I quit nicotine all together

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ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2009
I started smoking back when I was 13. My best friend at the time got me to start. From that point, I went on to smoke a pack a day of Newport 100's (which I've heard are among the hardest to quit) for 14 years. I was only able to actually quit a little over 2 years ago when I switched to e-cigs. And while in the beginning, it was much cheaper than smoking was, the prices started creeping up slowly and the atomizers started dying out much sooner than they used to. I did switch from the Joye 510 to the 510-T several months ago because I got tired of having to bring liquid with me everytime I'd go somewhere, plus I was sick of the regular 510 constantly leaking into my mouth or all over the table. But the 510-T atomizers were more expensive than the 510 and they only lasted between 2 days and 2 weeks, but more often than not, they'd die out in less than a week. It got to the point where after buying the cartridges, atomizers and juice I'd need for a month, I was spending the same as I was buying cartons of cigarettes. Since I was no longer saving money, and e-cigs were more inconvenient since if I ran out, I couldn't just run to a store, it didn't make sense to keep buying them.

I initially thought about going back to cigarettes, but I had finally gotten the smell out of our house and really didn't want to start again, especially after noticing how much better I felt after initially switching to e-cigs. So I decided to outright quit. Now, this had always been my intention because when I started I was using the highest nicotine content juice, then gradually stepped down. So I was using the low 11mg juice when I quit. On Monday, when I made this decision, I decided that once the last new atomizer dies on me, or I run out of juice, I will quit. On Thursday night, the atomizer did quit on me. So I grabbed all my e-cig stuff (batteries, charger, liquid, carts, etc) and tossed it in the trash. I didn't want them in the house because I figured if they were there, it would be too easy to go back. And I absolutely have to quit this time. I have no support from my family (they think I'll just go back to smoking anyway, so they just kind of say "so what" about me quitting and if I did go back to either, my mom would just yell at me about how much of a failure I am, etc. so I have no choice but to quit for good.

So it's been a few days now and I just don't feel like myself. The first day, I just had tingly hands, but it wasn't too bad, but last night the cravings were just unbelievably bad. I had never wanted a cigarette as badly as I did last night. I keep trying to tell myself I can do this, that the cravings, headaches, sweating and problems sleeping will eventually pass, but it's really hard. I keep reaching for my e-cig, realizing it's not there, then feeling stupid about it, because I know it's gone. I think maybe I didn't think I was that addicted to e-cigs, not like I was with cigs, mostly because e-cigs didn't seem bad so why would I be addicted? I think this time it may be harder because of the fact that this time, there are no real positives (like breathing better, not having everything smell like smoke, etc) to even out the negatives (withdrawal symptoms). So how long do these awful symptoms last? Right now I feel like I want to go to bed and just stay there and sleep until I no longer want a cigarette.


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ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2009
I love it too, I just can't afford it anymore. I got to the point where I was spending over $100 a month already and with no guarantees that the atomizers would work for more than a few days, I just can't do it anymore. If I get through this ok, I'm definitely rewarding myself. Maybe I need to splurge a bit and buy a new handbag.


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Jul 14, 2011
Dallas, Tx
I'm using EMDCC's on an ego. Every EMDCC I've put on has lasted for 10 days, minimum. They cost under $3 each, so $9 will cover me for a month on that. Most of my cost is juice, but it still doesn't run anything close to $100 a month, and I vape a lot.

Nicotine is very addictive, and it's the primary reason that people have trouble quitting cigs. And the fact that vaping keeps giving us nicotine is why vaping works when we try to quit cigarettes.

I think you should consider continuing to vape, and working your way down to lower nicotine levels, possibly even vaping a bit with 0 nic. I know I couldn't just quit vaping without going back to cigs. I'd have to taper off on the nic slowly to have any chance.


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ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2009
It's really too late to turn back now. It's already been several days and even if I placed an order right now, the earliest I'd get it would be Saturday, but more likely Monday, which I'm hoping that since it would be over a week after I last vaped, that my withdrawal symptoms would be gone by then. It's just going to be a really hard adjustment for me. I've constantly had nicotine in my system for 16 years and since I started so young, I honestly can't remember when I never needed to bring cigarettes or an e-cig when I went out. At the moment the cravings aren't horrible and the headaches aren't as frequent, but I feel really nauseous and have felt like that on and off since yesterday. It makes it hard to eat with the nausea, so I guess at least I won't gain tons of weight.
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