product consistency

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I have noted that Bloog cartomizers have more consistent quality than other brands of KR8 cartomizers, and that the batteries last longer, too.

Bloog is also more expensive than other brands, but to me it is well worth the extra cost (which, BTW, still works out to way less than a pack a day of analogs) as long as the quality remains consistent.

Now, I know there's a lot of competition out there, and that customers who are looking for bargains might be turned off by higher prices, but there is still a market consisting of people -- like me -- who prefer a high-quality product and don't mind paying extra for it.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2011
well every time i put a new batt on a old carto it tast burnt and all i have right now are bloog batts and cartos. i have ordered f4l cartos to see if they are any better as they do have way more flavors. i have had more than a few new cartos tast burnt right out of the pac from bloog.

I didn't get from your other post that you are using old cartos, I thought you were talking about fresh ones. I suppose there's a chance they actually are burnt to some degree. Or maybe just yucky old leftover juice make it taste bad... have you tried to clean them before you refill?

As for the other brand cartos, the Wows fit better than the Coolcarts on a Bloog MF.


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Dec 25, 2010
Yup! Two factors are in play here; the resistance of your carto and the voltage of you battery (Watts = voltage squared divided by resistance.) If your carto is a little lower resistance than the others (say, closer to 2.0Ω than to 3Ω) and you put it on a freshly charged kr8 battery, it will mow through your juice and through your supermini battery in no time flat.

wow i learn something everyday, that might explain why so many burnt bloog cartos, and its just frustrating!! THanks for the tips!!


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Feb 4, 2011
Marietta NY
yeah its kinda weird .... ill be happily puffing along, decide to switch batteries, for some odd reason i decide to go back to my V4L batt. ( he gets lonely nowadays ) And crud ..... I get a burnt taste. huh .... that's odd ... So i put the carto back onto my bloog batt. no burnt taste. odder still. My co-workers think I'm cuckoo, they say the voltage on both batteries are the same .... so who knows. And really who cares. Bloog cartos and Bloog batteries for me please. and using V4L cartos now after experiencing Bloog is just silly. And someday soon .... hopefully .... Bloog joose. :)
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