How long before you settled on your perfect setup?

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Aug 24, 2012
Seattle, WA
Curious as to how long it took folks to find their perfect setup, or at least the one they are using now.

After vaping Blus for several months, I just picked up an Ego starter kit and I am amazed at all the different setups. The cartridges that came with the kit are useless, but the blue foam mod helped a bit. I've found I like dripping the best for flavor, vapor, and TH, but not so much for convenience. My LR Vision Ego clearomizer today and the extra flavor from the low res is awesome. I can see adding clearomizers to my repertoire when dripping is inconvenient. My next purchases will be a VV device, a Vivi Nova 2.5 tank, and a bridgeless LR atty. I want to get to vaping Nirvana as soon as I can, but the journey is pretty exciting . . . and expensive!

And I haven't even started experimenting with all the juice flavors and PG/VG ratios yet!


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Nov 16, 2010
you're on the right track. I would say its taken me about 3 months (i had some 510's and then went back to analogs) until I found my setup. The Ego-C is VV enough for me ATM, I cut my own tanks, punch my own cartos, and diy my juice. I do have some Vivi's on order to try out, but for the most part I am totally comfortable where I am.

you're right it is an expensive road, but its also fun, and there's alot of great people on here to push you in the right direction.


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Apr 15, 2009
After almost 3 1/2 years of trying different things and spending who knows how much money, I've settled on Boge cartos and tanks on my Provari's. I use a Reo metal 18490 at work due to it's indestructible nature, but my home setup is cartos and tanks. That doesn't mean I have stopped looking for something better. My curiosity always gets the best of me.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
All of the following led to me reaching my perfect setup...

Less than one week: Moved from an RN4081 atomizer to a standard Joye 510 atomizer
Just over one week: Decided to ditch cartridges altogether and just drip
After 3 months: Bought my first Chuck and moved from a stick battery to 18650 battery
After 28 months: Bought my first 4.8v NiMH batteries for use in my Chucks

It has been a total of just over 38 months now, and I would say I am perfectly happy with this setup...
(Dripping on Joye 510 standard atomizers in my Chucks using 4.8 volt NiMH batteries)

Except that now I'm starting to get a bit concerned about using wicks with silica.
So I am thinking about looking into rebuildable dripping atomizers.
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Aug 14, 2012
A megaldon "DON" was my favorite for about a year. It's hard to beat an all mechanical big battery mod. I use it with lr atties and drip. I have a feeling it will be my go to unit for a a long time. I just bought a Lava Tube and a vivi nova, but I can't really say it's any better than the Don and it's likely to die well before the Don ever does.


Vaping Master
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Nov 23, 2011
Northern California
I spent a several evenings lurking the ECF forums. It took a while to read the info posts,learn the lingo and go through many posts about different equipment, juices and experiences.

My first APV was the E-Power 14650 which I purchased (with spare parts) in October of last year. Just single voltage, 3.7V regulated and a 1050 mAh 14650 protected ICR battery. That was a good choice because I'm still using it. I didn't change brands much at all for the 35 years I smoked. Same way with vaping for me: if it works, it works.

It was a couple of months down the road before I settled on the cartos I like. Some ran too hot, some too cool. The Smok Tech single coil 2.0 ohm XL turned out to be right on my sweet spot, 6.8 watts. I never ran into QC problems with the Smok Techs... good luck I guess. Without VV you just need to find the carto with the resistance you like. This is the VR (variable resistance) approach to fine tuning vapor as opposed to VV. I have some Smok Tech 1.7 ohm single coils around for when I want a warmer vapor (8.0 watts) at the same 3.7V regulated.

I went through a couple of evolutions in juice preferences. First, to lighter flavored juices. My sense of taste changed and improved after I quit the cigarettes completely. Later, I switched to DIY and unflavored high percentage VG juice. Yes, I also cut my nicotine dose down a couple of times.

I've been pretty lucky and have been able to keep my hardware expenses to a minimum. I haven't figured out how much money I've saved since I quit smoking and started vaping but it's a lot.
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Thomas Simms

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Oct 12, 2010
Modesto, CA
It has taken me almost 3 years to get my perfect setup. I vape on a lavatube with a cotton recoiled Vivi Nova. I started out with xHale o2 from 7/11, then i got a standard 510 kit still atty,cart. I had great success with the straw mod. Then i was hooked on ce2's for about a year and a half then i got an ego and a little while after the Nova then shortly after lavatube. So its been a long journey of a ton of disappointment but its all been worth it. Now im venturing into DIY. Jeez nothing can ever be good enough(ADHD)


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Jul 25, 2012
Dec 2011: purchased a pro smoke kit. Probably spent $250 in their store and the thing still sucked.

I got back into vaping about 2 months ago and I got some little ego batteries with some low resistance cartos. From there I got some ego twists. Then I started trying carto tanks and SR cartos.

Today I got my Provari mini in the mail and I'm pretty sure I'm set on this! It was my gift to myself for not smoking cigs.

So now I'm vaping my provari, jtank with an SR boge carto and various juices that I've found I like.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2


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May 15, 2012
Buffalo, New York
LOL. When I decided to take a step up from my first Blu starter kit I listened to Phil Busardo and bought a Kgo kit with 2 ohm boge Cartomizers.

Then I went on a search for my "perfect setup".

About 3 Months and 400 bucks later I found it!

It's those Boge Carto's either in or out of a 8 dollar Smoketech tank. :thumb:
This is a hobby for me now! I spend way to much money on it to get the same results (most of the time). My first PV was a VMAX, I loved the big hit, and it helped me to quit smoking. I now own 2 VMAX's, 2 ego's, a homemade box mod, and today I too received my ProVari mini in the mail. I own a large assortment of atty's, I have carto's (DCT tanks,etc.) I have many Vivi Nova's (3.5ml and 2.5ml), Smok Vivi rebuildables, Smok Titan (aka Screw Tank), and other clearo's. My favorite setup so far is the mini Vivi Nova 2.4ohm on my mini ProVari. I am sure that will change as soon as the next great idea is released. My next investment is going to be a Penelope. I have only been Vaping for three months, so at this point I am pretty sure I have not saved any money, but not because its not possible, just because I traded an expensive habit for a hobby with endless possibilities.
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