I'm abusing my kids?

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Vaping Master
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Nov 18, 2013
New York, NY
Sigh... The ANTZ strikes again. This time, in my own family. My sister in law (my husband's, brother in law's sister) is a social worker and must have drunk a gallon of the Kool Aide the Antz have been serving. As such, she took it upon herself to inform me at a family event that I abusing my children and putting them in danger by keeping e-liquids in the house. This, as she smoked a cigarette at a party with kids running everywhere. Not to mention, the lighter and pack of cigs she kept on the table in front of her, within full view and reach of every child there. My mod was in my hands, as it always is, and I didn't bring bottles of liquid. :glare: In the interest of not having an all out argument over the dinner table, I told her I was aware that e-liquid should be swallowed, and kept it out of reach of my children. We keep it where we keep prescriptions and over the counter drugs. I figured she'd back off if she knew I was taking the proper precaution that any parent with two brain cells to rub together would. I was wrong.

She continued on and on, giving me every story she heard of some parent, somewhere, letting their kids drink e-liquid. The longer she went on, the louder she got. Soon enough, every single family member was listening in, as she used these stories to blast MY parenting skills. Apparently, I'm now responsible for every mistake any parent, anywhere, has ever made with regards to e-liquid and children. I'm not sure how this came to be. First, many of these "true" (I have my doubts) stories are regarding parents who were obviously already under investigation by CPS for other things. I somehow doubt that these parents are truly representative of all the responsible parents out there. Second, there are a slew of other "dangerous" things within ANY household a parent should keep their children away from. Household cleaners, electrical outlets, kitchen knives, pharmaceutical drugs, even plastic shopping bags to name just a fraction of them.

I pointed all of this out to her. I pointed out that my son has lived to 8 without ingesting anything he shouldn't, and I doubt he'd start now. Considering my success with him, I'm fully confident of my ability to continue to keep my soon to be 3 yr old daughter from ingesting anything SHE shouldn't as well. My kids are very obviously NOT being abused in any way, shape or form, nor are they not being neglected. They are well fed, clean (as clean as one can keep an active toddler anyway), relatively uninjured (do people count scraped knees as neglect these days?), receive proper medical attention when needed and go for regular check up appointments. She knows all of this and she knows us very well. We always got along previous to this. She knows I'm not the kind of parent I'm sure she deals with at work all day!

It essentially ended with her stating that a lot of parents don't know to keep vape related things away from their kids, and it's making for a dangerous situation. As though parents like my husband and myself were responsible for other families? She also mentioned the one death that has been tied to e-liquid. I filled her in on the part of the story that the media tends to leave out. That it was an intentional suicide where the person injected themselves with e-liquid. Something I doubt my 8 year old and 2 year old would do. Also filled her in on the fact that many of her stats were based on pure liquid nicotine. Not the e-liquid most vape with only 24 to 36 mg at the highest, vapeable levels. No comments from other family members, who were listening in thankfully. It really saddens me that she's a social worker, working for the state.... Sorry for the rant.


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 24, 2014
Sigh... The ANTZ strikes again.
It really saddens me that she's a social worker, working for the state.... Sorry for the rant.

It just goes to show you that social workers are a far worse social problem than any they ostensibly fight. To even WANT to be a social worker is a sign of a busybody mentality just itching to boss other people around. I hate to say it, but if I'd been in that situation, I'd have grabbed my kids and departed, after having a word with the host/hostess that as long as that person was welcome, I wouldn't be back. I just can't abide busybodies.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 20, 2014
Rome, NY, USA
*sigh* That there is some weapons grade stupid. Sorry to hear that. It seems that for some people when you are a hammer, every problem looks like a nail, IYKWIM. I am inclined to just ignore such people, but I would be hard pressed not to ask her how her children will be effected when she dies from a smoking related disease.


Super Member
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May 23, 2014
Palmyra, PA
Really? I love those types of people. I find parents that are informed and care for their children keep their e-liquids out of their reach, as any good parent should. I would inform her there the poison control center was setup a lot time before e-liquids came on the scene and due to parents letting products like Drano and Bleach within reach of toddlers. More kids have died from those chemicals in one year then any e-liquid.

