Vaping "more dangerous than traditional cigarettes"

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Full Member
Dec 18, 2009
Westfield, MA
All Dems and many Repubs are nothing but pawns of various big industries. The same jackasses that are slowly chipping away at our right to defend ourselves are now going to attempt to force us back onto tobacco, because that is where the money is. We've got the best government money can buy!

Fed up, can't wait to vote for Scott Brown on Tuesday.


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ECF Veteran
May 17, 2009
Warwick, RI
“No matter how manufacturers attempt to market these devices, they are still cigarettes. In many ways, they may be more dangerous than traditional cigarettes because of their lack of oversight or any conclusive studies into their health effects.”

Gordon, you ARE kidding making a statement like this, right?

“This is yet another victory for public health,” said Gordon (D-Bergen)

Who ever elected this chump to serve any government capacity aught to have their voting rights stripped away.

They get bolder as the days go by, don't they? Eventually they will be exposed as the uneducated frauds that they really are.


Senior Member
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Jan 1, 2010
N Georgia


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ECF Veteran
May 17, 2009
Warwick, RI
Wow. This Gordon guy makes me want to drive up to NJ just to put a flaming bag of dog poo on his front door step. James Williams sounds like he's got more between his ears than dead space, though his statement (or, at least, what they quoted of his statement) isn't necessarily pro-ecig.

That statement is from me. :D I kept it neutral so it gets a higher chance of it being picked up on Google News. If it sounds like a "commentary", I-Newswire will reject the story, and that's when it gets picked up on Google News if I-Newswire accepts it.
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Ultra Member
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Aug 3, 2009
Londinium, Brittania
That statement is from me. :D I kept it neutral so it gets a higher chance of it being picked up on Google News. If it sounds like a "commentary", I-Newswire will reject the story, and that's when it gets picked up on Google News if I-Newswire accepts it.

That is the unfairness of it all BJW. Banzhaf is allowed to 'commentate' all the garbage he likes from the anti side and it gets picked up. Yet if you speak from the pro side it gets labeled as being somehow slanted.
What a crock! Do you ever feel like you are playing with marked cards Jim?


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 17, 2009
Warwick, RI
That is the unfairness of it all BJW. Banzhaf is allowed to 'commentate' all the garbage he likes from the anti side and it gets picked up. Yet if you speak from the pro side it gets labeled as being somehow slanted.
What a crock! Do you ever feel like you are playing with marked cards Jim?

Ok, here's the deal. If I went off on some pro-ecig tangent in the release, I-Newswire would REJECT the story. They would say it is "commentary" and opinionated. They want news releases, not opinions from the author of the release. Many releases I sent through them get rejected because of this.

(In fact, the article Kristin wrote last year was rejected by I-Newswire for the same reason. Opinionated - Not News. A shame too because it was a great article to be sent to the news wires.)

The big difference between Banzhaf and myself is that not one of his "press releases" ever make it to Google News, or even picked up on any other press release site except the one he publishes his on. The ones that I managed to get released through I-Newswire (the ones NOT rejected) get picked up on Google News and they tend to end up on bigger sites (such as putting more public exposure to it.

Banzhaf releases those "press releases" for his ASH website to make himself look bigger than he actually is. I intend for my releases to reach as many people as possible, and sometimes they actually do.

The basic story was a public official making a dangerous proclamation that e-cigs may be more harmful than real ones. My comment basically states that it's a bold statement to make and it has the detrimental effect of making the public perceive that cigarettes are less harmful because they're FDA "approved" and saying e-cigs are dangerous.

A news release should not be a time to preach the gospel of the e-cig. Serious news wire services only want cold hard fact that pertains to the story at hand.

That's how news works. Unfortunately sometimes we must put aside personal feelings and state facts.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2010
N Georgia
That statement is from me. :D I kept it neutral so it gets a higher chance of it being picked up on Google News. If it sounds like a "commentary", I-Newswire will reject the story, and that's when it gets picked up on Google News if I-Newswire accepts it.
:oops: My bad BJW, I didn't put two and two together.

Ok, I totally see where your coming from. Good on you to try to reach as many as possible. It just kinda ticks me off that they'll print Gordon's (or Banzaf's, or the FDA's) hogwash but not an even moderately pro-PV stance. I know, I know, he's an elected official and all... I just really want to yell at some of these people, "HEY, these things are quite possibly saving my life and there's no evidence to suggest they're harming* ANYONE'S health in the process, so back the &%^& OFF!!" but I know it would be counter-productive.

:-x Ok, I'll shut up now.

