Geekvape Griffin 25 RTA

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Senior Member
Mar 28, 2016
New York
Jeeze... This site running painfully slow for anyone else? lol took me like 10 minutes to log in and read the new replies. I just switched up to my Griff to give the smok tank a break. I noticed what looked like a piece of silicone floating in the tank :( was worried it was a piece of the silicone plug for single coil that melted off or something. Took it apart and it wasn't that. BUT when i took off the top to refill i noticed where it came from the damn 0-ring under the chimney. Like not the one right under the top cap, but the one under that, that is pretty hard to even see. I don't evnen know how the hell i can get to it to remove it, let alone get a new one on, it's in a weird spot. Hell, i don;'t even know which spare fits it?!?!?! do you guys know the one i'm talking about?
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Senior Member
Mar 28, 2016
New York
Pipe cleaners are a perfect fit for the airflow holes to get that condensation/juice out. Fit right in and out the other side. You would want to use the fluffy ones though. Only problem is the "hairs" from the cleaners like to fall out and stick to everything, but it's easier then rolling up thin pieces of paper towels and not even being able to get all the way inside.


Full Member
Mar 18, 2016
Norfolk, England
@chazz80 I know the seal you mean - the one that seals onto the top of the glass tank right?
When I've cleaned mine out, I've found that the seal is stuck firmly to the top of the glass, and I've been really worried about breaking it by pulling it (gently) off.
I haven't looked to see if they send a spare one in the little baggie, really hope so for your sake.
chazz80 said:
....rolling up thin pieces of paper towels....
HAHA!! I had to laugh at this - it's precisely what I do, and I imagine most vapers do also!! :D
Might try the pipe cleaners - though paper towels are probably cheaper, at least the ones I buy probably are!!

Btw, site seems ok to me :)
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Senior Member
Mar 28, 2016
New York
Nah, i wish it was that seal bongo! I drew an arrow where it is on this pic.


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May 25, 2014
Chicago, IL
For anyone experiencing the seeping issue, was it from day 1 or developed over time?

I use the top knurl and turn clockwise to control the juice openings. Only close it when I fill. But after looking at the posted pic and then watching how the whole tank turns, but the afc stays put. It would make sense that something is wearing when adjusting the juice flow. The fix may be as simple as a o ring replacement.

Not sure, have yet to see this. But I do know o rings and stuff in general wears over time.

This tank is killer, though. Flavor coming through like a champ. Wasn't expecting it to be this good.


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2016
New York
Seeping was from day 1. I just think it's part of the beast of having those huge airflow holes and all that condensation that must collect under the coil/wick. It's never bad where it actually starts pouring out, but it does suck if you want to close off the airflow or something then notice more juice/condensation all over the bottom knurling/airflow and your fingers. It's just messy. Everytime i refill and turn that bottom knurling is when it seeps out. So i always have to wet a piece of paper towel and just go around it a few times.


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ECF Veteran
May 25, 2014
Chicago, IL
Ok, that's odd. I have 0 leaking or anything on this tank. In fact it's the cleanest tank I have. Today will be a good test, as will be taking it to work.

I would email geek vape. Maybe they changed something? Like a thicker o ring somewhere? My serial is J7 566 B for reference.

Will be sure to update this thread if I get any seeping / leaking myself.


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2016
New York
Actually i think you reminded me seek2. Now that you mention it i'm pretty sure the seeping didn't start right away, cause i remember telling friends how "this tank is great never leaks" so it might have started after a few cleanings and opening up. Like you said maybe the turning of the knurling/juice control loosened something up.


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2016
New York
Man.. i really don't feel like re-wicking/coiling my tanks today. But it's been about a week with the same cotton wick, and i want to get a dual stainless steel build into the griffin. I don't dry burn my coils anymore to clean and just recoil everytime. But both my smok tank and griffin are tasting pretty funky :/ I feel like it's a waste though since i'm almost out juice and should just wait the few extra days until my juice gets here in the mail and then recoil/wick. But by then my RDA should be here as well, and compared to these huge tanks with all these parts/0-rings you have to worry about thats going to be a dream and breeze to recoil/wick.
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  • Feb 13, 2013
    Denver, CO
    Whoever said to stop closing the juice flow via kurling (that's a real word?) ring and start using the airflow control instead thank you. Worked perfectly.

    Was actually scared to fill this thing this morning. Vaped it to near dry to leave it sitting overnight and thought I'd have a mess upon refill. Closed JFC via airflow control and filled it without too much leaking, I've moved past seeping into probably leaking due to my wick, but I just can't get myself to stop using this tank and it's my only one. I only lose a few drops every once in a while, worth it for a Sunday at least.
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    Senior Member
    Mar 28, 2016
    New York
    That was me. I'm sure others have said to do the same in older posts, so i don't take the credit, just thought it would be a good reminder. Glad it helped. Over time though mine hasn't been moving as freely using that method, so i loosen wiht the knurling, but l aways make sure when i reopen the juice flow control to tighten it back up the opposite way to make sure it's fully tightened and i don't turn in the oposite direction making it looser.
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    Ultra Member
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  • Feb 13, 2013
    Denver, CO
    Good evening, I have a griffin 25 top airflow, I have a little trouble with, every time I move a little ring of airflow from the bottom, I liquid, I already change the dosage cotton, but it's always the same, that can help me

    I'm kind of a newbie but I've had this on all three builds so far on my one tank. If I touch the ring at all juice comes out. I just found out where I like it and make sure to leave it that way after a fill and not touch it again.
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