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evan le'garde

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2013
I mean people will take up vaping for an assortment of reasons. Or, an assortment of people will take up vaping. Some seem to want to vape to cut down on their smoking habit, some want to stop smoking, some want to vape as an alternative to smoking with no ambition to quit vaping, and some have a plan to vape, decrease nicotine use, and eventually quit vaping.

So, when put into practice, it appears that there are an assortment of people all vaping for one reason or another. I wonder how many of those people have a plan to quit vaping ?!, and how many intend to vape, not as a cessation of smoking, but just for the pleasure it brings them ?!.

What do you suppose the consensus is thoughout government in relation to the vaping industry ?. The government can't prohibit people from vaping, but it can control the industry. The government make their excuses to the public but then impose regulations on the industry. It isn't us they are controlling !.

Before vaping took off there were various different cessation methods available. All these methods were/are designed to enable smokers to quit. But these methods aren't for continued use.

Vaping on the other hand can be used for continued use, for recreation purposes.

Do you think the government realises that the vaping community is made up of an assortment of people which also includes those who vape for recreational purposes ?.

Do you think that regulations which have been imposed take into account the demographic which vapes for pleasure ?.

Personally i'm not sure if those concerned government departments have even spoken to or listened to vapers who vape simply for the pleasure of it. And i expect the majority of the vaping community vapes for recreation purposes only.

All i ever read when there is something vape related published is the dark side, the mundane, critical contradictions.

There is, out there, an entire global community of people who all vape for pleasure.

Why do you suppose we don't ever hear about them ?.

How many of you vape for the pleasure of it ?.

So is the government deliberately getting on our nerves, or are they really that stupid ?.


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Oct 24, 2016
Orlando, FL
You can find local communities of vapers on Facebook if you search for them. Right now though none of these groups - or stores - are allowed to advertise through traditional methods... that's why you never hear about them. They're under the same advertising restrictions as Big Tobacco. However, if you join a local Facebook group of vapers you will find plenty of local stores advertising their sales and new products, as well as vape meets and contests.

The community is alive and thriving... it's just rather underground thanks to the FDA restrictions. And trust me, TONS of vapers have written and called their state representatives and the FDA to try to get them to see the light. The problem isn't that they don't pay attention, but that they're in bed with Big Tobacco. :nah:


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
Do you vape for pleasure, or do you have other reasons for vaping ?.
Multiple reasons. I began vaping to put an end to a 35 year smoking habit that I couldn't stop with traditional methods. That decision has been successful for nearly six years.

Truth be told, I'm probably still addicted, but not necessarily to nicotine. I've cut my nicotine down to almost nil, but I'm still addicted to the behavior.

I never thought it could be true, but I find vaping to be more pleasureable than I did smoking, and believe me I enjoyed smoking more than eating sometimes. Vaping also became a hobby and past time for me. My passion is to help other vapers get the most of their vaping, hence my presence on ECF.
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
While I enjoy vaping, I don't vape purely for pleasure and I doubt I ever will. I vape because it is the only ONLY cessation method that worked to keep me from smoking. I have no plans to quit vaping-- ever-- because I do believe I would return to tobacco in short order. While I understand your point, I don't think the "vaping for pleasure" argument is really that great to make. For one, the "save the chillum" argument will arise, almost immediately. Also, I don't believe that the majority of vapers vape ONLY for pleasure, as most arrive to it by a harm reduction method, in the hopes of quitting smoking.

I'm not sure if the government believes there are vast swathes of the vaping community doing so for pleasure only, I'm not sure it would be GOOD if that was believed, and also don't believe it myself. I do think there is a small subset of vapers who perhaps didn't smoke and/or are doing it for purely recreational purposes, and I don't believe that pushing that agenda for the small number of vapors so inclined is really the greatest idea, over the long term.

I do think there will be more "never-smoking" vapers, I just don't know how many and I still think that harm reduction numbers vastly outweigh them, at least at this point in time.


Topwater Elvis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2012
Do you vape for pleasure, or do you have other reasons for vaping ?.

I don't vape for 'pleasure' or really understand what you mean by it.

I vape as a replacement for smoking, traded one habit for another, I believe a less harmful alternative.
I've tapered down nic over the years from mid 30's mg/ml to 3mg/ml, vaping isn't a hobby or something I want to do for the rest of my life.

evan le'garde

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2013
I get a big kick out of a nicotine hit !. I can't smoke because of a health problem, otherwise i probably would. Maybe though, i enjoy the nicotine hit thing i get from vaping a hell of a lot more than i ever got from smoking, i probably wouldn't !.

So i vape "purely" for the pleasure and satisfaction i get from a nicotine hit. It's all about the sensation.

I'm not seeing any studies based upon this more "conscious" aspect. A more realistic approach would be to study vapers in their typical environment.

A social study.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
The results are not "in" regarding the safety of vaping. That will not happen until a large, longitudinal study of vapers who've been away from smoking long enough that there aren't "prior effects" being shown in the study and that will take decades. Ideally, there would need to be a cohort of "never vapers" who vape long term, and recruitment into such a study would be problematic and unethical at best.

Early reports of minimal harm by vaping are promising. However, it is not correct to say that 1) vaping is healthy and 2) further studies just "repeat" it.

You have a lot to learn about science, I'm afraid, if you think that no further study of vaping is needed or useful, nor can ANY conclusion be made other than "at the present time, vaping is promising as a HARM reduction method, as compared to smoking.

IF studies continue, perhaps in 30--40 years, we will have longitudinal data to study.

Don't forget the "estrogen" studies. Women were being handed it like candy because "short term" studies indicated it "protected women" against heart attack risks, etc.

