evo cartmods?

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Adik Ted

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2009
has anyone here used a cart mods on their evo??? i was wondering if the straw modd or teabag mod would be good to try out. also, anyone find a way to make their evos stop leaking?

Can't say I've tried any mods but I bought a bundle of the new ecopure carts and find I get a lot of vaping out of them and, so far, they've been leak free (I daresay that might change if I was refilling them myself).


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Mar 4, 2009
Wisconsin-deep in the woods
I have tried the PTB, screen, and straw mods in my Evo, I found they flood the battery (at least for me). I think I have the older carts (they are tiny), I bought them before Christmas. Mine seem to just work the best with prefilled carts, maybe 1 or 2 refills, before they either flood the battery, leak all over or don't let the juice go. I love my Evo for out and about, fits great in my pocket, great flavor! But it's just too much work, for me, for a day at home.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2009
Upstate NY
can u take a pic of the new carts if possible?

Only thing I have here at the moment is my phone camera so the pictures are pretty horrid but should give you an idea at least. \

The one on the left in both pics is the interior cart of the ECOpure prefilled carts and the one on the right is from an m702/40x cart which I assume is what the older EVO carts were but can't say since I didn't have them.




Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 25, 2009
I seem to have a different style of older cart from the one shown above.

I've been using the new carts for a few weeks now, I prefer them to the old style. The new style is the brown one on the left.

The new ones seem to be slightly longer and I'm guessing they hold slightly more liquid, but the biggest advantage to me is that they are a looser fit so I can just drop them into the mouthpiece, rather than having to press them down to the bottom with a paperclip or spare cart.

Air circulation is better so I get far fewer battery cut-offs (as I don't have to draw as hard/long).


I seem to be doing OK with the standard filler in the new carts, whereas I used PTB in the old ones.

Adik Ted

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2009
The new ones seem to be slightly longer and I'm guessing they hold slightly more liquid, but the biggest advantage to me is that they are a looser fit so I can just drop them into the mouthpiece, rather than having to press them down to the bottom with a paperclip or spare cart.

Air circulation is better so I get far fewer battery cut-offs (as I don't have to draw as hard/long).

My experiences pretty much concurs with that although as I don't refill them I initially found the looseness a bit of a nippy sweety. I was forever losing the insides when removing the cart to do a bit of dipping. It doesn't bother me now as I'm aware of it and I can see the attraction where refilling is concerned. The only thing is, they're not entirely consistent. Some carts you just have to turn upside down to get the inner part out whereas others won't budge even when you're banging the cart on a table.

Shining Wit

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 11, 2008
North of England UK
I seem to have a different style of older cart from the one shown above.

I've been using the new carts for a few weeks now, I prefer them to the old style. The new style is the brown one on the left.

The new ones seem to be slightly longer and I'm guessing they hold slightly more liquid, but the biggest advantage to me is that they are a looser fit so I can just drop them into the mouthpiece, rather than having to press them down to the bottom with a paperclip or spare cart.

Air circulation is better so I get far fewer battery cut-offs (as I don't have to draw as hard/long).


I seem to be doing OK with the standard filler in the new carts, whereas I used PTB in the old ones.

Sorry for the delay but we just got back from a short break in the English Lake District - if you want an incredible experience check out Aphrodite's Lodge at Bowness on Windermere with its 17 themed rooms; we were in the Austin Powers suite this visit and it was truly shagtastic baby!!:p

Anyway, back to a different kind of filling; our new carts (UK made) are the ones on the left and a few might have a slight problem when refilling. We have since found the perfect filling and the best way to cut it to make it work consistently well. If anyone is having problems please email me john@intellicig.com and I will make sure it is rectified. The fitting is a very precise affair as even 1 thou can make a difference and also the liquid can cause it to stick in the mouthpiece, requiring a gentle prod with a paper clip or pin. We believe we have now got the best (simplest!) shape as it works so well and holds around 0.4ml.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2009
Upstate NY
I seem to have a different style of older cart from the one shown above.

I've been using the new carts for a few weeks now, I prefer them to the old style. The new style is the brown one on the left.

The new ones seem to be slightly longer and I'm guessing they hold slightly more liquid, but the biggest advantage to me is that they are a looser fit so I can just drop them into the mouthpiece, rather than having to press them down to the bottom with a paperclip or spare cart.

Air circulation is better so I get far fewer battery cut-offs (as I don't have to draw as hard/long).


I seem to be doing OK with the standard filler in the new carts, whereas I used PTB in the old ones.

Oh wow the old ones were much different. Interesting to see.

I agree about the new carts working well with stock filler though. They are the only ones I use any filler on instead of dripping.


Wow @ some of those suites John. Looks like a nice place. lol @ the Austin Powers suite :D


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 12, 2009
wow thanks for the pics guys i have both the old ones but not that new brown one. hopefully i get to order some soon. leaking is a major issue with mine i always have to find a tissue and roll the corners and stick em in the little whole at the end to absorb any liquids there. such a hassle. i love my evo tho the leaking is annoying.
i tried the tea bag mod, bleh.... didint work so well ill just stick to the stock filler.

Adik Ted

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2009
I came across some long lost old intellicig carts yesterday and the difference in how hard you have to draw compared to the new ones is so marked I don't think I'll even be bother vaping them. Your R&D are to be congratulated John. Funny enough, my wife was speaking to a new start at her work and she mentioned the e-cig and the boy was saying he had tried one a while back but chucked it because it was too hard a draw.
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