How much time one should spend on this forum?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2010
Chicago, IL
I check it pretty constantly. Maybe 2 hours total per day. Still asking lots of questions and posting in the Vendor subforums before I place my orders. I'll probably slow down eventually, but it's always good to check and read up on new products etc. Everyone is very helpful and supportive here, it's a great place to be. I'm sure I've asked questions that I could find if I wanted to search old threads for 20 minutes, but so far no "use the search function N00B!". Everyone is understanding that there is a towering pile of information here, and inevitably the same questions are going to be asked many times.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 25, 2010
- ɹəpun uʍop -
There is just so much going on here.

On so many forums there is usually only a narrow field of interest, albeit different for everyone.

But here, everyone uses juice, has a pv of some sort, is looking at a possible improvement for their pv, looking for your next device (either in earnest or just window shopping).

Then its atties versus carto's. LoRes vs high voltage, and lets not even start with mods. I read that section even though I don't understand most of the techie stuff.

The reviews available for suppliers and the opportunity to get in on 'specials' and coupon codes is really handy.

And mostly the people here are pretty good for such a large community.

Oh, and I spend about 4 hours a day here, to answer your question (finally) :)
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
When I'm watching a football game it's 3+hrs, 1 hr game clock, and maybe 15 - 20 minutes of
actual action.......gotta have something to do waiting for something to happen....:laugh:

I just like passing on info, some learned the hard way, more on ECF, vaping has been such
a positive change for me I want any and all smokers to try it, become converts.....:blush:


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 30, 2010
I spend WAY TOO MUCH TIME on here. BUT I don't regret a second of it. I doubt my last three months journey would have been nearly as successful without all the great info and advice here on ECF. The "How to's" and the "What not to's" have been invaluable. I've spent a small fortunate collecting my stash but I've saved a bundle too knowing when a sales happening and using coupon codes found on ECF. I also like knowing that nothing I've bought will go to waste if I don't like it or use it as I can easily sell it here on ECF in the classifieds or PIF to others who will get to enjoy it. I see my time spend here decreasing in the next few months as I've found all that makes my vaping successful now but even if I don't spend every moment possible on here in the future that doesn't mean I still won't be stopping by often to check up on what's going on. It really is a great community here on ECF !


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 22, 2010
The Internet
I am totally addicted to this forum now, I spend way too much time reading every post. On an average I spend about 5-7 hours a day on it. I have a family to take care, a full time job, a lot of taxes to pay, and a lot of TV to watch. I better watch out before my wife kills me.

How much time you spend on this forum?

LOL . . . Too much time. There is a lot to learn, and I'm about the only person in a 50 mile radius that knows anything about this stuff, so I owe it to the people to become as informed as I can. :laugh: (Or that's how I justify it anyway.)

Just divert your eyes away from the sale threads . . . trust me. I'll be posting sometime next week when I hit my 100th flavor received. Are there any threads in here about OCD or impulse control? :laugh:
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