how much juice do you think I would use?

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Full Member
May 15, 2010
I have been vaping with a smoke 51 for a few weeks but have yet to quit cigs although my consumption of analogs has been reduced about 60%. I just ordered some 24 mg juice from and have been using 12 mg carts. I just read somewhere that 2ml of juice at 24 mg vaped is the equivalent of about 20 real cigarettes at 1mg nicotine per smoke. I smoked a pack a day of full flavor cigarettes for 10 years so this means I would be vaping 60ml a month. I have been lurking around here for a while and noticed that alot of people vape 1ml or less a day. I was just wondering here what the average former pack a day smoker now vapes per day and at what strength. I am trying to get an idea of cost per month.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 18, 2010
virginia beach
Honestly i have 3 bottles 30ml at 24 mg of nic. On off days now that i have my PT i use more. but after almost 2 months of using my 510 straight with no analogs those three bottles are all about half empty. i used to chain smoke when i was at home at double down on my smoke breaks at work. About 1.5 packs a day.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 14, 2010
Yes 12 mg is too low for you.

DVap has researched it & come up w/ a good formula.
DVap said:
We had 20 full flavor analogs per day delivering 20 mg of nicotine per day. I've found that we need to vape 2.5X the nicotine, or 50 mg/day, so we might vape ~2.5 mL of 20 mg or ~1.5 mg of 36 mg. We're putting ~ 50 mg of nicotine onto the atomizer coil because of that 50 mg, only 40% or 20 mg of nicotine makes it into the vapor and into our bodies. So by vaping 50 mg of nicotine per day, we are delivering 20 mg of nicotine per day to our bodies.
Most are vaping 2-3ml/day.
E-Cigarette Forum - View Poll Results


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 13, 2009
Hamilton, Oh
In all honesty, You really can't compare the amount You smoke to the amount You vape. For example I smoked a pack a day, but sometimes I vape maybe 2ml one day, 5ml the next. Hell recently I vaped a 12ml bottle of juice in two days.

I'm sure You'll find 24mg to last You a good bit longer than 12mg though. All I can say is always have plenty of juice, it truly sucks to run dry.


Reviewer / Blogger
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Apr 22, 2009
Coral Springs, FL
I save all of my empty bottles and just happened to count them the other night. After over a year of vaping, I averaged about 60-70ml/month. I had been smoking a pack of Winston lights per day. Starting with 24mg got me off analogs, but I quickly moved to 18mg. I now use anywhere from 0mg to 18mg depending on how much I need and how continuously I'm vaping. I get a buzz off 24mg now. 60ml of 24mg per month sounds like a good target for you to start off with.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 11, 2010
granted, I smoked just a little less than a pack a day; but on work days i only vape about .8-1 ml of mostly 12mg. I have a bottle of 24 mg tasty finger that I use at some point most days if I'm having stress issues. when i first started vaping the 10 3ml 14 mg bottles i liked lasted me 40 days and i still had some left of select flavors (.5 a ml or less that i'm still working my way through finishing).


Full Member
Jan 10, 2010
If you purchased a 30 ml bottle of 18mg concentration you would vape 30 x 18 = 540 mg. Seems like a high number but you have to consider that vaping delivers only 1/3 of the nicotine to your body; so if you vaped 30 ml/day @ 18 mg then your total intake of nicotine is 540 x 18 x .33 = 178 mg. Considering the average person consumes 3 ml of e-juice / day then the daily nicotine intake is 3 x 5.94 = 17.79 mg of nicotine. To compare to analogs, where a 20 pack of smokes has, on the average, 20 mg of nicotine, you would be consuming about 12% less nicotine compared to smoking.
The conclusion, e-cigs may be a slightly better delivery medium for nicotine if you consider that your 3 ml/day satisfies your addiction in comparison with needing 20 analogs per day. Here is a link on analogs describing how, why, and what an analog delivers.

NOVA Online | Search for a Safe Cigarette | The Dope on Nicotine

Here is another link with usefull info.

E-liquid volumes and strengths compared to cigarettes
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 1, 2010
Well Cyberwolf and I have something in common. I was a pack/day Winston Lights smoker and 24mg was too high so quickly cut to 18mg. I am now happily in the process of moving to 12mg.

But I don't vape 30ml a month, mine is closer to 60ml, @ 2ml per day, but I do tend toward some chain vaping.

Interesting to know that if we vape 36 mg, we vape less? Or vape 12mg, we vape more?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2010
I'm only 10 days in but haven't had an analog since I started. I had the same question and based on everything I read the answers were all over the map. I smoked just under a pack a day(sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more) for nearly 25 years. My smoking patterns were a bit odd. I chain smoked in bursts, lol. I smoked 4 or 5 in the mornings on the way to work, 3 or 4 at lunch, 4 or 5 on the way home, and 3 or 4 at night before bed. I never smoked in the house or around my family. You could call me a closet smoker although it wasn't exactly a secret.