So parents that keep Drano, bleech... etc in the house out of harms way endangering their kids? What about if it is reach of the kid? Just stupidity running rampid and ignorance at it's best. People no longer look at the bigger picture and are hypocritical. People need to step back and look at their own lives and family before they open their mouths and speak out against vaping or e-liquids.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 8, 2013
Farmington, NM USA
To even WANT to be a social worker is a sign of a busybody mentality just itching to boss other people around.

There just have to be exceptions to the AndriaD rule, but they are few and far between. I have been involved with several as a part of being a court appointed guardian and quickly learned these people need to be favorably impressed. Not only that, I've never gotten away from the feeling that I am being guided in the selection of residential facilities, and so forth. I'm not aware of any 'referral fees' involved, but the thought has crossed my mind more than once.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
Her final statment says a lot about her. Parrents don't know how to keep vape gear away from their children? DO they know how to keep other dangerous things away from their children?

She sounds like a dimwit.I agree with Andria about most social workers. No offense to those few social workers who actually do a good job. I live in Florida so I think most will understand why I agree with Andria.
Social workers here do not have the best track record.

Anywho back to OP's topic...
It seems to me that she was defensive and went on the attack because you are now vaping and able to give up cigs as she was sitting there puffing away around all of the children.
It is just so clear here that her rant stemmed from her own issues and none based on reality. Her only defense was to attack the danger of e-liquids.
You should have asked her how safe her cigs are if a child gets ahold of them and chews on them.

She is an idiot and I would view her opinion with the knowledge that she is an idiot in my mind :)


Senior Member
May 6, 2014
Sigh... The ANTZ strikes again. This time, in my own family. My sister in law (my husband's, brother in law's sister) is a social worker and must have drunk a gallon of the Kool Aide the Antz have been serving. As such, she took it upon herself to inform me at a family event that I abusing my children and putting them in danger by keeping e-liquids in the house. This, as she smoked a cigarette at a party with kids running everywhere. Not to mention, the lighter and pack of cigs she kept on the table in front of her, within full view and reach of every child there. My mod was in my hands, as it always is, and I didn't bring bottles of liquid. :glare: In the interest of not having an all out argument over the dinner table, I told her I was aware that e-liquid should be swallowed, and kept it out of reach of my children. We keep it where we keep prescriptions and over the counter drugs. I figured she'd back off if she knew I was taking the proper precaution that any parent with two brain cells to rub together would. I was wrong.

She continued on and on, giving me every story she heard of some parent, somewhere, letting their kids drink e-liquid. The longer she went on, the louder she got. Soon enough, every single family member was listening in, as she used these stories to blast MY parenting skills. Apparently, I'm now responsible for every mistake any parent, anywhere, has ever made with regards to e-liquid and children. I'm not sure how this came to be. First, many of these "true" (I have my doubts) stories are regarding parents who were obviously already under investigation by CPS for other things. I somehow doubt that these parents are truly representative of all the responsible parents out there. Second, there are a slew of other "dangerous" things within ANY household a parent should keep their children away from. Household cleaners, electrical outlets, kitchen knives, pharmaceutical drugs, even plastic shopping bags to name just a fraction of them.

I pointed all of this out to her. I pointed out that my son has lived to 8 without ingesting anything he shouldn't, and I doubt he'd start now. Considering my success with him, I'm fully confident of my ability to continue to keep my soon to be 3 yr old daughter from ingesting anything SHE shouldn't as well. My kids are very obviously NOT being abused in any way, shape or form, nor are they not being neglected. They are well fed, clean (as clean as one can keep an active toddler anyway), relatively uninjured (do people count scraped knees as neglect these days?), receive proper medical attention when needed and go for regular check up appointments. She knows all of this and she knows us very well. We always got along previous to this. She knows I'm not the kind of parent I'm sure she deals with at work all day!

