Hello all! New member needs your opinions.

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I started my journey of weening myself off analogs just a few weeks ago with the Blu e-cig starter kit. Even though their performance has been less than stellar, they opened my eyes to a huge online community I never new existed. I'm amazed by all of the equipment, juices and accessories available for vaping. Not to mention the straightforward advice I have received from this forum. You guys have saved my a lot of time, money and frustration. Thank you.

After much research I have decided to ditch my blu cigs and move on to something better.

Yesterday I decided to go with the Joytech eGo starter kit from altsmoke.com and Dekang juices from EVcigarettes. This seems like the right path forward but I would appreciate some opinions.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 20, 2012
I went a similar route with the look alikes, then a ego type battery based unit. One of the better investments in my opinion was a good quality tank setup that didn't leak. I quickly got sick of fiddling around with cartomizers and tanks that used them. They were too inconsistent. I gave the Vivi Nova a try and found the delivery and containment system I was looking for. In a side by side comparison of my dual coil 1.5ohn tank and a single coil 1.8ohm vivi nova on my ego style 3.7v battery I got better flavor and a consistent vapor quality from my vivi nova.


Ultra Member
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Aug 24, 2012
Seattle, WA
I did the same as you did, moving from Blu to an Ego starter kit a few weeks back. If you got the kit with the blank cartridges, I found the catrtridges to be worthless, the filling inside doesn't wick very well, so I would get a lot of dry hits. I immediately switched the filler to blue foam, you can find videos on youtube, and that worked better. I have found I like dripping straight onto the atomizer, which gives a better flavor and more vapor. I immediately ordered a drip tip and clearomizer, but dripped with an empty cartridge and a rubber grip from a pen, another thing you can find on youtube. I also attached some of my leftover Blu cartomizers on the Ego, and it tasted even better than on the Blu batteries. I've tried refilling the Blu cartomizers, which is OK, but the flavor is nothing like the fresh carto.

In just a few weeks, I have settled on dripping and a low res Vision ego clearomizer, but I'm eagerly waiting on my Vivi Nova mini and low res atomizer for dripping.

One other thing was that the ejuice I got in the beginning had too much nicotine. I smoked a half pack a day, and I got 24 mg nicotine ejuice. Because I was vaping to try things out, I would get a nicotine headache. I've since lowered the nicotine strength in subsequent ejuice orders and I don't vape constantly. Hope this helps.


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Sep 2, 2012
Hmmm same here - sort of! Went from Blu to Volts - in the meantime discovered that the Blu flavor was better than I realized once I got ahold of some really janky ones LOL - for my money right now, JUICE is where it's at - I'd rather try to vape a tasty juice with a teaspoon and a BIC than mess with yucky juice in a Rolls Royce!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
I would second the vivi nova but possibly the mini. Gotvapes has just about the best deal around for them. If you are set on an ego then I would suggest the VV twist. It is a step up. As for juice I would suggest buying a bunch of samples from different places in different flavors and strengths and combinations of VG PG. I don't know anyone who really stuck with their first choice of flavor. Your taste buds will quickly change as you sense of smell and taste comes back.

Good luck and happy vaping.

Ps drink lots of fluids, vaping will dehydrate you.
Thanks for the suggestions everybody. I'm sure the eGo kit isn't the top of the line option, but considering portability, price (after all, I'm not made out of money) and performance, I decided to go with the eGo. I think the it's relatively small size will make it easier to carry around at work and the 650 manuals will keep me vaping all day. ;)

I did take your advice and ordered some clearomizers.

:thumb:Thank you!


Full Member
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Jul 29, 2012
New Orleans
One day I made the decision that e cigs were going to have to work for me and I was willing to do anything to make them work. Within 4 weeks, I bought an eGO battery with vision stardusts. It was ok, but I still wanted analogues, so I got an Innokin iTaste, then an Innokin Lea Kross (as my going out device). Finally, I bit the bullet and ordered a provari and some Texas Tuff Tanks (cartomizer tanks). I moved to the Provari fairly early on and I have been more than happy with it ever since. I started this journey 6 weeks ago and I have not wanted an analogue since. Everyone is different, but that is what worked for me.


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Sep 5, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
I think the Ego is a great starter. But I definitely suggest the Ego Twist battery. Being able to vary the voltage really makes a difference in vapor production, flavor and throat hit. stay away from the Ego Tanks. They're terrible. They're inconsistent and they leak like crazy. Two Eco Twist vv's, a charger and I suggest the eGo CE4 PLUS V2 tanks work great for me.


Senior Member
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Aug 26, 2012
I started my journey of weening myself off analogs just a few weeks ago with the Blu e-cig starter kit. Even though their performance has been less than stellar, they opened my eyes to a huge online community I never new existed. I'm amazed by all of the equipment, juices and accessories available for vaping. Not to mention the straightforward advice I have received from this forum. You guys have saved my a lot of time, money and frustration. Thank you.

After much research I have decided to ditch my blu cigs and move on to something better.

Yesterday I decided to go with the Joytech eGo starter kit from altsmoke.com and Dekang juices from EVcigarettes. This seems like the right path forward but I would appreciate some opinions.


Congrats on switching! I'm brand new too, but been off the analogues for 3 days now thanks to my new setup. Lucky for me, I didn't end up with a "gas station" ecig because I found this place before I even made my first order. I got an eGo set with 5 boge LR cartos, 2 stardusts, and 2 vision extremes. For my juice, I got Dekang RY4 18mg. I couldn't be happier. The stardust and vision extreme are pretty similar, but definitely more flavour out of the stardust. The boges are nice, but very little throat hit. This whole setup (minus the juice) cost me $56 at canvape.com, and also included USB/wall chargers and a big zippered eGo branded case for everything. I would HIGHLY recommend it if you want plenty of variety without breaking the bank.
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