Gordon/Vitale Bill Would Ban Sale Of So-Called “E-Cigarettes”

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Full Member
Aug 31, 2009
December 7, 2009 - 1:42pm

Gordon/Vitale Bill Would Ban Sale Of So-Called “E-Cigarettes”

By Matthew Reilly TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Sen. Bob Gordon and Sen. Joseph Vitale to apply the provisions of the “New Jersey Smoke Free Air Act,” banning smoking in public places or the sale of smoking products to minors, to the use of electronic smoking devices, commonly known as e-cigarettes, was approved 6-0 today by the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee.

The bill, a Senate committee substitute for (S3053/S3054), would expand the definition of "smoking" to include e-cigarettes. It would define smoking as the burning or inhaling of tobacco or any other matter than can be smoked or inhaled, or the inhaling of smoke or vapor from an electronic smoking device

Gordon/Vitale Bill Would Ban Sale Of So-Called ?E-Cigarettes? | Politicker NJ


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
I believe this is unconstitutional. Are they really that ignorant or do they expect the people to be ignorant? How can they "expand" it to include E-cigarettes when it puts off no smoke whatsoever, and it does not burn tobacco, or even ignite a flame. The Health Department In Virginia said the same thing on the FAQ website. Vapor is harmless and these people are idiots. I am constantly riding around in my vehicle with my no smoking, no vaping wife while I vape, and she can't even tell I am vaping anything. I guess they want everyone to go outside and breathe the jersey shore dump and automobile fumes.

Our House

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 29, 2009
I want to see someone get a fine for vaping in a theater. Or at a nightclub. Or a private party with DJ/Band. Or anywhere else this Propylene Glycol is used in public air.

EDIT: also notice how Health Canada was quoted in saying that PG is an irritant. I guess the FDA's GRAS stance on PG wasn't good enough for them. And since when is a foreign country's policy/information valid in the US??? If that's the case, we've already proven PVs safe by means of Europe, South Africa, and New Zealand!
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Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Nov 10, 2009
Rhode Island
They are so worried about cigarette smoke and now e-cigarette vapor polluting the air and killing innocent bystanders !!!

I do a lot of walking and I can't stand the fumes and smell from the cars and trucks that pass by me, especially since I quit smoking. I am not saying that they should ban automobiles, but it's a sick joke the way they blame cigarettes/e-cigarettes for polluting the atmosphere !!! :mad:


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
Very poorly written law, unless the OP didn't post exemptions and it's paraphrased or mis-quoted in the article. This would include any kind of inhaler and AIR!

"the burning or inhaling of tobacco or any other matter that can be smoked or inhaled"

(Read it with "burning," "tobacco" and "smoked" removed from the sentence!)
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 14, 2009
Muskego, WI
"or any other matter than can be smoked or inhaled,"

sounds to me like it would also apply to inhalers. Sorry asthmatics, but you gotta go outside if youre having an asthma attack before you can take your meds.

Quite right, that bills wording could also ban the use of portable nebulizers, and possibility emergency inhalers. Both give off a visible vapor. Not to mention fog machines.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
How overwhelming are e-cigs despised? This was the Assembly vote:

(TRENTON) - Legislation sponsored by Assemblywomen Connie Wagner and Joan Voss (both D-Bergen) to prohibit the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors and include e-cigarettes in the New Jersey Smoke Free Air Act was approved 76-0 by the Assembly.

Not a lot of support, eh?

Wording can be reworded. Intent is not easily changed.


Moved On
Apr 30, 2009
The atual wording is:

"Smoking" means the burning of, inhaling from, exhaling the smoke from, or the possession of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or any other matter or substance which contains tobacco or any other matter that can be smoked, or the inhaling or exhaling of smoke or vapor from an electronic cigarette.

They do state a specific, not just a vague "any vapor" kind of statement...



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 8, 2009
Newnan, GA
Does this include Nicotrol also? This is a prescription drug
How should I take Nicotrol?

Stop smoking completely during the Nicotrol treatment.

Take out cartridge tray, peel back to release 1 cartridge, insert cartridge into inhaler, and push hard on the cartridge until it pops down into place.

Line up the marking again and push the two pieces back together so they fit tight. Turn the top and bottom pieces so the markings do not line up and it is locked again. Store cartridges in plastic case when not in use.

Inhale deeply into back of throat or puff in short breaths. As you inhale or puff through the mouthpiece, nicotine turns into a vapor and is inhaled.

Nicotine in cartridges is used up after about 20 minutes of active puffing.

This was taking from the pdrhealth dot com website


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 17, 2009
I love how they keep bringing "antifreeze" into it.

"Propylene glycol, which is used in antifreeze, is the liquid that vaporizes when a person exhales and produces a mist that is nearly identical in appearance to tobacco smoke"

So what if it's used in antifreeze? PG is found in alot of products and has been deemed as safe use. And as far as not knowing the effects of inhaling it...It's in my husbands asthma inhaler, so if it's safe for him to inhale, why not me? PG's also in injectable meds as well to dilute and thin out thick IV meds. If it can be injected directly into my blood without incident, then I'm not worried about it. And yeah, it may be an irritant...but so is the air I breathe everyday thanks to cars, factorys, second-hand smoke, yada yada yada.

I don't understand the fda's arguments about the e-cig. the ingredients consist of things that have already been deemed safe (by them) and are used in a myriad of other products. The only thing that makes any sense to me is that big tobacco is having a fit and riding the fda (possibly bribing them too) to do away with our PV's cause they are in fear of losing money.

just found this: The Dangers of Inhaling Propylene Glycol
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2009
Trainer PA
Does that mean they are going to start banning driving cars too? If my pg vapor is so bad I can just imagine how bad vehicle emissions are....

On the other hand...it looks like it specifically banned sale to MINORS...which I can agree with....minors don't want these anyway. (or maybe they would if they are hooked on cigarettes like I was by age 11 but back then nobody really cared about kids not smoking back then...oh how times change)

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