The artifact of the "short term" studies, actually showed "harm reduction." They did a big, long term cohort study of estrogen vs not in menopause. It actually showed that estrogen INCREASED heart attack risk, overall, for the long term. The reason the early studies "looked good" was because women who took estrogen during menopause were more likely to take better care of their health than women who did not seek "treatment" for menopause. Estrogen was actually found to be QUITE HARMFUL when a true, cohort, longitudinal study was done, taking into account all variables.

You will be very, very unlikely to find a doctor today willing to prescribe estrogen for menopause symptoms. At one point in time they were ALL recommending it.

The jury is so far out on long term effects of vaping it hasn't even been SELECTED yet. Sorry to burst your bubble.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 24, 2016
Orlando, FL
The results are not "in" regarding the safety of vaping. That will not happen until a large, longitudinal study of vapers who've been away from smoking long enough that there aren't "prior effects" being shown in the study and that will take decades. Ideally, there would need to be a cohort of "never vapers" who vape long term, and recruitment into such a study would be problematic and unethical at best.

Early reports of minimal harm by vaping are promising. However, it is not correct to say that 1) vaping is healthy and 2) further studies just "repeat" it.

You have a lot to learn about science, I'm afraid, if you think that no further study of vaping is needed or useful, nor can ANY conclusion be made other than "at the present time, vaping is promising as a HARM reduction method, as compared to smoking.

IF studies continue, perhaps in 30--40 years, we will have longitudinal data to study.

Don't forget the "estrogen" studies. Women were being handed it like candy because "short term" studies indicated it "protected women" against heart attack risks, etc.

The artifact of the "short term" studies, actually showed "harm reduction." They did a big, long term cohort study of estrogen vs not in menopause. It actually showed that estrogen INCREASED heart attack risk, overall, for the long term. The reason the early studies "looked good" was because women who took estrogen during menopause were more likely to take better care of their health than women who did not seek "treatment" for menopause. Estrogen was actually found to be QUITE HARMFUL when a true, cohort, longitudinal study was done, taking into account all variables.

You will be very, very unlikely to find a doctor today willing to prescribe estrogen for menopause symptoms. At one point in time they were ALL recommending it.

The jury is so far out on long term effects of vaping it hasn't even been SELECTED yet. Sorry to burst your bubble.

The long term studies that have been done on nicotine by itself have found that it increases heart rate and does put you more at risk of having a heart attack... just so people know that this is a habit that could lead to a heart attack. Nicotine is about as healthy for you as caffeine is (which also puts you at risk for a heart attack). So yeah, in comparison to the OTHER things you could be doing, it's healthIER, but overall, it's definitely not healthY. It does nothing to improve your health except keep you away from worse things.
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Vaping Master
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Mar 18, 2013
I started vaping to quit smoking and now vape for pleasure. I could have given it up years ago but I enjoy it. Hell, I love it! I love chain vaping, I love vaping and driving. I love the flavors and the shiny equipment. I love it. If I had to choose between taking my wife or my vape out of a burning building....hang on she's coming...I have to ALT TAB to another window for a moment so she doesn't see this...

ok, she's gone...if she saw this, she'd hit me in the head with hard objects. Anyways....I'd have a tough time deciding which to get out. On the one hand, she's my wife and I love her. On the other, vaping doesn't take 30 mins to tell a 2 minute work story and vaping doesn't drone on endlessly about things I have no interest in. Vaping only gives. Ok, so in the interest of not being told I'm a total douche nozzle for the rest of my life, I'd probably save her first. And then the juice and then I'd head over to a vape shop. Luckily, all my mods are titanium or stainless so there is a good chance one or two could make it through the fire, so fingers crossed.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
It is my dream to die of a heart attack. I'm not kidding. My other alternative is Alzheimer's, and I'm not a big fan of that.

I never said nicotine was safe. I am aware of its cardiovascular effects. In fact, most of my posts have been "anti" "vaping is 100% safe." It isn't. It is however, safer than smoking. That is ALL researchers are claiming at this point, and it is all they SHOULD be claiming at this point.

Regardless, with heart attacks on both side of my family, I do not feel it beneficial for me, at under a year of being smoke free, to really look at even reducing my nicotine levels, and I do have other issues to worry about.

My point is simple: longitudinal studies-- of vaping-- have not been conducted, so we have no long term health points at all.

Thanks though! LOL.

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Oct 24, 2016
Orlando, FL
I never said nicotine was safe. I am aware of its cardiovascular effects. In fact, most of my posts have been "anti" "vaping is 100% safe." It isn't. It is however, safer than smoking. That is ALL researchers are claiming at this point, and it is all they SHOULD be claiming at this point.

I didn't think you *did* say that (if that was directed to me). I was just adding to the discussion.
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evan le'garde

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2013
As a vaper, i'm not writing letters or emails to my local polititian or central government asking for facts about vaping.

Neither am i asking any universities etc. And i don't know who's idea it is whenever another study is started.

I don't expect someone to visit a vape shop solely to gather information on the scientific aspects of vaping. And i also wouldn't expect a vape shop to provide literature which illustrates the latest study results.

You wouldn't find information in the meat isle about the dangers of eating red meat.

THE best way to become aquainted with vaping is to talk to the existing vaping community. In the same way someone might walk into a vape shop and start asking questions about hardware and juice.

I don't have preconceived ideas about buying a cup of coffee or drinking it, i just buy it, and drink it !. And i wouldn't want the vendor to tell me about all the downsides, plus i'm not likely to ask, am i !!?.

The problem with vaping is "EVERYONE" now has preconceptons about it, and they're not good preconceptions.

How many times do you find yourself having to explain to someone that vaping isn't as bad as they've heard it is ?. And everytime it's the same. It's difficult to change someones mind about vaping now they've been exposed to all the crap they hear and read. Smokers aren't giving up in their millions because of this.

And that's what i'm talking about !.
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