How much nicotine am I taking in? And a few help questions

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Mar 5, 2009
Ok so a little background. I smoke 1 cigarette a day in the evening (different brands, American Spirit, Camel 99's, Parliament Lights, etc). How much nicotine is that?

I've just gotten my NPRO and I love it, and have no desire to go back to cigarettes whatsoever. I found that 2 drops lasted me a good 30 minutes (I was smoking while on the computer, so I'd take a couple puffs every few minutes)

So my next question is, if i'm using 4 drops a day (I really don't see myself going over, most days i'll probably only use 2 drops because i'm busy most of the day) how much nicotine am I taking in if i'm using Medium(11mg) liquid from Janty?

Lastly, aside from dry mouth, I have not experienced any side effects from e-smoking. However I have noticed that there is a slight pain in my chest before I went to sleep and a little in the morning. However, i'm not sure if this is due to esmoking, as it could be just that I eat really poorly (we're talking about fast food 3 meals a day, 3-6 cans of soda, 2 cups of coffee, icecream and donuts, etc)

Does anyone know if esmoking has any effect on the lungs?



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Kate is correct and you're getting about the same amount of nicotine from e-smoking that you were getting from your cigarette. But, my goodness, you're not an addict and nicotine tolerance and dependence loom on your horizon if you continue to experiment with the addictive drug.

What good do you hope will come from e-smoking? You should stop both practices and enjoy the health a non-addict will enjoy. Advice from an addict ...


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Mar 5, 2009
I really like the act of smoking, but not the things I get from a cigarette. I doubt a mg or even 2mg of nicotine a day will lead me to become addicted. I've smoked cigarettes for 2 years, and only maybe 5 times i've ever had the urge to smoke more than 1 a day. I'm not too worried about becoming addicted.

Also, I don't want to damage my lungs, and vaping while i'm watching tv or on the computer is really enjoyable, so esmoking seemed perfect, and i'm not dissapointed so far.

Am I correct to assume the vapor will not damage my lungs? And 1-2 mg of nicotine a day won't harm my health?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
The only honest answer to your questions is: We don't know.

Might help you. Might harm you. If you continue, you become one of the guinea pigs. I, too, enjoyed smoking. I found it great for relaxing or boosting spirit. But not great from a health standpoint.

My final suggestion is to find nicotine you don't need to inhale. Puff a cigar. Puff a pipe. Plant a snus in your cheek. Do anything to avoid sucking smoke or vapor into your lungs -- with their known and unknown consequences.

I truly doubt your minor indiscretions will ruin your health. But why gamble when no one is holding a gun to your head?

Addiction starts slowly for some. Your brain creates specialized nicotine receptors, and those receptors need regular feeding. Like food consumption out of control, they demand more and more for satisfaction. You add a morning cigarette, then one after lunch, then one when you're troubled or stressed in any way. We all went down the same road, ending as addicts answering craving calls we wouldn't wish on any but our worst enemies.

Just suggesting you pull off this road while you still can.


Senior Member
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Feb 8, 2009
In my opinion, KrazY is just enjoyng the act of smoking for what it is to him, i.e. a nice, relaxing, evening related moment that detaches him from the fatigue and stress of his 3 fast food a day lifestyle. He's not even thinking about smoking during the day, and my point of view on the PHYSICAL nicotine addiction is that it isn't as strong as many on this forums thinks, altough different for everyone.

He's enjoyng the psychological part of it, and I think that using snus will not only not give him the same psych effect, but maybe also raise his nic intake in an attempt to get the same satisfaction (from a drug that, it appears to me, isn't what he's searching for in his evening cig) and maybe trigger something more in the vicious addiction cycle. And while snus is a safer alternative to burnt tobacco, the pipe and cigar have well known related effect, without the advantage of an e-cig allowing you to control your nic intake in a much easier way.

I concur with TB: if you can get off this crazy train, do it now. Anyone telling you that the vapor isn't harming you is fooling you, because he can't know. But if your choice is between vaping or smoking, I firmly believe that vaping is a much safer alternative. And such a low amount of nicotine MIGHT actually be beneficial to your health, and it is a real bless for your mental health.


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Mar 5, 2009
I thank you for your concern, I really do, but it's not even the nicotine that has me on this esmoking train, it's purely the act of smoking. I went through the light juice that came with my NPRO, i'm guessing that's low? (8mg) or something like that and the ultra light (either 0 or 4mg) and I still enjoy vaping it. It's not an addiction, it's more like a ritual. The only reason I want the nicotine is for the throat hit. If anyone knows of a low or 0 nicotine juice that gives a good throat hit, i'd vape that in no time.

And honestly, I don't see myself ever doing snus. Like I said, it's not the nicotine, it's the act of smoking. I don't even like cigars.

During the day, I don't even think about smoking unless i'm extremely frustrated, or someone else is smoking near me, and that doesn't happen often. And even when it does, the chances that i'll take a cigarette are less than 50%.

As for right now, I am aware that there is no definite answer to any question, but for the people that smoke 1-3ml a day and have not experienced any adverse side effects, I think i'll be safe with 2-4 drops =0


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Listen, if you must choose between cigarette smoking and e-smoking, then vape away. Everyone here, I'm sure, thinks e-smoking is much safer than inhaling tobacco smoke, possibly even "safe". I go so far as to think it might be beneficial (see "germ-killing vapor" in the Health section).

