I would like some advice/help please! :)

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Hey, I am new to this forum and I have a decision to make regarding what kind of e pipe I should get, I've already been to the e pipe forums so please no one redirect me there, I have a decision between 3 e pipes, I have the money for everyone of them so money is not an issue. I am wondering if I should get the Kamry K1000, the Epuffer e pipe 629 or the e pipe 618. I have a couple questions regarding these pipes, I know the K1000 can have replaceable everything with tanks and drip tips. I am wondering if the two other e pipes can do the same. Can you swap liquid tanks, coils and stems? Anyone who maybe has experience with either of these pipes please help me, the prices for me are as shown below
Kamry k1000:100$ with additional coils and new 18350 batteries for it.
Epuffer 629: 130$
618: 60$

Here's what I like about each pipe. This is a hard decision for me as you can see haha.
K1000:Looks more modern (ill get the wood version), more vape and replaceable everything plus nice drip tip
629: Looks the most authentic out of them all, has the same design as 618 but apparently gets better flavour and more vape. I am not sure what can be replaced with different parts. Real wood bowl,
618: Lookws somewhat authentic, plastic/acrylic bowl, less vape and less flavour but same design as 629 and cheaper (obviously not as good though)

Any help is appreciated, Thank you!:)


Vaping Mistress
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 9, 2014
Corn 'n' Cows
Welcome SenatorD!

I have a K1000, and I personally HATED the original tank with which it came. I'll use a Kanger PT2 (with home-built coils) There's an adapter ring that allows you to pretty much use any 510-threaded tank. I'm not sure what the other threading is (I know it's not eGo-threaded - maybe 808?) (Canvape has the wooden ones - they look beautiful. Mine is the red metallic.) Although, I did just look up the Epuffer, and wow, that's a good-looking setup. (My Dad and my Uncle both smoked pipes. I have a handful from each of them since they've both passed, including one of my Dad's Meerschaums. VERY tempted to retro-fit it as a mod, especially because he NEVER USED IT....)

Your "flavor and vape" mostly will be dependent on the tank. The mod itself is merely a power source, especially because it's mechanical (non-regulated.)

DEFINITELY get different batteries (I use purple efest 700maH) and a good charger (I have the Nitecore Intellicharger). I don't run much below a 1.7ohm coil in my PT2s. Haven't looked recently, but I think my 18350s are "rated" 10.5A. I pretty much treat all my batteries as rated 1/2 what they say so my builds won't over-drive them.

You should be able to replace tanks and drip tips, regardless of which mod you choose. SOOOOOO, I think it really boils down to "what do you want it to look like?"

Good luck. Send pics when you get it!!!!
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See, I did not know most of that and now I do, Thank you very much, I have been leaning towards the 629 and it looks really nice and authentic. I just needed a second opinion. if it boils down to what it looks like I might just go with the 629. I will definitely send pictures when I get it, looking forward to it too! Thank you Dinger
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