaminate) the flavor due to fillers, wicks, etc.
4.- Give that vapor the desired temperature
5.- Keep the liquid inside (dont leak)
6.- Keep the ammount of flavor intact (dont mute it)
7.- i could go on and on.

It seems obvious to me, that the part more likely to become the "weakest link", (and therefore needs most of our attention) is the topper.


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Mar 12, 2012
Cancun MX
I agree totally, but would also add the e-liquid as being MUCH more important than the battery.

The battery is a very distant third-place. (Unless it's a Provari, please don't put the curse on me oh Mighty Provarinatti!!! ;-)

(That thing about the Provarinatti is just a joke! I swear!)
Yes, i agree completely! the best mod + topper will be only as good as the juice you put in it.
The reason i dint mentioned in the original post, is because i think how "good" or "bad" an eliquid is, is 100% dependant on the person using it.
In other words, X juice i might find delicious, and to others it will be discusting. And viceversa.


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Oct 8, 2013
Milledgeville, GA
It seems we spend all our time (effort and sometimes money) talking, researching, thinking, and some times debating about what Mod we should get in order to reach vaping "nirvana".
Most of the posts from people wanting a better vape, are centered on what mod should they get, while most topics of people not having a satisfactory vape, or having problems such as burnt taste, poor vapor, crappy flavor, leaking, etc could be solved with a better topper. see the pattern here?

I see some (thankfully not many) heated and sometimes even plain insulting and idiotic debates of "my X mod is the only way and everything else sucks!".
But i barely ever see one of these "passionate" arguments over a topper.

Its as if we think the topper is just an "accesory" of little importance that will have little impact in the overall vaping experience.

Maybe im wrong, but i think the topper the single most important part in our PVs, and what will really determine how good & trouble free our experience will be.

Shure, the mod is important, but its only a power supply, a battery. And as long as it does what it supposed to, wich is basically provide a steady supply of X.X volts, its done! there is nothing else it can do for us!
On the other hand, the thing that actually transforms that liquid into vapor, what will provide or contaminate the flavor and vapor, is our topper.

Here´s a simple experiment for you:
1.- Take whatever you consider to be the best, most sofisticated kick-... mod you have or can get. put a CE4 or a protank on it.

2.- Take what to you is the cheapest, crappiest mod you can get. Any mod, as long as it provides the desired voltage, and put something like a Kayfun, a Taifun, or even an RDA on it.

3.- Vape them both.

Im willing to bet, that you will get a far better vape from the second one. "better" as in richer, more pure flavor, more vapor, fewer problems.

Dont you think we might be focusing on the wrong part of our PVs?

Ehhh... your opinion maybe. I prefer my Protanks and Aerotanks over my KFL+ or my Pulse G. Don't just assume that because you don't like them that everyone else should feel the same. You just lost that bet.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk


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Mar 12, 2012
Cancun MX
Ehhh... your opinion maybe. I prefer my Protanks and Aerotanks over my KFL+ or my Pulse G. Don't just assume that because you don't like them that everyone else should feel the same. You just lost that bet.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
And you lost the point :)
I mentioned protanks, ce4s, kayfuns an such, as mere examples. Its great you like your protanks!
You can read the Original post and replace protanks & ce4s with [whatever topper that dint work for you] and kayfuns and taifuns with [whatever topper you do like]

...And yes, of course its only my opinion
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Mar 22, 2013
It's a complete package and subjective to the individual user. For me a reo grand with a rm2 or cyclone at .8 ohms is glorious and indestructible. Used an ego with a protank and a vamo with gennies and wasn't satisfied with any of that but once I got the reo with the rm2 I knew I found what I wanted. Throw in high quality juice and I'm a year smoke free. I've also converted 7 people with the reo and working on my 8th.

That being said I'm patiently waiting on my DNA30 board to show up and my Russian 91%

So me personally I think it's more about finding what wattage vape satisfies you and keeps you off the analogs than what mod/topper you're using to achieve that goal.


Vaping Master
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Apr 28, 2011
Ehhh... your opinion maybe. I prefer my Protanks and Aerotanks over my KFL+ or my Pulse G. Don't just assume that because you don't like them that everyone else should feel the same. You just lost that bet.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk


I think you might have missed the point. Benzin wasn't saying "these heads are the best". He was saying "The head you choose is more important than the battery". And I think you might have proved his point, since you are so loyal to the Protanks and Aerotanks, and didn't even mention which Provari you use them on.


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Yep; the topper is the most important part especially for people just starting out.

The very same liquid when in a
- carto with polyfill
- topcoil clearo with silica wick
- bottom coil clearo with silica wick
- clearo with cotton wick
- genisis with steel mesh wick

tastes completely different.

Actually there is 1 thing though: for people who are after high nicotine strength, the topper might play less role than the power source.


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Mar 12, 2012
Cancun MX
hey I like my protank2's retrofitted with areo bases (and cotton wicks)and Nautilus on my Provari's almost as well as my Z=atty pro
Again, i wasnt trying to say protanks suck, and kayfuns rule. I meant toppers make more of a diference that mods.
Im editing the original post to clarify

Ca Ike

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Jan 20, 2014
Your completely right that the topper is #1 but having played around I put the mod on an equal level with the juice. I've gone from egos to ego twists to an evic using protanks and protank minis as well as a carto tank and I can honestly say there is a noticeable difference in the vape between the egos and the evic on those toppers. Flavor and vape amount is actually better on the evic and I think that has to do with the more consistent power output. Measuring with an IR thermometer on a kanger 2.2 coil doing 4 sec pulses I find the heat output to be more even on the evic where on the egos the heat drops and spikes a lot more.


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Sep 7, 2012
Sweet Home, Oregon USA
Unless we build our own coils ( visit the threads that go there) we are at the mercy of the toppers we can buy ready made. I agree it's more important than what powers it. Unless you do strictly mechanical, then there are some high end mechanicals that never give you any grief. Well so I've read. I've only got one real high end mechanical and so far in 2 months zero complaints. Liberating. Cannot say the same about my dozen or more different toppers!!!
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