I still like the smell of tobacco smoke after almost two years off cigarettes. But would I go stand in forest fire smoke for an hour a day? I like that smell, too. But I know better than to suck smoke up.

We all really know that sucking smoke into our lungs can't possibly be healthy. So good luck with vaping. And stay off the high-dose stuff.


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Jun 3, 2008
Highly doubtful he has the genes for this addiction, so would have to work much harder at it than most of us here.

I've not seen any *science* that shows harm in 1 cig per day.

As an addict of course my gut reaction is, don't bother with them if you aren't compelled, you never know what could happen.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 17, 2009
I checked your profile and you are the same age as one of my daughters. That scared the h*ll out of me. And, I realized how important it was to respond to you.

Ok, look at the following:
1. Employers are screening new employees for nicotine/ cotine.
2. People have posted here in this forum that needed surgeries are being refused due to nicotine in their systems
3. Nicotine is an addictive substance

So, far you got lucky. You're only doing 1 cig a day. But, xKrazYx that is today that you were lucky. Not tomorrow... because if you play with fire long enough you will get burnt.

By your own words this is happening:
"I smoke 1 cigarette a day in the evening"
"I found that 2 drops lasted me a good 30 minutes (I was smoking while on the computer, so I'd take a couple puffs every few minutes)"
"So my next question is, ...(...don't see myself going over,...because i'm busy most of the day)"

You are beginning to use more (one cig is a lot shorter in time span than 30 minutes) and by your own words "...and I love it". And, you mentioned not doing it because you were busy but using it a a relaxant at the computer where we all lose hours.

If you can, please, please consider walking away from it all. Don't chance that tomorrow you won't get hooked. You could get hooked as soon as the next cigarette or vape.

If you were my daughter, I would give up my cigarettes and all my e-cigs... I would walk to the dumpster with you and throw them out and live with it (without cheating)... if you would only tell me that you were done with it... that you'd walk away, too. That is what I would say, if you were my daughter.

Addictions are not planned they sneak up on you and then they control you.

Please, think about quitting all of it.


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Mar 5, 2009
I thank you for your concern but honestly i'm not worried about getting addicted. To anything really. The most addicted i've ever been to anything was Diablo 2 back in the day and that lasted for 5 months, then one day I just got bored of it.

I have a really short attention span, and that can be a blessing in disguise sometimes. Sometimes I don't feel like smoking at all, and sometimes I want one to relax. Like I said, there's only been 5 times where i've ever wanted more than 1 in one day, and that's over the span of two years.

Today I vaped about 20 puffs, and some of those I didn't even inhale.

I just don't think I can get addicted to anything. Okay maybe like .... or ....... or some crap but i'm never going to do that so yea.

I wouldn't call wanting a cigarette in the evening an addiction, or even the start of an addiction because I don't feel the need to go over. Same with vaping, I don't plan on doing it that much, just once or twice a day to relax.

As for the vaping being longer than the cigarette smoking, i'm taking in the same amount of nicotine, but minus all the other nasty **** that's in cigs, so I think i'd rather be vaping, and I get to enjoy it for longer too.

Again, thank you for your concern but I can handle myself =]


Senior Member
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Nov 20, 2008
Bellingham, WA USA
...but honestly i'm not worried about getting addicted.

Exactly how much ...... would you have to do before you became concerned? I have buddies who have kicked both, and all say nicotine is harder (not *worse*, but harder).

Get some VG. Or PG. Vape that. Stay away from nicotine. I'm not kidding about the potential for addiction. You make your own decisions, you've made that clear. Understand we don't know you beyond a screen name, and we STILL beg you to avoid our trap...


Senior Member
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Jan 30, 2009
My, my, we were all young and foolish once, weren't we?

Using nicotine in any form is far more dangerous than simply playing with fire. You don't control nicotine; it controls YOU.
Yep you dont choose an addiction if you say you wont get addicted then just stop? why risk it i was the same way then one day bam 1.5 - 2 pack a day habit


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 2, 2008
Wow, talk about a bunch of parents in the room....

Go to the zero nicotine, problem is solved and proof that nicotine is not your motivating force.

As for other remarks, if I could do it again, I *would* touch that first cigarette. Just like I *would* drink that first six pack of Pepsi and Jolt. I would also eat that first McDonald's cheeseburger with the dehydrated onions. And I would eat those potato chips...etc etc etc.

If we all walked through life only worried about our health, people would call "healthiness" an addiction as well. Remember the definitions of healthiness...eating too much of any health food would also damage something in your body.

The bottom line is that science will *always* produce a "potential harm" in everything you do. Every.Thing.

My only suggestion is to knock off the can deal with the liver and kidney failure from PG a little later.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 20, 2009
Oklahoma City, Ok. U.S.A
Wow, talk about a bunch of parents in the room....

Go to the zero nicotine, problem is solved and proof that nicotine is not your motivating force.

As for other remarks, if I could do it again, I *would* touch that first cigarette. Just like I *would* drink that first six pack of Pepsi and Jolt. I would also eat that first McDonald's cheeseburger with the dehydrated onions. And I would eat those potato chips...etc etc etc.

If we all walked through life only worried about our health, people would call "healthiness" an addiction as well. Remember the definitions of healthiness...eating too much of any health food would also damage something in your body.

The bottom line is that science will *always* produce a "potential harm" in everything you do. Every.Thing.

My only suggestion is to knock off the can deal with the liver and kidney failure from PG a little later.

I love the way this man thinks.
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