How to Get Around Future E Cig Taxes

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Jun 18, 2014
Dallas TX
Oh, you. I read "Alice in Wonderland" ; a word means what the government says it means. :>)

I love that statement "a word means what the government says it means" I had this discussion in my child's school. My 8 year old called a tomato a fruit and was corrected by the teacher. I spend time with my child and love to find out what nature does etc and we went to a garden and I explained why a tomato was a fruit, not a vegetable. The teacher (a substitute thank god) talked down to my child and the class began to laugh etc etc. Long story short, the next day I went to the class (with a member of the school to talk with the class) and explained exactly why many think it to be a vegetable. First off the difference between them is that a fruit is part of the reproductive system of the plant, generally from a flower that will grow into a new plant if it drops and goes into the ground, a veggie is a part of the plant such as the stock, root, tuber (potato) or leaf of the plant. Vegetables are taxed higher than fruits and the Supreme Court stated that it was a vegetable in 1893 (Nix v. Hidden).

TLDR... Because the Supreme Court wants to tax something, they can change the name and meaning of something just to suit their own needs and the needs of the government.


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
Coming soon to e-liquids near you. The good news is, you can buy a small dedicated freezer that will hold a lifetime supply of nic base for under $200. I'm confident it's an investment that will pay for itself many times over.

I'm starting to seriously consider this... if I could just figure out where to put the small dedicated freezer. :facepalm: I swear, when you buy a house, you think, oh this is HUGE... and just as soon as you get all your stuff moved in, you realize you need a bigger house! :facepalm:



Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
Amen Andria!!!
I went from a 1400 sq ft home to a 2700 sq ft house and it still is full to the roof with stuff.... I have to either get rid of stuff or my wife...

We were renting a 900 sq ft house, and yeah we were packed to the rafters. In 2011 we bought this house which is almost 1400 sq ft, and it really did seem huge. But now, just 3 1/2 yrs later... :facepalm: I guess that's something to always keep in mind, when looking at a house that is not currently occupied -- closets are much smaller, once they're filled with clothes! Laundry rooms are MUCH smaller, once you put the washer and dryer in there! And my kitchen sure did seem bigger, before one of my countertops, one drawer, and one upper AND lower cabinet was completely taken over by vape paraphernalia! :facepalm: And I've only been vaping a bit over a year... by the time I've been a vaper for 5 yrs... I'm gonna need a 2nd kitchen. :facepalm:



Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego

One just has to look at the new European TPD, to clearly understand this is the ultimate goal.

Remove 2nd /3rd generation devices (the ones that *actually* work) from the market.

Allow innefective 1st generation devices only, *as long* as they're sold by BT. No big deal if those do not work for most new vapers: from "their" POV, it's irrelevant whether you buy cigarettes OR cig-alikes from BT. EVERYONE still gets their share of the cake. No more "unregulated" (meaning, hard to tax) devices out there to thin out the gravy train.

And they still have the nerve to tell us, with a serious face, that all this is *only* out of *concern* about our health. :mad:
Actually, things like...

--Limit on nicotine strength
--Elimination of flavors
--Closed systems

These types of restrictions will be sold as "for the children"...


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Dec 14, 2013
We were renting a 900 sq ft house, and yeah we were packed to the rafters. In 2011 we bought this house which is almost 1400 sq ft, and it really did seem huge. But now, just 3 1/2 yrs later... :facepalm: I guess that's something to always keep in mind, when looking at a house that is not currently occupied -- closets are much smaller, once they're filled with clothes! Laundry rooms are MUCH smaller, once you put the washer and dryer in there! And my kitchen sure did seem bigger, before one of my countertops, one drawer, and one upper AND lower cabinet was completely taken over by vape paraphernalia! :facepalm: And I've only been vaping a bit over a year... by the time I've been a vaper for 5 yrs... I'm gonna need a 2nd kitchen. :facepalm:
Buying a vacation home about 4 years ago and spending a good bit of time there produced something of a revelation: We really do not need most of the "stuff" we've accumulated in our primary home over the last 27 years.

Of course my wife is hard at work filling every nook and cranny in the new place with "stuff" too, and I haven't figured out where to keep a dedicated freezer for nic base in either of them. :facepalm:


Highly Esteemed Member
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Sep 15, 2013
Not always.

When you're talking about a tax that is supposed to be payed by consumers (sales tax, for example), it is true the vendor collects the money from us, and later returns it to BigG.

On the other hand, taxes that are *supposed* to be paid by the producers do not always work that way. The *only* way those producers have to make us "pay" for the taxes *they* should be paying, is to increase the profit margin, right? Well, there's at least a problem with that: "honest" producers/vendors will accept that *they alone* must pay the tax, and therefore will *not* raise their prices. Competition, as always, will take care of greedy vendors in the end. *I* already pay *my* taxes. If a vendor tries to trick me into paying for *his* taxes, then he will have to sell at an higher price. And I can then easily support another, *honest* vendor with my wallet.