It essentially ended with her stating that a lot of parents don't know to keep vape related things away from their kids, and it's making for a dangerous situation. As though parents like my husband and myself were responsible for other families? She also mentioned the one death that has been tied to e-liquid. I filled her in on the part of the story that the media tends to leave out. That it was an intentional suicide where the person injected themselves with e-liquid. Something I doubt my 8 year old and 2 year old would do. Also filled her in on the fact that many of her stats were based on pure liquid nicotine. Not the e-liquid most vape with only 24 to 36 mg at the highest, vapeable levels. No comments from other family members, who were listening in thankfully. It really saddens me that she's a social worker, working for the state.... Sorry for the rant.

As an Uncle , I love all my nephews and nieces but I will never give myself the right to approach 1 of their parents and criticize them on anything related to their own kids , Regardless of vaping this is a disgusting and disrespectful behavior that she should be ashamed of .

Yeah vaping is for adults only and shouldn't be experienced by kids but so is Alcohol , yet kids see adults drink every once in a while and don't forget all the movies they are exposed to .
by the way Tell her to stop having sex , she puts her kids in danger because they might hear her and her husband :D


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 1, 2014
Hiding up a tree
... there are a slew of other "dangerous" things within ANY household a parent should keep their children away from. Household cleaners, electrical outlets, kitchen knives, pharmaceutical drugs, even plastic shopping bags to name just a fraction of them.

None of these to my recollection smell delicious...

Anyway, joking aside, you did well to keep your cool in the presence of such an antagonistic ignoramus.

There have been a lot of cases of children overdosing on nicotine (around 50% of the nicotine poisoning cases involve the under 5s*), but she should know you well enough to know that you are taking every precaution to keep your kids away from your supply. You sound like an intelligent, thoughtful woman, certainly not the uncaring, abusive figure that she is trying to paint you out to be.

It sounds like a real shame that she is attacking you over your vaping, maybe it stems from her own failings in the cigarette quitting realm.

*Source New CDC study finds dramatic increase in e-cigarette-related calls to poison centers | Press Release | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 18, 2013
New York, NY
It just goes to show you that social workers are a far worse social problem than any they ostensibly fight. To even WANT to be a social worker is a sign of a busybody mentality just itching to boss other people around. I hate to say it, but if I'd been in that situation, I'd have grabbed my kids and departed, after having a word with the host/hostess that as long as that person was welcome, I wouldn't be back. I just can't abide busybodies.


It was my nephew's b-day party, and I didn't want to ruin it by taking my kids home with me. It was his day, not hers, or mine. Plus, why give her the satisfaction of my leaving? I would have also had to bring my mother in law home with me. I drove her there because her eyesight is going. I didn't think she was worth ruining so many people's days for.


I'm considered a Mad Scientist in some circles!
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Oct 21, 2012
San Antonio, Texas
Why is it that we can keep, one or more, 3.5 oz tubes of Proven Deadly Poison sitting on our bathroom sinks, normally very pleasant tasting stuff too, In Reach and forced use of on our children, and no one bats an eye.. Yet a 1 oz bottle of eliquid, that rarely tastes as good as it smells and Burns when tasted, up on a shelf and out of the way or even not in sight, sends these same people screaming murder?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
Tinkiegrrl, I agree with you about no ruining every ones day. However, I would have shut her down and humilated her about her own cigarette use.

I sooo really wish someone would start on me the way some here on the forum have described happening to them. Because I really do live for moments to tell someone off who desparately needs it :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 18, 2013
New York, NY
*sigh* That there is some weapons grade stupid. Sorry to hear that. It seems that for some people when you are a hammer, every problem looks like a nail, IYKWIM. I am inclined to just ignore such people, but I would be hard pressed not to ask her how her children will be effected when she dies from a smoking related disease.

She doesn't have any. She advises parents on how to raise their children for a living, and she does not have any herself. She gets paid by the government to do this. It's truly frightening.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 18, 2013
New York, NY
There just have to be exceptions to the AndriaD rule, but they are few and far between. I have been involved with several as a part of being a court appointed guardian and quickly learned these people need to be favorably impressed. Not only that, I've never gotten away from the feeling that I am being guided in the selection of residential facilities, and so forth. I'm not aware of any 'referral fees' involved, but the thought has crossed my mind more than once.

Fostering and adoption is big business, with plenty of money being exchanged. Or so Law and Order had us believe...
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