I gotta go

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 3, 2010
I agree with softwarereview except that I will just glean what I need from you and not even try to participate with your STUPID "new members" rules. Don't quit igottago, lol, just use them to glean the info you need and then move on. I forum is a great place to be a user. That's my plan and I'm sticking to it.

What pisses me off, is that I can't even ask for a review of a cig I am interested in. There isn't one already and inquiring minds want to know. I can't ask though, because, I don't have enough posts to participate??? what the .... ever.

Ohh bummer! We want that review...Wait! If there's none on ECF then probably it is not worth a review! And why can't you ask for a review? DOH! You lost the chance for that with your one and only post.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 24, 2010
In my experience the only people who create forum accounts and then subsequently ask for those accounts to be banned are obvious trolls.

Don't wanna use the forum? Don't log on. Why on earth would you need your account banning, outside of looking like a drama queen?

As a new user the 5 posts rule makes perfect sense, and not just for the spam reduction, it looks like it helps keep trolls at bay too.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 19, 2010
Chicago IL
In my experience the only people who create forum accounts and then subsequently ask for those accounts to be banned are obvious trolls.

Don't wanna use the forum? Don't log on. Why on earth would you need your account banning, outside of looking like a drama queen?

As a new user the 5 posts rule makes perfect sense, and not just for the spam reduction, it looks like it helps keep trolls at bay too.

I've always believed this personal axiom:

"If you put a computer between an idiot and the world- all you get is a louder idiot."


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 24, 2010
I really don't think it's that big a deal. As a 10 year veteran of countless forums over the years, and seeing all the BS spam that can occur, I don't mind it a bit. Even though, like you, I felt it was a bit annoying. But then again, here I am making my 5th post lol:laugh:

You best take a well earned break now, don't want to overexert yourself after the mammoth effort it must have taken to hit 5 posts!:p


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 12, 2010
Huh. I've been using the internet since back in the days of the old dial up bulletin boards (Yes, I'm THAT old.) and always associated a troll as being one of those creatures that lives under a bridge. It never entered my mind that it's from trolling, like throwing out bait in fishing to lure in fish. The second definition (fishing) makes much more sense than the guy from the Three Billy Goats Gruff. Brad, why didn't you post that link somewhere where I'd see it years ago? Now I feel rather foolish. Harrumph.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 22, 2010
Dallas, TX
Geez......I gotta make 5! whole posts.....well just ban me I guess.....I could never come up with 5 minimally coherent thoughts even if "Hey there, welcome" and "Good luck" still count.

I'll come back later if I think of anything intelligent to say.

EDIT: Ohhhhhh now we're on cupcakes........dangit I coulda got another post if that dang edit button didn't jump up and grab my mouse.


ECF Guru
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2008
Central NY, USA
This thread hurts.

Why yes, yes it does....but you people seem to be handling it quite well :D


Even though this thread has gotten a little ugly, I hope you decide to stick around. ECF is actually a good place to be.

I would have hoped so too but TBH, judging by his 3 posts, he was just here to 'hit and run'. I don't know why he bothered posting if he just wanted to leave anyway....but I suppose he wanted to get his rant in first. That's the only thing I can think of.

Huh. I've been using the internet since back in the days of the old dial up bulletin boards (Yes, I'm THAT old.).........


So, shouldn't your username really be 'Overthehill'? :laugh:



Captain Tightpants
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 2, 2009
Here's the scoop:

This rule will not be changing. It works, and it works very well. It stops the vast majority of the type of spammers we see here dead in their tracks. It keeps 99% of spam out of the rest of the forums, and because it isn't spread out, it is much easier to catch. That means that the moderators (who are volunteers, by the way) do not have to spend an ungodly amount of time chasing them down. I'd rather allow the moderators the luxury of being able to participate in the forum as members than have them here only to play "seek and destroy" with spammers.

I don't understand where the issue is. Even the laziest of people can knock out 5 posts without spamming nonsense in a relatively small amount of time. They don't even have to lift their lazy butts out of their chair.

As I said above, this is not something that will be changing. If you find that unacceptable... well, sorry, but I personally won't be shedding tears over it.

I'm closing this thread. Everything that needed to be said, has been said.
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