Let us hypothesize I make a widget. All of my costs for that widget both direct and indirect including tax is $50. [Here is hoping that you understand that taxers paid to the government are not profit; they are considered part of the cost of doing business, but from your post, I question that you do.] I decide that a profit over cost should be 10% or $5. The beloved government decides that I am a greedy old man and should be taxed an additional 7% at the point of sale leaving me with 3% for my profit margin. This tax on greed is industry wide, all my fellow greedy widget manufactures are hit with the same tax. What do I do? What do the other widget makers do? jp, what would you do? And then two years later the government decides that I am way too rich and that it needs more money to give away buying votes. They decide to raise the tax a mere 3% this time around. The masses celebrate, a greedy old so and so is now getting what he deserves. What do I do? What would you do if you were the greedy manufacturer, jp? Would you pay the original 7% plus the additional 3% while leaving your price unchanged? If so, you are now working for free and we admire you, you are a greed free zone.
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Dec 14, 2013
As to a dedicated freezer for nicotine, how about a box in the general freezer with a lock? I have seen small UN ammo boxes for sale that can have a lock attached.
Remember I said my wife fills every nook and cranny? That makes it tough to find much space in "her" freezers. Considering that she's never had a nicotine habit, she's actually been surprisingly gracious about it so far. She totally sees the logic in stocking up 'cause it's highly unlikely to be cheaper in the future than it is right now, and she's all in favor of avoiding future taxes. I think I'll keep her. The only catch is, she's told me if I want more space than I already have, I should go buy my own dang freezer. :D

Personally, I don't really see the need to lock it up. I keep glass bottles in tightly wrapped and taped bubble mailers to protected 'em and they have "Nicotine" and the date I received 'em written on the outside. My youngest is 17, so I'm not worried about anyone getting into it by accident. But for someone who does need to "keep away from children" a locked ammo box in the general freezer sounds like a reasonable solution.


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Sep 15, 2013
I don't have small children around anymore, a blessed state of existence, and I have simply labeled the beer bottles with the skull and cross-bones, contents, date and concentration. The very fortunate Mrs CMD lost some of her space when she let the ground beef supply run down. I took adverse possession of sufficient room to put eight quart bottles of 10% nicotine. I may find myself evicted at some time. :>)

Remember I said my wife fills every nook and cranny? That makes it tough to find much space in "her" freezers. Considering that she's never had a nicotine habit, she's actually been surprisingly gracious about it so far. She totally sees the logic in stocking up 'cause it's highly unlikely to be cheaper in the future than it is right now, and she's all in favor of avoiding future taxes. I think I'll keep her. The only catch is, she's told me if I want more space than I already have, I should go buy my own dang freezer. :D

Personally, I don't really see the need to lock it up. I keep glass bottles in tightly wrapped and taped bubble mailers to protected 'em and they have "Nicotine" and the date I received 'em written on the outside. My youngest is 17, so I'm not worried about anyone getting into it by accident. But for someone who does need to "keep away from children" a locked ammo box in the general freezer sounds like a reasonable solution.


Highly Esteemed Member
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Sep 15, 2013
Buying a vacation home about 4 years ago and spending a good bit of time there produced something of a revelation: We really do not need most of the "stuff" we've accumulated in our primary home over the last 27 years.

Of course my wife is hard at work filling every nook and cranny in the new place with "stuff" too, and I haven't figured out where to keep a dedicated freezer for nic base in either of them. :facepalm:

There times I look around and think that I live in the TV show,"Hoarders".


Slightly mad but harmless
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Sep 11, 2013
Eastern Ohio, USA
I'm starting to seriously consider this... if I could just figure out where to put the small dedicated freezer. :facepalm: I swear, when you buy a house, you think, oh this is HUGE... and just as soon as you get all your stuff moved in, you realize you need a bigger house! :facepalm:


Since I've been on my own, I've been thinking about getting rid of the small (13 cubic foot) freezer I have in the basement, mostly because my electric provider will recycle it and give me a check for $50.

With all that's been going on in vapeland, I've been thinking it would be better to fill it with bottles of nic base. I currently have enough to last me a few years, but...?


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Dec 14, 2013
There's a big difference between gold and nic. People hoard gold in an attempt to store value in a form that won't can't be easily be debased, but it has no direct value to whomever is hoarding it. One has to engage in commerce with in order for it to have any actual value, and that's where most of the risks is should it be deemed illegal (again). Nic base, OTOH, is something you put away to actually USE yourself at some point. That minimizes the risk because you never have to tell anyone you have it. "Nic base? What nic base? I sold all my nic base during the crazy run-up in prices just before it was made illegal."


Supporting Member
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Dec 14, 2013
Since I've been on my own, I've been thinking about getting rid of the small (13 cubic foot) freezer I have in the basement, mostly because my electric provider will recycle it and give me a check for $50.

With all that's been going on in vapeland, I've been thinking it would be better to fill it with bottles of nic base. I currently have enough to last me a few years, but...?
13 cubic feet is 368 liters. Of course, it doesn't pack with 100% efficiency, but I think you could fit 100 or more liters in there no problem. If you did, you could be a lot of people's best friend if things get ugly. :D
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ECF Guru
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Oct 1, 2013
Let us hypothesize I make a widget. All of my costs for that widget both direct and indirect including tax is $50. [Here is hoping that you understand that taxers paid to the government are not profit; they are considered part of the cost of doing business, but from your post, I question that you do.] I decide that a profit over cost should be 10% or $5. The beloved government decides that I am a greedy old man and should be taxed an additional 7% at the point of sale leaving me with 3% for my profit margin. This tax on greed is industry wide, all my fellow greedy widget manufactures are hit with the same tax. What do I do? What do the other widget makers do? jp, what would you do? And then two years later the government decides that I am way too rich and that it needs more money to give away buying votes. They decide to raise the tax a mere 3% this time around. The masses celebrate, a greedy old so and so is now getting what he deserves. What do I do? What would you do if you were the greedy manufacturer, jp? Would you pay the original 7% plus the additional 3% while leaving your price unchanged? If so, you are now working for free and we admire you, you are a greed free zone.
First slip up and you're forever in the red...



Highly Esteemed Member
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Sep 15, 2013
Since I've been on my own, I've been thinking about getting rid of the small (13 cubic foot) freezer I have in the basement, mostly because my electric provider will recycle it and give me a check for $50.

With all that's been going on in vapeland, I've been thinking it would be better to fill it with bottles of nic base. I currently have enough to last me a few years, but...?

I love small acts of civil disobedience or acts inpreparation for civil disobedience.
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