Sub-ohm RDA/RTA recommended VG/PG levels?

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CJ Garcia

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 12, 2015
hi guys, i have a question, for subtanks, specially 0.5Ω coils whats the recommended VG/PG levels to use on the mix?, i made the terrible mistake of putting 60PG/40VG mix and it burned the hell out of my throat, i even started to think i was allergic to PG but my throat was sore, so can somebody please point me here into the right direction??

PD: i want extreme flavor! (NO NIC)


Hans Wermhat

Vaping Master
Jun 9, 2015
PG irritates my throat too. I can't vape anything over 30%PG regardless of the tank. That's also the generally accepted max PG level for any sub-ohm tank. The extreme favor will come from the brand of juice you are using. Try different brands until you find what you are looking for. Taste is very subjective. There is a brand called Moose Juice sold here in he Dallas area that has a max VG 3mg/ml line. I don't know if it's sold in stores where you are, but you can get it here at a number of b&m's and most of them sell online and ship anywhere.

CJ Garcia

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 12, 2015
PG irritates my throat too. I can't vape anything over 30%PG regardless of the tank. That's also the generally accepted max PG level for any sub-ohm tank. The extreme favor will come from the brand of juice you are using. Try different brands until you find what you are looking for. Taste is very subjective. There is a brand called Moose Juice sold here in he Dallas area that has a max VG 3mg/ml line. I don't know if it's sold in stores where you are, but you can get it here at a number of b&m's and most of them sell online and ship anywhere.
hey thanks i see now what my problem was.. i was vaping 60%PG at 40 watts and it killed my throat, speaking bout the juice, im in the New York area, and whats more incredible is that i havent find a vape store, besides BeyondVape which btw is way far from my location, ill see if i can get it online.. thanks

CJ Garcia

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 12, 2015
Check out They have a line of house blend Hi VG juices that are inexpensive ($15/30ml) and most of them are pretty tasty. They also sell the Moose Juice. The salted vanilla is a pure oralgasm, but it will gunk up your coils in a big way.
just saw the salted vanilla before your post and was kinda tempted, now that you mentioned it im going for it!

CJ Garcia

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 12, 2015
It's awesome, but like I said, it will gunk up your coils FAST! I put it in my Orchid V3 (which holds a sad 2 or 2.5ml of juice) and after only 2 tanks I had to rebuild. It gunked up so thick that I destroyed my 28g kanthal coils trying to get the cotton out.
now you scared me... im using the RTA that came with my subox mini, and the wire is pretty thin, so that means it will .... it up fast? :-/

Ohm Gnome

Super Member
Apr 27, 2015
Douglasville Ga
I agree with everyone else. I use max vg which is 85 to 93 Vg with the company I get it from. Anything over 30 Pg is disgusting to me in sub ohm tanks. But some people love it. I'd suggest you try 70 Vg and see how you like it and then adjust accordingly. Try to find samples with different ratios so you can figure out what you like without spending too much on stuff you won't use
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