eGo-T atomizer - after the cleaning

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Full Member
Sep 3, 2010
I had a bunch of dark juice after a week using my atty and decided it was time for the alcohol bath. Followed the vid and soaked, blew it out and then sat it by a slow fan. About 7 hours later I put it on the battery and got a short red glow and stopped. Put a little juice in and hit the battery again and glow, no sound...nothing. I think it died. I'll give it more time but can't figure out why it would just stop working.

What did I do wrong? Do you think it will come back to life?

BTW - I love the EgoT - the best vape ever so I'm real sad...


Ultra Member
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Jun 19, 2010
Chicago IL
I had a bunch of dark juice after a week using my atty and decided it was time for the alcohol bath. Followed the vid and soaked, blew it out and then sat it by a slow fan. About 7 hours later I put it on the battery and got a short red glow and stopped. Put a little juice in and hit the battery again and glow, no sound...nothing. I think it died. I'll give it more time but can't figure out why it would just stop working.

What did I do wrong? Do you think it will come back to life?

BTW - I love the EgoT - the best vape ever so I'm real sad...

7 hours is a little short for that dry time, even if using 91% or better.

Sounds like the dry burn popped it.

I never say anything about it because everyone has their ways of taking care of their e-cig stuff. But I'm not a fan of dry burns. They work, but occasionally they pop an atty.


Full Member
Sep 3, 2010
7 hours is a little short for that dry time, even if using 91% or better.

Sounds like the dry burn popped it.

I never say anything about it because everyone has their ways of taking care of their e-cig stuff. But I'm not a fan of dry burns. They work, but occasionally they pop an atty.

Thanks Coz...lesson learned on that one...ouch!


Z.A.P.T. Member*
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Dec 8, 2010
PA, near Philly
I have both Ego and TW tanks and atty's, and they are all working very well. I've cleaned my atty's several times already, and not had any problems. I blow out any remaining juice, then run under very hot water (my tap water is set very hot). I blow out all the water I can, then shake them (like an old glass thermometer) to get a bit more out. No waiting overnight, no fans or anything, I just pop on a tank and it will kick in after 2-3 puffs.

I have a feeling I will be needing to clean one of my atty's a bit deeper, since I've been using it with darker juice with maples and caramels in them. But so far they are doing well with just the hot water, no noticeable sluggishness. I've only been cleaning them every couple of days or so.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 18, 2010
Coventry, NY
Could it be that these attys are not a good one to do a dry burn on??? For one thing, I think it is harder to see the coil glow and therefore by the time you see the glow, it is too late. From what I have been reading, everybody who does a dry burn on the tank atty kills it. Just my 2 cents.......

At any rate, after reading all the probs people have had doing a dry burn on these, I will NOT do that with mine. I am still enjoying my 2 tank attys after 2 weeks. Still going strong. I do find that the thicker juice needs a prime puff more often. PG juice works super on mine with no issues.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 18, 2009
Okauchee Lake, WI
Could it be that these attys are not a good one to do a dry burn on??? For one thing, I think it is harder to see the coil glow and therefore by the time you see the glow, it is too late. From what I have been reading, everybody who does a dry burn on the tank atty kills it. Just my 2 cents.......

Just a data point: with my juices, the only way to get a gunked up atty working again is to do a dry burn. Personally I haven't lost a T-atty to dry-burning yet.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2011
Albany NY
Can you share your method of dry burning? purty please? *big smiles*

Needless to say I am nervous about it, but I do understand the why's behind doing it. I just dont have an endless supply of money to spend on popped attys.

Just a data point: with my juices, the only way to get a gunked up atty working again is to do a dry burn. Personally I haven't lost a T-atty to dry-burning yet.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 18, 2009
Okauchee Lake, WI
Can you share your method of dry burning? purty please? *big smiles*

Needless to say I am nervous about it, but I do understand the why's behind doing it. I just dont have an endless supply of money to spend on popped attys.

No problem....

My method is pretty old, and is basically the same method that I have been using on all of my atties for over a year:

Blow out all of the liquid that you can from the tank end.

Warm/hot water rinse.. blowing out the water from the tank end... rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat. I continue to do that until the water comes out clear (and easily).

Blow out all of the water that I can.....

Dry burn: I personally do this on a "true" 3.7V device (Bartleby) since it will get you results faster... but you can do it on the eGo battery as well. Power-on for about 3-4 seconds. Power-off for another 3-4 seconds while blowing down into the cone (just to keep the overall temps down). Repeat this process over and over. At first you will get steam from the residual water. That will be followed by SMOKE as the gunk starts to burn. Continue with the cycling until you can see the red glow of the coil. The smoke should start to taper off at this point. Continue the cycling until you get a red glow within about 1 second of pushing the button. Stop... the dry burn is complete.

Do some additional warm water blowouts to remove the "ash".

Blow out all of the water that you can.

Re-prime and vape.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2011
Albany NY
So I dont see where you have a drying period. Interesting because I have thought that this is the problem I had with my first atty that I cleaned. It dried out (48 hrs) and wouldnt wick properly. That atty, after I dripped into needle, has been working properly, but not like new. Diminished performance, but not to the point I am going to complain about it at all.

I am currently without a 2nd battery at the moment (I gave it to my boss to try and havent gotten it back yet.. 2 weeks.. yeah he's turned) so I will have to wait until either monday, when I get my batt back, or if the mail delivers my package from cignot which includes the eGo PT.... hopefully today!

If the atty pops.. oh well... no big deal as I expect to ruin some stuff before I get it figgered out.

I do LOVE my eGo-T tho, and dont miss the cart filler and the every 10 min refill/cart swap schedule AT ALL.