*yeah, I know not completly safe, I know that. Not any worse than what we're exposed to every day by just living in an even slightly developed area though.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2010
A Brit, abroad, (USA)
I think what galls me more about these kind of 'bandwagon' sound bites from politicos is that it just confuses people. Are they actually telling people that tobacco is safe now? Because thats how it comes across. That they are saying something which has a PROVEN negative health effect is less dangerous to everyone than something which uses NO tobacco at all (and is basically a nicotine delivery system) and has no 'this is bad' backup studies to prove its dangerous. If they were serious about people's health they'd just ban tobacco - period. No just 'in public places' but everywhere. Forever. Really if its that bad ban it.
Oh and ban everything else that contains PG - after all its a 'known irritant' - despite the fact its in FOOD. And medicines. Better go ahead and ban those ingredients in NJ too eh Gordy? Come on now, you started the ball rolling lets not get shy now...wahts that? There a study dating back to the 1940s (and since repeated a few times) that says PG is ok? Well we'll just ignore that one - come on Gordon lets go ahead with the ban stick..I'm waiting.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 11, 2009
I added my comments to the article. But I have a question about enforcement.

How the heck can anyone prove I "vaped"?

It's not like smoking. There's smoke. And everyone can tell the smell of smoke. It lingers for a long enough time that you can have security or whoever come sniff the scene of the crime.

Plus, there's usually a spent .... to be found.

With vaping, it's gone in an instant. And for the mod users, you could just carry a tiny can of deoderant or hairspray and say that's what they saw :p

If I were in NJ, I'd just hit the john more often on those days that it's too cold or wet to go outside. Or hell, use some very low vapor juices.

I just have a hard time seeing anyone get "caught" if they ban it.


Vaping Master
Supporting Member
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
Ok, here's the deal. If I went off on some pro-ecig tangent in the release, I-Newswire would REJECT the story. They would say it is "commentary" and opinionated. They want news releases, not opinions from the author of the release. Many releases I sent through them get rejected because of this.

(In fact, the article Kristin wrote last year was rejected by I-Newswire for the same reason. Opinionated - Not News. A shame too because it was a great article to be sent to the news wires.)

The big difference between Banzhaf and myself is that not one of his "press releases" ever make it to Google News, or even picked up on any other press release site except the one he publishes his on. The ones that I managed to get released through I-Newswire (the ones NOT rejected) get picked up on Google News and they tend to end up on bigger sites (such as putting more public exposure to it.

Banzhaf releases those "press releases" for his ASH website to make himself look bigger than he actually is. I intend for my releases to reach as many people as possible, and sometimes they actually do.

The basic story was a public official making a dangerous proclamation that e-cigs may be more harmful than real ones. My comment basically states that it's a bold statement to make and it has the detrimental effect of making the public perceive that cigarettes are less harmful because they're FDA "approved" and saying e-cigs are dangerous.

A news release should not be a time to preach the gospel of the e-cig. Serious news wire services only want cold hard fact that pertains to the story at hand.

That's how news works. Unfortunately sometimes we must put aside personal feelings and state facts.

Yes like the "cold, hard facts" that the FDA released last year after their investigation of e cigs? Oh, that's right, it was our government, they won't lie to us! Right


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 3, 2009
Londinium, Brittania
I added my comments to the article. But I have a question about enforcement.

How the heck can anyone prove I "vaped"?

It's not like smoking. There's smoke. And everyone can tell the smell of smoke. It lingers for a long enough time that you can have security or whoever come sniff the scene of the crime.

Plus, there's usually a spent .... to be found.

With vaping, it's gone in an instant. And for the mod users, you could just carry a tiny can of deoderant or hairspray and say that's what they saw :p

I stayed at a no-smoking cabin when I was on holiday last year. I vaped my .... off with my SB@6v for two weeks solid and no-one was none the wiser. Big, thick alto-cumulus clouds of vape. No smoke alarms going off, no residue, no butts, no after smell. Nothing.
So yes, unless you smoking chocolate molasses then you will get away with it.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 17, 2009
Warwick, RI
Yes like the "cold, hard facts" that the FDA released last year after their investigation of e cigs? Oh, that's right, it was our government, they won't lie to us! Right

Yeah. We have a wonderfully truthful government, don't we?

Trust me, when I crafted this press release, I wanted to explode. But I worded it in a way that it'll have a higher probability of being picked up.

Googling the press release, it's already on Tweetme, and on 4 e-cig sites already. Bing News already picked up the story. If approved by I-Newswire, it'll be off to Google News and even bigger sites. I want it planted so that idiot "Senator" gets to read it.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 30, 2009
Richmond, VA
oh man this ...... me off :mad: . . anyways here's my post to the original article . . i was a bit heated.

"What a joke. They’re just a bunch of clowns who obviously HAVE NOT DONE THEIR HOMEWORK. I take from this that Gordon and Vitale are definitely getting paid off big tobacco . . . or unintentionally just admitted to their own incompetence.

5 minutes of “research” is enough to show anybody that big tobacco has no hand in e-cigarettes.

Even if e-cigarettes are “dangerous” . . i live in AMERICA, and if i can CHOOSE to willingly smoke cigarettes which is well known to KILL 400,000…400,000…400,000 a year as a DIRECT result. . . i can sure as hell choose to use an electric cigarette.

You must have a certified Smoke Attendant handle your cigarette while you smoke it.
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