I'll start. 18 days so far for me

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Jan 26, 2009
I'm 38 and been smoking more than half my life. I started playing with it when I was 13, and by the time I was 17, I was a full pack a day smoker. I really enjoy smoking. It's like a meditative experience for me. I never thought I'd want to put them down. Over the last couple of years I started feeling it affecting my health. I'm very competitive and couldn't believe that I'd have to slow down to "catch my breath". I'm also a control freak, so being that I enjoyed this so much and never thought I wouldn't want to partake....I never thought I'd have a problem putting down the analogs. I mean I'm in control, right....so if I decided I don't want to do it any longer, I'll just quit. Boy was my world rocked. I'd lie in bed at night and think, tomorrow I'll quit. I did that for about 2 yrs. I'd have guilty feelings smoking, but I never tried any other aid. I wasn't just trying to kick the nic, so gums or patches wouldn't cut it. This 901 has been my lifesaver. I could still sit down and smoke a full pack of analogs. I did lite one on day 6 and took a couple of drags (but I quickly ran it under the faucet & threw it out). I'm so jealous of those who say they aren't good after a few days of vaping, because the one I lit was absolutely divine. BUT, I am on day 18 and I couldn't imagine this being possible for me without my e-cig. I made my own little banner. I haven't added it to my signature....but that has been so beneficial for me. I have it bookmarked and check in on it quite often and think I've come so far, I don't want to go back now. I sure hope I can stick with it. There have been a couple days towards the end of the first week that I didn't even vape much, but for the past few days I've been using it like crazy for some reason. Maybe I'm pushing lowering my nic intake to fast.

One other issue I have is that, as I mentioned, I am a control freak and because of that, I would have an ample supply of smokes all the time. Borderline hoarding - because it would wreck me if I happened to forget and run low and think I wasn't going to have enough until the next day. OMG, I would have internal arguments with myself about how silly it was for me to worry about such a minor thing when in only a few hours I could pick up more.....but I still worried and I still stayed ...... at myself for being concerned about it. And most the time I would end up getting dressed and going to the nearest 24hr store which is about a 15 mile drive. SO, I hope I can kick the nic too, because I don't want to go another however many years and find out I can't lay that down either. I don't want anything else to ever have this much control over me.


Full Member
Feb 15, 2009
Bay Area, CA
I like hearing stories like this. I'm in my mid-30s, smoking since my late teens. One of the things I've never cared for is ex-smokers who constantly elaborate on the horrors of smoking. As you correctly identified, it is indeed difficult to deal with the loss of self-control that an addiction entails. On the other hand, I have always embraced both the meditative "alone" experience of smoking as well as the social aspect when I am out. It is simply too easy to cast the entire process aside as evil or purely bad and it is for myself a real source of enjoyment and relaxation. I have yet to receive my dse901 but I look forward to hopefully being able to retain the good (flavor, relaxation, indulgence) and discarding the bad (tar, smell, impediment to breathing).
Thanks again for the post!


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Feb 8, 2009
Illinois, USA
Hi Everyone,

I'm now 36, and started smoking since high school. I tried to quit MANY times (cold turkey, the patch, and gum) I stopped for about a week with the patch but was back to about a pack a day.

I received my 901 on Friday and haven't had an analog since. Hopefully this will be the answer. I've been hiding smoking from my wife, mother and kids. I used to get into terrible fights with my wife over smoking. I'm a diabetic and take 2 shots of Insulin a day and heart complications are very common. I worry for my kids, ages 5 and 7, and can't imagine what would happen to my family if I wasn't around.

My father never smoked and hardly drank. He was a diabetic, and passed away in 2003 at age 59 of severe complication after open heart surgery. Seeing what happened to him scared the s**t out of my, but I still kept smoking.

This has to work, and I NEED to make it work.

Thanks everyone for listening.


