How to Spot Teen Vaping

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Robert T. Tan

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ECF Veteran
Nov 5, 2018
The kid in me feels like a NARC for posting this. Although I'm not sure a kid has accused another kid of being a NARC since 1993. But the fallout from teen vaping is that adults are being denied smoking alternatives. To make matters worse, you have groups like the Truth Initiative basically turning out 21st century ...... Madness public service announcements.

A lot of what is in this article may seem to be common sense to vapers, but it is nearly impossible for parents who don't vape to detect if their kid is vaping. And honestly, it is much harder to spot vaping in minors than heavy drinking or any type of smoking.

Seventeen year old me would hate this, but here is a Parents Guide to Detecting Teen Vaping.

Signs and Symptoms of Teen Vaping
detecting teen vaping IG.png
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