Based on what I read, I decided to go for 24mg nicotine and that seems to be perfect for me, for now anyways. I expected my consumption to be about 2ml per day max and that's turned out to be the case. I've also discovered that I can't deal with 100% PG, I need at least 10 or preferably 20% VG. I plan to try 30%VG to see if I like that even better.

Because of my odd smoking patterns, it's pretty easy for me to correlate vape time and ml. of juice consumption with number of analog cigs. in my case. A completely filled 510 cartridge correlates to about 5 cigs., and a cartomizer to about 8, so for me 1 pack of analogs is roughly equivalent to 1ml of juice. However, now that I can stealth vape at home and work from time to time, and I'm always wanting to experiment with my small assortment of flavors, I'm probably closer to 1.5ml most days. This is partly due to the novelty factor, and I expect I will end up settling closer to 1 ml. per day.


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
There was a survey done here on ecf, the adverage vapor goes through about 30 ml a month. You may be different , It is better to be prepared with more then less and run out.
This is the third time I've seen this stated, but it isn't true as far as I know.

All polls I am aware of have said the average vaper goes through 2-3ml per day.
And 30ml per month would be 1ml per day, which I just know is wrong.

Where did you see these numbers?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 18, 2010
virginia beach
This is the third time I've seen this stated, but it isn't true as far as I know.

All polls I am aware of have said the average vaper goes through 2-3ml per day.
And 30ml per month would be 1ml per day, which I just know is wrong.

Where did you see these numbers?

I totally agree with you. the numbers just dont add up.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2010
As a former pack a day smoker, I really can't envision myself going over 2ml per day on average for an extended period. I think my current vaping level is a little higher than it will be due to a combination of the excitement due to the newness, and the additional opportunity. Vaping offers the convenience of being able to do it almost non-stop, especially if you sit all day at a computer as I also do, but somehow I don't find the prospect of that terribly appealing long term, much as I enjoy it.

With analogs, I mostly smoke[d] due to the addiction, and only once in a while, maybe once or twice a day at most, I really enjoyed the heck out of a cigarette. The rest of the time, the stench, etc. sucked. Overdoing vaping would eventually ruin the appeal for me I think, so if anything I would prefer to cut back a little bit even if it is so much healthier than smoking. Heck, I think even sex would lose it's appeal if I did it non-stop all day every single day. My 2 cents.

Having said all that, I agree that you want to make sure you have enough on hand so you never run out and have to go back to analogs. I knocked over a bottle I was mixing two flavors in the other day. Fortunately it was only a 5ml size and I only lost about 2 ml but if it had been my last bottle it would have been a disaster. Excluding the flavors I would only vape in an absolute emergency, I have at 3-4 month supply and don't intend to ever let it drop below a month supply.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2010
I'm only 10 days in but haven't had an analog since I started. I had the same question and based on everything I read the answers were all over the map. I smoked just under a pack a day(sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more) for nearly 25 years. My smoking patterns were a bit odd. I chain smoked in bursts, lol. I smoked 4 or 5 in the mornings on the way to work, 3 or 4 at lunch, 4 or 5 on the way home, and 3 or 4 at night before bed. I never smoked in the house or around my family. You could call me a closet smoker although it wasn't exactly a secret.

Based on what I read, I decided to go for 24mg nicotine and that seems to be perfect for me, for now anyways. I expected my consumption to be about 2ml per day max and that's turned out to be the case. I've also discovered that I can't deal with 100% PG, I need at least 10 or preferably 20% VG. I plan to try 30%VG to see if I like that even better.

Because of my odd smoking patterns, it's pretty easy for me to correlate vape time and ml. of juice consumption with number of analog cigs. in my case. A completely filled 510 cartridge correlates to about 5 cigs., and a cartomizer to about 8, so for me 1 pack of analogs is roughly equivalent to 1ml of juice. However, now that I can stealth vape at home and work from time to time, and I'm always wanting to experiment with my small assortment of flavors, I'm probably closer to 1.5ml most days. This is partly due to the novelty factor, and I expect I will end up settling closer to 1 ml. per day.

I have to mix my PG with VG as well. I found that 30% was just right for me. I mix up 10 ml at a time and use 7 ml of 24mg e-juice and 1.6 ml of usp glycern and .6 ml of H2O to arrive at approx. 18 mg concentration. This gives a nice viscosity and tons of vapor. You won't be able to stealth vape when you add the VG as this mixture produces a large volume of vapor.
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