I think I'm allergic to PG!!

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Sep 28, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
So I've been vaping for a while on local juices with no problems. I tried some v2 juice that my buddy had bought me a while back and o man... talk about major dry mouth... sore throat city, couldn't even sleep my throat was so sore. I think I must have drank a gallon of water (and subsequently woke up every hour to pee it out). I think I remember reading that some people can be allergic to higher PG juices (like v2) and that it can have a desiccant effect when it coats the back of your throat. My local shop juice has way less PG and more VG in it. Is it possible that I'm allergic to a higher amount of PG? Has anyone ever seen or had this?


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Sep 28, 2013
Carrollton, Georgia, United States


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PG is a distraction to flavors and unsanitary mixing conditions. You're more than likely reacting to the flavor. You'd get rashes if you were allergic. I get hives with some vendors, but I'm not allergic to PG.

suspectK, thanks for posting this. I've turned up with hives myself. I've no wish to talk negatively about any vendor due to my own sensitive immune system, but would you be willing to list some vendors were you did NOT have a similar reaction? I understand mileage varies but it would be a start for comparison (for me). If you prefer to post to my profile page or PM, that works too.


Grumpy Ole Man
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
I would be interested in seeing vendors that are vg only too I saw the one from joederty which looks promising but has anyone else used any others?

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Wouldn't it be more prudent for venders to offer choices? Catering to one clientele limits business.


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Jul 22, 2013
East Central, Missouri
80PG/20VG and 70PG/30VG seems to be the most common ratios. 80/20 is a little harsh on throat hit for me but the 50/50 batch I made is too smooth. Going to add a little more to the batch using all PG to bump it up.

I'm not allergic to PG. I just dries out my throat & nose and feels scratchy but without it, there's no point in vaping for me. I need a little bit of that burn feel to make it feel like smoke.


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Sep 28, 2013
Carrollton, Georgia, United States
Thanks!! I will check it out!! I'm having a hard time stomaching the price of some of these sites thought lol I'm used to .30-.40 a ml from my local b&m.

go check out bobas bounty they have a great price i get the 30ml bottle for like $14 and there gorilla juice


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Sep 28, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
not a huge fan of tobacco flavors but the price looks for on the site and I do like that you can customize everything. Thanks for the recommendation!! I just stocked up from my local B&M (they finally stocked the yearly special of gingerbread :toast:) but i'll have to keep that in mind for the next round, (.46 per ml is a pretty good price).


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May 4, 2013
Georgia , USA
After 6 months of vaping (not a single analog) I developed hives. I did the usual elimination of new foods, detergents, etc. I started wondering if vaping was the culprit, but why after 6 months? I vaped a certain vendor juice at 80/20 exclusively, so could I be getting a PG allergy? I ordered 50/50 and 100 VG to see if that would help. Nope.

Around the same time, I also bought some juice off the classies from another vendor and tried a new fruit flavor from my main vendor. For the past few days, I've been doing an experiment by vaping a single flavor and different ratios at a time instead of rotating flavors throughout the day, and the hives have disappeared.

My conclusion is that it's not the PG. I've narrowed it down to either I'm allergic to something in the new vendor's juices, or the specific fruit flavor from my main vendor (blueberry). Over the next few days, I'll try both suspects to see if the hives return.

In the meantime, I'm enjoying not being itchy and blotchy. :D


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Oct 15, 2013
Close to Philly, USA
In case anyone is still following this thread, I've been vaping the juice from the classies all day, and no reaction. That leaves the fruit flavor. This makes me sad because it's really good. I'll be vaping it only next, to see if that's really what's causing the reaction. (If anyone cares. :) )

Awww, I care :p
My hives are nearly gone now. I haven't touched the culprit in I believe over 48 hours so I don't think there's any doubt in my mind what it was.
Are you sure you want to do that to yourself? :unsure:
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