Gooey Butter Cake by AltCig

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Vaping Master
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Aug 9, 2009
Dogville Estate
Like bakery flavors? Like dessert flavors? Here's my review of Gooey Butter Cake by AltCig.

I'm a HUGE fan of the real gooey butter cake (all versions from the "normal" like my mom used to make, to the "chocolate" variety like my wife sometimes blesses me with, to Paula Dean's version). My vast experience with the real thing I think puts me in a unique position to be able to call myself a GBC "Expert"!

INFORMATION ABOUT juice REVIEWED - 24mg strength. PG/VG ratio is unlisted so if you have a concern please contact AltCig.

EQUIPMENT USED - Vaped in the following configurations, though the following review was based on my preferred configuration:
Low Resistance 510 atty at 3.7v
Low Resistance 510 atty at 5v
Standard 901 atty at 3.2v
Standard 901 atty at 3.7v
Standard 901 atty at 5v

NOTE: I prefer a warmer vape than some people and find that my preferred equipment is LR atty @ 3.7v or SR atty @ 5v. This juice is no different as I found those configurations best for ME. If you like a cooler vape that's great and should be similar to my comments below though with slightly less heat and vapor production.

I was fortunate to win a contest (the prize being 4 juices of my choice). For those who don't know me, I do NOT pull my punches just because I'm given something. I "call it like I see it" and while that means I'm not always complementary, I am always honest.

Shipping was same-day and arrived a few days later. My brief communication with AltCig during the process was great and very customer friendly! They made me feel like I mattered (even more amazing considering it was a contest win and not a larger purchase), and that's surprisingly rare in the e-cig industry.

Standard packaging in a padded mailer and inside ziplock bags. I was supposed to receive 4 juices, but actually received 5! A very welcome surprise! Another nice touch is the thought that appears to have gone into the extra flavor (Cinnamin Cheese Danish) selection as it's right inline with the flavors I ordered and NOT some wacky, unlikely to be liked flavor (i.e. like when you order bakery and receive tobacco). A nice touch and shows that there was thought put into what i'd likely enjoy most.

My only suggestion for packaging is the bottle labels. They're nicely sized, color printed labels, however there's a layer of scotch tape placed over the labels. I put tape over my own labels because the labels I have tend to not stay stuck real well. As a premier ejuice vendor, I would like to see AltCig switch their labeling to ones that have adequate adhesive and wouldn't require the tape. Very minor gripe I know but something that could be slightly improved in the future.

The liquid is a clean lite peachy color and the viscosity is on par with most of my other liquids, or slightly thinner (I normally vape 70PG/30VG so I'm guessing this is 80/20 or 70/30?) The product description on the ecigexpress website does not list the actual %s nor does it give you an option so people sensitive to either one should get verification of the makeup to avoid issues. The liquid smells EXACTLY like the real thing! That gets the saliva flowing and anticipation builds as soon as the cap is removed!

The vapor taste is SPOT ON! The buttery taste is quite pronounced like it should be, with a lesser note of cream cheese and a hint of powedered sugar. Real GBC can be made with or without a dusting of powdered sugar on top. My kids don't like powdered sugar and therefore my wife's homemade version does not have the dusting while my mom's version had a fairly heavy dusting. So I'd say the liquid falls somewhere in between those two. I taste powdered sugar, but it's a very lite dusting and subtle.

Common to ALL bakery flavors I've vaped, higher voltage/wattage (i.e. SR @ >5v or LR @ 5v) does result in a loss of flavor nuiances and IMO is not ideal.

The vapor has a great spot on taste, and the vapor also has a spot on smell. The fragrance is more subtle than some of my other juices, but it is noticble. So vaping GBC won't attract people from rooms away (the way the smell of GBC baking does) but anyone nearby will likely get hungry!

I was very surprised here. The amount of vapor is very pronounced, (likely due to a high PG content?) more so than other all-PG juices I've vaped over the years. Anyone who likes to "fog" the room will love this aspect, while stealth vapers won't.

