Hey Bloogers!

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Full Member
Jan 6, 2012
Woodstock, Ga
Hey All,
I'm a new Vape convert / Blooger.

I researched a bit before purchasing and based on information found on this fabulously informative forum. I went with the Bloog.
Started out with my new starter kit in November.

I purchased a kit for myself & my 18yr old daughter (who i recently discovered was smoking).
I ordered the med sized batteries for me in red & purple. Small batteries for her in pink & purple.

I was a regular tobacco smoker & she was menthol. So I ordered the tobacco sampler pack of cartomizers for me, a pack of the red, a big bottle of red, a small bottle of ry4, the non tobacco sampler pack of cartomizers for her, pack of the mint, and a big bottle of menthol.
I liked Ry4 so much that i ordered a big bottle of that & a pack of vanilla to try.

Still researching next purchases.
I want to buy some blank bloog cartos, a manual bloog battery, some clearos maybe (still researching which ones less prone to leaking) drip tip, and some new flavors.

I've already tried, red, Ry4, 555, last straw(kamel), grape, watermelon, chocolate, vanilla, coffee, mint & menthol. All 100%pg by Bloog.

I really didnt care for the vanilla & chocolate both tasted like smoking a clove.. and the red flavor was really disappointing, nice sweet tobacco taste but harsh in my mouth! The Mint, grape, & watermelon were not bad but all had that same hint of a clove taste in them. (Wonder what that is!?)

So based on that info, do you guys have any flavor suggestions for me? Maybe different types of juice wont have that clove taste? Bloog juice is 100% Propylene Glycol based & i'd like to try VG to see if my stuffy nose clears up.

Also, what type of accessories are interchangeable with Bloog? Cartos, clearos, tips, etc?

Very grateful fr this forum & the wealth of info obtained! :2cool:
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 11, 2011
I've been blooging for almost a year now, but just got my first 3.7v passthrough from bloog.

If you spend a lot of time by a computer, it's really a great investment. Performs beautifuly and the battery never dies! :D

If you don't have them already, I also highly recomend bloogs sanitary mouth pieces (drip tips). the rubber feel is SOOOOO much better than a metal carto.

As for flavors, there are a ton of places to choose from. I've tried a lot from all around, and one of my favorites is wowboy from vape4life. bloogs ry4 and 555 are my other go to favorites, but everyone's taste buds are different.

The sad but simple truth is that you have to spend some money on samples from a lot of different vendors to find that perfect juice. the easiest way to try them all out sadly is by dripping. so I would get an atomizer and drip tip from somewhere also, just for the purpose of trying new juices without having to fill up or waste a whole carto.

just my 2cents though.

Welcome to the bloog family, and happy vapping! :vapor:

I posted in the ignore thread, that if anyone could give my popeye avatar a nice glowing blue light in his pipe, I would send out a crap ton of juice that I've collected and no longer want. it would be an easy way to try out 20 or so differnt vendors juices. ;)
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Full Member
Jan 6, 2012
Woodstock, Ga
I do like it & so did she...

At 18 its all about appearances & looking cool & fashionable. IMO a sweet looking pink bloog with a blue light tip & tasty flavors is way cooler than a plain looking Newport & smelling like an ashtray. Not to mention she is a young single mother whos 3 month old child has already had to undergo breathing treatments & wheezes still when he cries hard. I did it for her health & her child.

I bought her kit for her for Christmas, she never even asked for it. When she came down for the Holiday she saw me smoking mine (which i ordered the same times as hers) & she gushed over it. "OOOoooo Mom. I want one of those!" I pretended that I had no clue shed ever be interested in such a thing. hehe My hope is that she will not continue to smoke analogs & eventually switch completely over to Vaping instead. I'll have to be the one to keep her stocked up on stuff tho :-\

I have lost the taste for the analogs & don't like the smell of them anymore. I hope that she will do the same.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2008
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
I do like it & so did she...

At 18 its all about appearances & looking cool & fashionable. IMO a sweet looking pink bloog with a blue light tip & tasty flavors is way cooler than a plain looking Newport & smelling like an ashtray. Not to mention she is a young single mother whos 3 month old child has already had to undergo breathing treatments & wheezes still when he cries hard. I did it for her health & her child.

I bought her kit for her for Christmas, she never even asked for it. When she came down for the Holiday she saw me smoking mine (which i ordered the same times as hers) & she gushed over it. "OOOoooo Mom. I want one of those!" I pretended that I had no clue shed ever be interested in such a thing. hehe My hope is that she will not continue to smoke analogs & eventually switch completely over to Vaping instead. I'll have to be the one to keep her stocked up on stuff tho :-\

I have lost the taste for the analogs & don't like the smell of them anymore. I hope that she will do the same.

Great story!!
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