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Feb 10, 2009
Austin Tx USA
I'm 38 years old and started smoking Clove originally when I was 18 I've smoked pretty constantly for 20 years save for 3 months in boot camp about 6 months 4 years ago on some medication I can't remember the name of. Made the mistake of starting again tried quitting again about 2 years ago on welbuturin (sp?) made about 3 months after that. Tried Chantix about a year ago mostly quit after that for about 6 months but even with that I'd occasionally have a smoke here and there when I dropped the chantix I started back almost imediately mostly hiding the fact that I'd started again from my wife but eventually when she figured it out I was back off the wagon and up to a pack a day again in no time.

Then about a month ago a guy here at work got one of these I poopooed the idea at first but after he showed it to me I became interested and did some research. I finally talked myself into and recieved my silver pen from puresmoker.com on the 2nd of February. I still had about half a pack left by the time I got the batteries charged. By the end of that week I had one cigarette left in the pack and was primarlily vaping.

I've not had a real cigarette for 2 weeks and frankly I like this thing better than analogs (tastes better).

Being a fairly experienced quitter I find it interesting that I am experiencing some of the typical symptoms of quitting I've noticed that many of the symptoms people have noted in the health forum for the most part are ones I know from quitting in the past.

My wife who is less than 100% thrilled by this (she'd rather I just quit outright) has noted that I no longer smell like smoke and I think is warming up to the idea.

I'm not going to sit here and pretend that it's completely removed the cravings and replaced analogs in all ways but it's definitely taken the edge off and made the process bareble which I think is about the most one can ask for.

I think it's also reduced the amount of candy I intake as well (I have a heck of sweat tooth and tend to pretty constantly chew on hard candies) since I can use this instead with 0 calories ;) .

Overall I'm very happy with the product and the only thing I'd do differently would be to have ordered 2 kits rather than the 1 kit and an extra charger then I'd have had a spare atomizer and 4 batteries to cover possible parts failure.

I had a bit of a scare today since I'd put off buying more liquid in the hopes that I could save some shipping charges by ordering spare parts at the same time but thanks to shipping issues that puresmoker ran into I ran out of my clove juice yesterday and was down to my last 3 cartridges. luckily one of the guys here at work had a spare bottle of Riskee Juice so it's all good for now ;)

I've just about broke even on expenses compared to smoking at this point though I hope to start getting a little ahead now that I'm past the innitial costs of entry (1 starter kit a spare atomizer extra charger and a USB passthru) So assuming I don't burn up an atomizer and battery more than once a month I should start seeing some economic savings. Either way it's cheaper than smoking or Chantix and doesn't cause as many negative side effects of either of those.


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Feb 17, 2009
All you guy got great stories, and I wish each one of you the best in your efforts. I started smoking 1st yr. of college and got hooked on the 1st smoke. I enjoyed smoking. I still enjoy smoking. I quit once after a healing service for my daughter who had severe scoliosis. A healer came up to me and asked what I wanted to be healed from? I said I just wanted my daughter to be healed. He said, no, for you, what do you want to be healed from? I said I wanted to love my daughter enough to quit smoking. Now here's where the wierd part comes in, the man says put your arms around me and I'll put mine around you and put your head on my shoulder... then he prayed. (What is wierd is that on sad, lonely, agonizing days ...I would always say to Jesus, "Oh , Jesus if you could only be here, everything would be all right. You could hold me and I could put my arms around you, putmy head on your shoulder and it would all be ok..." There is no way that healer could have known that. So the healer had to have been acting through Divine guidence. Any rate on the way home the cigarettes and lighter went out the window. I had no cough, no phlem, no missing smoking, no desire to smoke. It had all been taken away from me and I was totally healed.

4 months later my only sister died. I had tried to get God to make a trade and take me and leave her. She had 3 kids, different fathers, non of which were around ... My girls had a strong and wonderful man for a dad. I was tired of living anyway and really wanted to go to his kingdom...

