How much am I vaping?

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
Hi and welcome to ECF!

I'm not aware of any stats for that either. When I started vaping I did vape more often than I used to smoke, but I didn't care as long as I stayed off cigarettes. It worked for me and now I vape zero nicotine and not much either. If you vape too much nic you will know it. It might be a bit light headed, nauseous, a head ache, or any combination of that kind of thing. I did that to myself a few times and then reduced my nic level from 18 mg to 14.

BTW, when you say 'smoking' I assume you mean cigarettes, or did you mean 'vaping'?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Aug 7, 2013
You can't just tack a comparative number on vaping vs smoking. Yes, you can compare the actual nicotine content, but you'd have to take the many factors that are involved with smoking typical tobacco you'd buy. There are MAOI's and freebasing agents involved with most tobacco, and there are many other chemicals that play similar roles. To be satisfied at first by vaping, you're more than likely going to have a higher nicotine intake than you did while smoking.
Thanks Ryedan! Yes, I was smoking about 7 extra-light cigarettes a day and now I estimate I am vaping about 3ml per day of a 14mg juice so thinking I my nicotine intake is higher but... you are right... it is better than cigarettes :) 1 month a counting without a cigarette and I don't miss it one bit. Planning to start reducing the nicotine content in the juice slowly and then get rid of it all together. Happy to hear that approach worked for you.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Aug 7, 2013
I don't know if you're going to find a 12 mg cigarette... I think they're more like .5-3 mg or something in that range... I'm just pulling that from thin air though..:) So that may be 12mg per pack, but to just keep the formula you're already working with, because it's all relative, a 12 mg cigarette will equal to 1 mL of 12mg liquid, when looking at actual nicotine levels. Like I stated previously, nicotine is potentiated by various compounding agents and compounds in tobacco, so you're measuring apples to oranges.. They are both fruits though..
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