Helping people quit

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Full Member
Jan 26, 2017
I'm coming up on 8 weeks smoke free. For me it was an instant change from analog to vaping. I haven't got into making my own juice yet so I frequent my vape shop quite a bit.

It seems that every time I go in, there is someone buy a starter kit either for themselves or a loved one. Most of them seem skeptical that vaping can/will help them quit.

If I have a passion about something, I just can't mind my own business or keep my mouth shut. I have struck up conversations with customers and let them know that I was able to drop a 1-3 pack a day 40+ year habit.

I started with an eGo AIO but am glad when I see a smoker go for any of the small kits. I found they are the best to mimic the feel of a cigarette in both size and draw (mtl). The vape shop I frequent always suggests a high nicotine content to start but they recommend not buying too much until the person finds a level they are comfortable with.

Being new to the vaping, brand loyalty hasn't had a chance to set in so I am just glad to see people really trying to use this as a way to quit smoking no matter what unit they buy. If my story helps even one person quit smoking, then I feel I've done something good.

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Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 27, 2016
Long Island, New York
Being a former smoker who hated to hear I should quit makes it easy to remember how I felt when I heard former or non-smokers preach about quitting. Now I just try to inform the smokers I know how rewarding I have found vaping to be and how you have to really want to quit. When I relate how much pleasure I get from vaping that blows away even that first light of a smoke with every pull that sometimes makes them think!
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My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
... If my story helps even one person quit smoking, then I feel I've done something good.

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That's kinda My Theory.

Because there are about 250K Members here on the ECF. And it 1 Person could switch to e-Cigarettes from something that 1 Person say's here, then that would a Lot of People after 4 Iterations.



Full Member
Jan 26, 2017
Being a former smoker who hated to hear I should quit makes it easy to remember how I felt when I heard former or non-smokers preach about quitting. Now I just try to inform the smokers I know how rewarding I have found vaping to be and how you have to really want to quit. When I relate how much pleasure I get from vaping that blows away even that first light of a smoke with every pull that sometimes makes them think!

I don't preach to anyone about it. I figure if they are in buying a starter kit, they have pretty much made the decision. I guess I just like to help reaffirm their decision.

I hated it when people said I should quit smoking. I wanted to but none of the things I tried worked......... until I bought my eGo.

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