Anyrate, God didn't change his mind and my sister died. That night I found a pack of her cigarettes under 30,000 worth of unpaid bills. I snatched them up when out in her back yard and lit them one after the other. Yep, I threw god's miracle right back in his face.

I made an attempt to quit when my daughter went into the hospital for spinal surgery, but the success didn't last long ... Seeing the hell she had to go through learning to stand up, sit dow, learning to walk again. Yeah, I messed up and couldn't stay off of them.

Now, my X-hubby had a stroke in August and we're back together; I'm his primary caregiver. We spent falland early winter at his house. I smoked only in the attic next to an exhaust fan wrapped in an electric blanket. Got sick from one of those hospital Super Bugs from Thanksgiving to the present, multiple dourses of antibiotics, probiotics, supervitamins...

So, for Christmas my daughter wanted to get me an e-cig, which I had never heard of, I said ok sure beats Dad's 30 degree attic, where I also slept. Well, Christmas came and went and she apparently couldn't find any. So, I checked around and ordered a pen style. Received it about 4 days ago. It's next to nothing on vapor. Waiting for a 2nd order from a different place, a DSE901. I hoping that one will perform better. So, right now I'm on the picket fence. Wanting, really wanting to enjoy these things, yet being fearful of liking them a lot for fear that they, too, could be taken away.


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Feb 22, 2009
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I just turned 38, been smoking at least a pack a day for 26 years. I was diagnosed with cancer a year and a half ago and they suspected it had spread to the lungs, good news was after a couple of invasive surgeries that proved to be negative. My pulmologist had seen one of the cheap e-cigs in a bar and said I should try it, I held off thinking he was nuts and NO WAY would that help, eventually I figured what the heck and I've been hooked on e-cigs for about 2 months now.


New Member
Mar 1, 2009
I love how the topic of this forum is quitting nicotine, yet all of these posts are subsequent claims to have quit smoking by using electronic cigarettes as a smoking cessation. It's a funny concept, considering electronic cigarettes are still smoking.

I'm actually interested in ultimately quitting nicotine and although I find electronic cigarettes interesting (I recently switched to them after reading a translation of a toxicological analysis) I actually am more interested in quitting smoking entirely. I was curious as to if anyone has used a successful nicotine weaning schedule with e-cigarettes, and varying potencies of "e-juice". And if so, how about sharing your story, including the schedule and particular strengths/brands you used to ultimately rid yourself of that nasty nicotine addiction?


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Dec 29, 2008
I love how the topic of this forum is quitting nicotine, yet all of these posts are subsequent claims to have quit smoking by using electronic cigarettes as a smoking cessation. It's a funny concept, considering electronic cigarettes are still smoking.

I'm actually interested in ultimately quitting nicotine and although I find electronic cigarettes interesting (I recently switched to them after reading a translation of a toxicological analysis) I actually am more interested in quitting smoking entirely. I was curious as to if anyone has used a successful nicotine weaning schedule with e-cigarettes, and varying potencies of "e-juice". And if so, how about sharing your story, including the schedule and particular strengths/brands you used to ultimately rid yourself of that nasty nicotine addiction?

Hi Tag...
Just wanted to say welcome to the forum. :) The topic of this thread from what I see is "quitting" and not "quitting nicotine" but there are several other discussions on the board where people have talked about quitting nicotine by working their way down the nicotine levels to zero. You might want to try using the "search" feature on the board to locate some of them.


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Dec 29, 2008
After smoking for 35+ years I really never thought I would quit cigarettes... I just like smoking that much. :oops: My husband would suggest we should try to quit... and I'd just give him a dirty look. After Christmas we were at the mall and I spotted a kiosk there selling e-cigs, and was totally facinated with the idea. Even though I got suckered in to buying (what turned out to be a piece of e-cig junk) it did at least get me interested enough to find my way here to the forum... and learn more about e-cigs. :) I have to admit that I've have fallen off the e-cig wagon a few times now (I still have a pack in the cupboard) but less than a pack in almost 2 months now... I never would have thought I'd be able to do it! I've even had thoughts of probably being able to give up vaping some day too... wouldn't THAT be something! ;)


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Jan 26, 2009
I love how the topic of this forum is quitting nicotine, yet all of these posts are subsequent claims to have quit smoking by using electronic cigarettes as a smoking cessation. It's a funny concept, considering electronic cigarettes are still smoking.

