eGo 900 ma battery life

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Full Member
Apr 1, 2010
the OC, SoCal
What's your collective experience with the life span of eGo batteries, in particular the 900ma ones. I bought a set back in August and have used it consistently since. The initial vape was awesome, and the batteries would last a day-and-a half of regular usage. within the last week the batteries have had no serious charge and barely last the day. The performance is way down. Is this to be expected with these, or have I been charging them improperly? I did the long charge when I first got them, used them until they were drained and then charged them overnight on an ac transfomer charger.


ECF Guru
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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
The battery life might depend on what you are using on them too.

I have had a pair of 900 mAh's in use with standard resistance atomozers since the end of April and into month eight now they are still going. The run time has dropped by several hours at this point, but they are still usable for at least 5 hours run time. For batteries 8 months old and in constant daily use I'm not expecting much more.

I don't quite understand what you mean about how they could have "no serious charge" and still "barely last the day" at the same time...? If they are somewhere into month five and are still lasting almost all day I would consider that to be a serious charge.


Full Member
Apr 1, 2010
the OC, SoCal
The battery life might depend on what you are using on them too.

I have had a pair of 900 mAh's in use with standard resistance atomozers since the end of April and into month eight now they are still going. The run time has dropped by several hours at this point, but they are still usable for at least 5 hours run time. For batteries 8 months old and in constant daily use I'm not expecting much more.

I don't quite understand what you mean about how they could have "no serious charge" and still "barely last the day" at the same time...? If they are somewhere into month five and are still lasting almost all day I would consider that to be a serious charge.

By "serious charge" I meant that where once a fresh charge would produce very strong vapor, now it takes an 8-10 second draw to get modest vapor, and the performance just goes down from there. The battery will still go for a day before "flashing off".

I did start using a low res atty (tank type) about a month ago. Do you think the low res would cause earlier battery demise? I switched back to standard res about 2 weeks ago.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 14, 2010
The 900s should handle LR better than 650s though some use LR. I have 650s & only use std. attys & after about 4 mos. the batteries were running 'weak'. I got new attys & back to normal!
2 eGo bats. made over 1 yr. 4 mos. old. One from 1st kit 1 year 8 mos. later still running. Probably over 400 cycles! These type battery specs. commonly list about 300 cycles. I run the bats until they flash begging for the charger.
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