I find the throat very smooth and mellow. For someone who's #1 priority is TH, this isn't probably going to satisfy the TH need. However, like most bakery flavors, it's more about the taste and less about the TH and GBC delivers!

If you like bakery flavors or would like to try a top-notch one, this is likely the best example I've ever vaped! It's true to it's namesake and delicious! It has very minimal throat kick, and is smooth, "creamy", dare I say "gooey" - just like it SHOULD be. The vapor production is great and would impress anyone while it's residual (second-hand) smell is very pleasing and non-offensive. Vape GBC and you won't smell like a smoker but you may find yourself hungry!

A phenominal bakery flavor that is as close to the real thing as any liquid can get! Vape it and see it you find yourself licking your fingers afterward!

My experience with AltCig was as good as it gets and I will definately by ordering from them in the future!

TONGUE SCORE - Just about perfect! I'll give this 4-1/2 tongues (out of a possible 5). The only thing that keeps it from getting 5 out of 5 is it's almost too mild (for me) throat hit and it's almost too subtle powdered sugar flavor. Likely a lot of people would rate this 5 out of 5 since TH is normally not a big thing for bakery flavors and especially if you're used to the GBC version with little to no powdered sugar dusting.



Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2010
Columbia, Missouri
I'm awaiting delivery of an order from AltCig that contains a small bottle of Gooey Butter Cake. I'm curious to see how it compares to other vendors' versions, specifically KBV Gooey Better Cake (which is tasty but misses the mark for me as take on GBC) and Vape-a-licious St. Louis Gooey Butter Cake (which I regard as the reigning champ for replicating GBC, although it's actually too rich, sweet and buttery to be more than an occasional dessert vape for me---a little goes a long way).

Have you tried either of those or others? If so, how do they compare for you to AltCig's version?


Vaping Master
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Aug 9, 2009
Dogville Estate
Sorry, I have not tried GBC by any other vendor so can't compare them. :(

Honestly, I like this one so much and to me it's so close to the real thing, that when I need more I'll likely go the "safe" route and just order it from AltCig. I will keep my eyes opens though for a chance to try another vendor's version so that I can see how they compare, until then I'm very happy with AltCig's GBC recipe.

Paulie P.

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Jul 17, 2011
I'm going to have to try this one. I have tried several GBC versions with KBV being the best and DIY Flavorshack being the worst. Actually, I shouldn't say its the worst. The DIV Flavorshack version didn't taste like GBC, it just had a plain generic sweet flavor to it. Vape-a-licious is a good backup if I ever run out of my KBV.

Thanks again, I'm heading to my pc right now...

Paulie P.
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Vaping Master
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Aug 9, 2009
Dogville Estate
I ordered two bottles yesterday since they were having a 30% sale. They shipped them out today. I hope I like them. Thanks for the review....

Paulie P.

If for some reason you don't... I know someone you could send them to! :p

Great review, thanks! Damn, how did I miss a 30% off sale? I just love vaping sweet bakery type stuff! Will definitely have to give this one a try!

AltCig frequently runs sales so you're never far from the next one (not always 30% off, but some sort of freebie/discount happens a LOT). And shipping is always SUPER fast and their customer service is top notch. About the only thing I can say negative about them is that they don't have the largest selection of flavors, but the ones they do have (that i've tried) are great. I don't know if it's intentional on their part or not, but IMO it's better to have less choices and do them REALLY well, than to have a bunch of junk juice (you shoulda seen my juice supply when I started vaping - 60 bottles and most of them were terrible!). Since then I've learned that not all juice is created equal and there's only a couple that I trust enough to "risk" buying an untasted juice from. AltCig is VERY good and so hopefully you won't waste a bunch of money like I did on crapola!

Paulie P.

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Jul 17, 2011
We have all been there. I have gone thru roughly 20 different vendors since last july. I wasted so much money. Now I'm settled on three vendors but I still like to try something new every now and then.

I recently tried three juices from DIYFlavorshack. They were way overpriced and not that good at all. The gooey butter cake tasted like a generic sweet juice, not like gbc at all. The Coffee Cake tasted like feet, no joke. And I haven't had the desire to try the chocolate cake yet.

