Formal Apology.

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ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina


ECF Guru
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Boston MA


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Aug 16, 2014
Portland, OR, USA
Well then I RE-Welcome you to ECF, I've heard Ginko Biloba can help with memory problems, No wait was that Ginko or ......? Shucks I forgot! :facepalm:

Did you hear the one about the guy who confused ...... with Ginko Biloba? It was HARD to remember the difference. *ba dum bum*
I'm afraid that our biggest problem seems to be that all the Government/political elite have run out of Tax payer money for their pet projects. They are cultivating favor with the "I have an agenda" crowd for some of their large denomination Bills(Bribes)to Vote against anything not lucrative for Big Tabacco, and the Pharmacutical industry. By the way can anyone remember the last time someone came out with a "CURE" for a disease or Condition? I have only seen "Treatments" over the last 20 years! Nice life time income if millions of people world wide have to take your treatment for the rest of their Natural lives(something wrong with this picture isn't there)! Why would their Pet Politicians Vote for anything that would damage the Status Quo? Afterall The Voters only get to have a say every 4 years and they have terrible memories, so after the elections they can Pander to their hearts content! Too bad! (For Us)!! By the way DownTown with your memory you'd make a great Politician! Snark :D


Moved On
Sep 10, 2014
Jamestown, NY,USA
Hmm. This is truly Twilight Zone stuff. So, you made the account that you forgot about (I do that too). You forgot whether or not you vaped awhile back. I can see it, I guess.

What I don't get is the apology. If you forgot about the account - you weren't asking questions for anyone to answer. Even if you did, and you forgot the answers, you could just ask again.

My only question to you is......what exactly WAS it you were vaping, so I can avoid it....... :laugh:
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