I'm actually interested in ultimately quitting nicotine and although I find electronic cigarettes interesting (I recently switched to them after reading a translation of a toxicological analysis) I actually am more interested in quitting smoking entirely. I was curious as to if anyone has used a successful nicotine weaning schedule with e-cigarettes, and varying potencies of "e-juice". And if so, how about sharing your story, including the schedule and particular strengths/brands you used to ultimately rid yourself of that nasty nicotine addiction?

Wow, great attitude :rolleyes: This is a new sub-forum and a place for folks to support one another. There is one thread here. You are very welcome to start a new thread if you'd like some comments on a specific topic. Or you might try a search first. However, if you'd read before posting, you'd see my post was actually about how I hoped to use this to stop the nic too. Many of the following stated the same and I wish them the best of luck. However, if their goal is strictly to give up the analogs, I still hope they have great success in meeting their own personal goal. And I actually love how I and the others here have are making one huge step towards our goal. So :nah: to your attitude, but not this thread.


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Feb 23, 2009
Austin Texas
Well I am new here but I use to smoke 2 packs a day. My first day of no analogs was Sunday March 4th 2009. I need to quit due to my husband being diagnosed with lung cancer stage 4. While it has been difficult , the e-cigarette has made the lack of analogs bearable. My next step is to get off nicotine. I started with getting rid of one thing at a time and so far that seems to be working for me.
Hello Everyone! I Loved reading your stories! I am a 32+ yr smoker, I am smoking a cig as I type this! My GF (who is a now 8 month non-smoker herself) talked me into looking into looking at this E-cig rave, soo first I wanted to ask, What is a Analog you all speak of? Is it truly realistic of me to consider buying E-cig? I want to quit this habit, the cost, my health, are all taking a toll on me! I just wanted to Thank you all for your words you type, You all SOmehow .. Give me Hope! Thank you all again, I will take any Advice you have to Offer! Take Care


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Jan 26, 2009
hello needtoquit. To answer your questions, an analog is just a regular ole cig. I've been smoke free for 42 days now. I never thought it would happen. My original buy in was about $120. I bought a $49 kit, couple extra batteries, atomizers, a 15ml bottle of eliquid and a USB passthrough. That 15ml bottle was $10 and lasted me 2 weeks. After you find a liquid you like, you can buy 50ml bottles for about $30. There is a poll in the forum here that shows most folks us 2ml of liquid per day. You can consider that into your cost. I've been very lucky and haven't had to replace any parts yet, but from what I've read, the atomizers can be pretty querky and normally don't last more than a month, so that's another $10/month. The cost can be much less if you don't want to try a bunch of different stuff.....but I've spent quite a bit on buying sample kits of liquid and I am tempted to try the different types of e-cigs. The quitting hasn't been easy for me, but so far I've done it and it is getting easier every day now. So I say go for it and give it a try....but be aware that you can get caught up easily and end up spending more than your old habit if you don't keep yourself in check. For me the cost has been well worth it.
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Mar 8, 2009
Savannah, Georgia
I also am joining the non smoking bandwagon. I have had my DSE901 for 24 hours and took 2 puffs off an analog.

After this smooth vanilla flavor nicotine a Camel and a Marlboro were NASTY. This will truly make for a healthy alternative than smoking.

Also, I slept better yesterday than I have in years!

I have never gone over 12 hours without a cigarette from 16-26.

Before it came in the mail I was saying... "if it sounds to good to be true it usually is".

Thankfully this is the exception!
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