Taste is subjective so I know that my opinion doesn't mean much.

Paulie P.

Paulie P.

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Jul 17, 2011
I have learned that the companies that carry 200 or more flavors are just reselling premade crap. I know of two sites here in Charlotte that both sell the same premade crap but claim that its homemade. I have been in their backrooms and have seen the same bottles in both. So no, I don't buy from them any longer. I prefer the companies that sell 30 or so handmade juices. Just my opinion.

Paulie P.


Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Apr 10, 2012
wherever my daydreams take me
Yes..they said steeping will change the flavors if you want to...I love that*but have you tried their Banana milkshake? is yummy! I could not believe it..I ordered a variety from Altcig and that was my favorite so far..and their vanilla is great for mixing with other far I love their flavors..glad I found them..customer service is so far for me.....take care all....Lee t6374858.gif


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May 18, 2009
South Jersey USA
I do love their gooey butter cake but the Caramel gooey cookie is pure vaping nirvana for me! It is a fusion of what I love about their GBC with another love of mine..........CARAMEL! Wow, blew me away. I immediately ordered 2 of the largest bottles and feel like I may NEED to order a few more. This flavor was great from the mailbox, can't wait till it stews...........IF it has time:p
I am a mainly DIY vaper but enjoy "vaping out" once in a while.The "once in a while" as turned to not "vaping in".....LOL

I highly suggest lovers of Altcigs version of GBC and caramel to take the plunge and order...............A+ service, quick shipping and a good thing as I has vaped an once in 2 days and made myself sick! I thought it was a passing fad like e-liquid as this has happened to me before but two weeks later I still can't pt it down.I do find the nuances are best at around 8.5 watts IMHO.

Happy Vaping to all!:p


Ultra Member
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Jul 28, 2009
A fool on the hill in Deposit, NY
Oh, cool - I'm sitting here anxiously awaiting my bottle of GBC from altcig! A very timely review. :) I am also sucking up their Pudding Cake like there is no tomorrow. Going to write a review on it later today. I'm in love - which is amazing since up until I found Altcig I didn't particularly like dessert flavors. But this is truly, really, fantasmagorically YUMMMM.


Ultra Member
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Jul 28, 2009
A fool on the hill in Deposit, NY
That's probably as good a rule of thumb as most - it makes sense, anyways. Real artisan work requires individual attention, I would think...

On the other hand, once the recipe is perfected, it can just be made by anyone. So if the company has been around for a long time, the Artisan Flavorist could, theoretically, have designed a lot of custom recipes, and his assistants could be replicating them and tweaking according to customer's requests. It's possible. :)

I have learned that the companies that carry 200 or more flavors are just reselling premade crap. I know of two sites here in Charlotte that both sell the same premade crap but claim that its homemade. I have been in their backrooms and have seen the same bottles in both. So no, I don't buy from them any longer. I prefer the companies that sell 30 or so handmade juices. Just my opinion.

Paulie P.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2009
A fool on the hill in Deposit, NY
So, just got my GBC delivered, along with Gingerbread Creme Brulee and a freebie of Vanilla Love (thank you Altcig - you guys are awesome!).

GBC is good right out of the envelope, but I am going to let it steep for a week or so - I think it will develop more of a buttery flavor yet.

Gingerbread Creme Brulee tastes like Ginger Cookie at this point. Good, but not what I expected or hoped for. I'll check on it again in a week - hopefully I'll be able to taste the Creme Brulee by then.

Both are a little too "cakey" for me at this point. Still like the Pudding Cake best - because I taste the pudding, not the cake! LOL

I am just not having any luck with Creme Brulee or Dulce de Leche yet. I love both as food, but I haven't seen a single good translation into vape yet. They all taste burnt and lack that creamy flavor that is so delicious in real dessert. :(

Have HB CB steeping right now - didn't like it right out of the mailbox, but maybe in a couple of weeks. I hope.
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