Thanks for your help Scottbee *big smiles at ya*


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 18, 2009
Okauchee Lake, WI
Personally I don't use a "drying period" since I use a water rinse. Yeah.... after I re-prime the unit and start to vape.... some of the vape will be steam. But in pretty short order the flavor will start to come through and life will be good.

I do a dry-burn when the atty has become pretty much useless anyway. If the dry-burn brings it back, great! If not.... I'm really not out anything anyway.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2011
Albany NY
ok, so I just did this with my "less than prime" atty, I was unable to see the glow of the coil at all, so I just went thru several burn-cool cycles and ended with a rinse, prime, vape. Seems to be working better now :) back to premium flavors again... lovin it.

Thanks Scottbee :)

No problem....

My method is pretty old, and is basically the same method that I have been using on all of my atties for over a year:

Blow out all of the liquid that you can from the tank end.

Warm/hot water rinse.. blowing out the water from the tank end... rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat. I continue to do that until the water comes out clear (and easily).

Blow out all of the water that I can.....

Dry burn: I personally do this on a "true" 3.7V device (Bartleby) since it will get you results faster... but you can do it on the eGo battery as well. Power-on for about 3-4 seconds. Power-off for another 3-4 seconds while blowing down into the cone (just to keep the overall temps down). Repeat this process over and over. At first you will get steam from the residual water. That will be followed by SMOKE as the gunk starts to burn. Continue with the cycling until you can see the red glow of the coil. The smoke should start to taper off at this point. Continue the cycling until you get a red glow within about 1 second of pushing the button. Stop... the dry burn is complete.

Do some additional warm water blowouts to remove the "ash".

Blow out all of the water that you can.

Re-prime and vape.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 14, 2010
Chesterfield, MI
I just did a dry burn on my atty because my vapor production was really low compared to what it was when I got my unit. When I got my ego-t, I was making clouds of vapor I couldn't see though and before I cleaned it the amount of vapor was poor even compared to what my old Blu made.

I live in a state where you can't go out and buy PGA at the store. The only place I can get it is on the military base, so I don't get it very often...and we kinda drank the last bottle I had. :blush: So, instead, I used some cheap vodka I had lying around. I blew out all the excess liquid from my atty, and swished it around in a small cup of vodka to clear up some of the gunk inside. Then I put it on my battery and kept hitting the switch. After awhile I started to get wisps of smoke that smelled like a mix of all the flavors I was vaping. Soon after the smoke started to smell like plastic.

I considered stopping, but decided to really clean this atty or break it. After a couple of minutes the plastic-y smelling smoke started to thin out. I decided to stop because it was making the room smell really horrible. I threw the atty in some more vodka, swished it around. Lots of little black bits came out this time. I dried the atty off, blew out the excess vodka, popped a filled tank, took a few primer drags and then BOOM! Craploads of vapor! The first few puffs had a plastic-y taste to them, but it went away after a minute.

Do I recommend stressing out your atty like I did? No, especially if they are old. But it worked wonders for me. I'd assume that almost any kind of cleaning method has the risk of ruining an atty. I once cleaned an atty using some Beerbrite (it's like a food-grade oxyclean homebrewers use to clean equipment) thinking that if it's safe to use in my meadmaking, it would be fine with an atty. However, it fouled it up so bad that I couldn't use it.

If you feel adventurous, go for it, but make sure you have a backup so you don't paint yourself into a corner! Better to have an atty with low vapor production than one with none!


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Dec 1, 2010
After washing out with alcohol, and then rinsing with water (and blowing out between and after) I dry them in a "warm" (around 200 degree) oven for about 30 mins. Then I prime them by dripping about 3 drops of the liquid I'm going to use into the hole on the battery connection end. I also drip a drop or two on the post that pokes the hole through the tank.

THEN I fill a tank and put it on the atty. I use a "condom" type thing on the end of the battery connection (I got them with my XL eGO cartos...they have a nipple thingy on them and it fits perfectly), and let them sit ON THEIR SIDE overnight. That seems to get the wick wet...and I have no problems with them working perfectly.

Before I figured all this out, I kept having a problem with wicking after cleaning, but now all's good!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2011
The Granite State
Have to resurrect this thread.

Scottbee: Thanks you for the detailed procedure you outlined. It worked perfectly. My atties (2 LR and 1 std) were ok but losing the flavor as I mix up the juices a lot, dark and light but all are 70pg/30vg. I use BwB juices where the flavors are subtle but superb so any gunk or dried up juice left in the atty will mess with a more subtle flavor.

Gotta be honest, was rather concerned with the dry burning part but had to do it. As you said, once I reached the part where it only took 1 second for the coil to glow orange, that was the stopping point.

Followed your procedures to the "t", no drying period, just blow out all the water I can and vaped right away. The first 3 puffs were almost tasteless but from the 4th onwards, the flavor just suddenly came out and vapor production was great.

Again, many thanks for sharing "old school" method but it works!!!


No problem....

My method is pretty old, and is basically the same method that I have been using on all of my atties for over a year:

Blow out all of the liquid that you can from the tank end.

Warm/hot water rinse.. blowing out the water from the tank end... rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat. I continue to do that until the water comes out clear (and easily).

Blow out all of the water that I can.....

Dry burn: I personally do this on a "true" 3.7V device (Bartleby) since it will get you results faster... but you can do it on the eGo battery as well. Power-on for about 3-4 seconds. Power-off for another 3-4 seconds while blowing down into the cone (just to keep the overall temps down). Repeat this process over and over. At first you will get steam from the residual water. That will be followed by SMOKE as the gunk starts to burn. Continue with the cycling until you can see the red glow of the coil. The smoke should start to taper off at this point. Continue the cycling until you get a red glow within about 1 second of pushing the button. Stop... the dry burn is complete.

Do some additional warm water blowouts to remove the "ash".

Blow out all of the water that you can.

Re-prime and vape.
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