How much time one should spend on this forum?

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Oh my gosh, I just found this site tonight and I can't stop reading! I'm not even the 'smoker' looking to replace with ecigs. My parents smoke about 4 packs a day between them, if they have the money. My dad just turned 60 and has had heart and lung surgery. My mom is 51. o_O This is just such a healthier alternative! And to be honest, I'm thinking about starting with ecigs myself. The whole reason I never started smoking was the horrific price for basically killing yourself. Especially because I have asthma. But low and behold, they have stylish alternatives! And I don't have to fight the cravings that I shouldn't even be having, any more! :D My parents order tomorrow for the first time, and I'm so excited for them. :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2010
Marietta, GA
Let's just hope they're not tracking and telling anyone how long we stay here... or I'm sensing a few of us will be facing an INTERVENTION team soon ;o)

Yo, Princessa! Santa knows. Santa knows EVERYTHING!

First half of the week, when I work from home, I'm here waaaaay too often. Second half of the week, when I work outside of the home, I'm here waaaaaaay too often. xD


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 1, 2010
Yo, Princessa! Santa knows. Santa knows EVERYTHING!

First half of the week, when I work from home, I'm here waaaaay too often. Second half of the week, when I work outside of the home, I'm here waaaaaaay too often. xD

ROFLMAO!!! :lol: Love the new pic - so festive!

I worked from home today, and literally had to WORK the whole time. I swear, I get more time to sneak a peak when I'm at the office!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 27, 2010
I spend about 1-2hrs in the morning and maybe more at night on ECF but for good reason like everyone else. It's great place for new ideas and products, support you won't get anywhere else and reviews on vendors. I haven't explored the entire site yet but that will come in time....

Whatever it takes for you to vape instead of smoking!!! Stay on here as long as you want!!! The support here has helped me so much.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2010
Definitely spending more time than I should on ECF! I think part of the reason it becomes so addicting is that there isn't anywhere to go (at least around here) to meet people with the common interest of vaping. You can't tell a vaper walking down the street from anyone else, unless they're vaping while walking down the street =) ECF is where we can go to discuss a topic that the people around us don't really have much to say about.
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