Getting the right mindset

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ECF Veteran
Oct 10, 2011
Derbyshire, UK
This post may have already been done so I appologise in advance if it has but I wanted to post how I helped a friend recently take the plunge into vaping and their experiance.

My friend had been a heavy smoker for almost 10 years, tried many times and spent a lot of money of every conceivable method to quit, patches, inhalator, gum, tablets, hypnosis, accupuncture, you name and he'll have tried it and failed. He was preparing to try again with a support group but was not holding out much hope, his life was very stressful and his health in decline as a result so I mentioned, casually in passing that I was now vaping as oppose to smoking. He read up and found a shop while travelling with work, tried a few flavours and what not, bought himself a good kit (eGo C) and a ton of the flavours he liked but try as he might it just wasn't working, he would go a few days but somehow failed. In desperation he phoned me after a bad day and him suffering with a bad chest infection so I took the time to listen, he admitted that even the thought of quitting had him in cold sweats and panicky so I told him not to quit then, he was shocked and angry that I had allowed him to be drawn in so I expanded my statement, I told him not to quit smoking but to change his brand of cigarette from his traditional to the more futuristic electronic brand, same action and nicotine, just a different brand. I left it there and we chatted about other things.

Fast forward 6 weeks and we meet up for lunch, guess what, he's vaping and has been for 5 weeks, he told me what did it for him was setting his mind, not to quitting but to changing his brand of cigarettes, after I had left him 6 weeks earlier he had diligently cleaned and packed his vape gear away with one battery set up ready, put the whole lot in a sealed envelope and written 'My new and improved smokes' and when he had finished a pack one night he went to the shop, rather than buy another packet he bought a paperback he fancied reading thus spending what he would have on his regular smokes, gone back home and opened his 'New and Improved Smokes', he then settled down with his book, a glass of wine and his PV. Since then he hasn't even been tempted, he still refers to himself as a smoker at the moment but he's vaping and it is working with his mind set that he hasn't given up but changed his brand, while his life is still stressful his health is improving and so is his attitude, I haven't asked him when he will call himself a vaper of non smoker because really it is only a label.

I'm glad he figured it out and to anyone who wants to vape but finding it a little hard, stop thinking of quitting, just change your brand.

Thank you for reading.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Feb 15, 2011
    Great to hear all that. I was lucky in that I was just looking for a way to cut down. Doing that, I didn't go thru all the mental and emotional torment of quitting or switching.

    I unexpectedly went from 30 to 3 a day overnite. I allowed myself to continue smoking, and went back up to 6 a day, and then down to 2 a week.

    Those final 2, were the hardest because I had began to understand that when they were gone- it was all over. Funny, after 35 yrs. of stink and bad health, it felt like I was losing a part of me. And I guess I was.

    I think I needed that few weeks of vaping+smoking until I could finally TRUST that vaping was going to be enuf. Of course it helped that I switched from atties to cartos during that period, because the fussing with carts and atties were not instilling confidence. Putting a nice, warm 2.0 reliable carto on my battery and being able to sit back and comfortably vape w/o fussing with the set-up, was the final step.


    Senior Member
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    Sep 9, 2012
    Way out West...sorta
    I would agree with the new mind set. I have been stinky free since the day I picked up my first e cig for a month and 10 days. I just told my self I was smoking in a different way. After about 2 weeks, I felt like a vaper and not a smoker, which was amazing to me because I smoked for over 20 years.. My sis has smokes and vapes. I bought her an ego t kit which she likes. But when she gets stressed she immediately reaches for a cig. I always hope that one day she'll quit smoking. I've been hoping to help her find a flavor she really likes it hopes that will help.
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