E-Cigs are really looked down upon by recent quitters.

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 11, 2009
Wallaceburg ON. Canada
To those who post that all who quit cold turkey are nazis. I'd like to point out that this one actually got a friend's son on ecigs. I couldn't find another method that he or I could afford with him being on social assistance, and I retired on a fixed income. I did a lot of research on ecigs, nicotine, and pg. It is the research on the benifits of the ecig ingredients , the cost factor, and the efficiency of the ecig to get people off of analogs, that made up my mind to buy both of us an ecig kit. I had not smoked for over twenty years, and my research led me to the conclusion that ecigs can actually be healthier than smoking or not vaping. I have a bad temper,and COPD. The latter from smoking, and the reason I had to quit smoking. I feel a lot better and not so up tight. Breathings a lot better also. Not all analog quiters are nazis, only the ones who don't care about the well being of others.
I think a lot of that comes from ignorance and not
wanting to invest in the effort of the learning curve
along with being jealous that something
might work that they are too lazy to educate themselves about.

See this all the time, like with overweight folks
who blame their condition on genes
rather than learn about nutrition & exercise.


Senior Member
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Jul 27, 2010
Yea...well, my own mother is a bit irked too. Only because she went through the hell of quitting, when there were other options out there. (now she is addicted to the nicotine gum..3 years and still chewing). Anyways, to be completely honest, I never really wanted to quit smoking. I enjoy it. As a matter of fact I love it. I just wanted to find a better alternative, something that didn't freaking stink so bad, where I woudn't have to freeze my .... off in the winter, and something that would stop the constant sinus infections, cough, and getting out of breath easily. Whoop, whoop, found it!! I am thrilled and wished I would have had these a long time ago!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 11, 2010
Heavy lover of smoking for 35 years. Quit the day I unpacked the Tornado and havn't had a cigarette in three weeks. It's a nicotine replacement inhaler. And tastes better than any cigarette I've ever smoked. Now am buying 0mg nicotine liquids. Waiting to get them. I never want to go back to smoking, and don't want to be a slave to nicotine either.

Figure that I can vape tobacco flavors forever. But no more cigarettes. No more nicotine. Just give a me a half way decent TH, and some flavor... Then I'll pick it up or put it down. Maybe, Maybe not. Freedom at last. It's so amazing after 35 years to be free of cigarettes. The smell. The breathing. The snoring. (I don't snore at all anymore!! :) geez! That's right. I don't snore anymore. Had started bigtime in last couple of years. Now no more. Such a great feeling of well being and breathing so completely normal with great lung expansion.

I can vape liquid cut to approx. 5-6mg without missing or thinking about it. And I was a solid pack and a half smoker. Smoked first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Now to get rid of the nicotine. No more monkey on my back.

Good luck to you too.


Full Member
Oct 11, 2010
Wilmington, NC
I am going over there to set them straight.

Well, that is unless they are people with who are invested in the tobacco companies stock, or workers of the tobacco industry, or lobbyist for the tobacco industry, or anyone with any $$$ tied into the tobacco industry.

Sounds like the whole website is a troll.

I just found out that when you make a post. it does not post... until the admin can look it over.

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Vaping At FL370
ECF Veteran
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Oct 20, 2008
Malaga, Spain
I am going over there to set them straight.

Well, that is unless they are people with who are invested in the tobacco companies stock, or workers of the tobacco industry, or lobbyist for the tobacco industry, or anyone with any $$$ tied into the tobacco industry.

Sounds like the whole website is a troll.

I just found out that when you make a post. it does not post... until the admin can look it over.


You don't want to go over there. A few from here has posted there, not gonna work.


Senior Member
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Sep 27, 2010
I've yet to meet anyone who really thought vaping was bad. Some are concerned because they believe the crap press release Health Canada sent out. But I've tried to set them straight.

My doctor was impressed. He's worked with me for years through several attempts to quit, and I failed every time. But I've now been cigarette free for 44 days...the longest I've been without a cigarette since I started.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 4, 2010

I browsed that forum once. I remember when I quit smoking before, using the NTAP nicotine abstinence approach, another quitting forum was dead set against e-cigs (although they were quick to defend the court ruling in the case of NJoy vs. the FDA). I never participated in the Quit Smoking message board, and reading some of that tripe made me grateful I haven't. You would think anyone who has quit smoking successfully would embrace a method that really, truly helps, but clearly these folks are blinded by the ignorant train of thought that nicotine is the reason cigarettes are bad for you, not the thousand plus chemicals, temperature of combustion and, ya know, taking burning stuff into your lungs.

These people are largely against NRT, e-cigs, even things like chewing on pens or sucking on drinking straws. Basically if it looks/feels/mimics smoking, it's bad. It means you're weak and it means you aren't a real quitter, at least in their eyes. Well, not only is that sad, but it's total baloney. I quit smoking cigarettes, just like they have. Am I still a nicotine addict? Yes, but so are they. The difference between myself and them is that the statistics are in my favor. What is the percentage of people who remain quit going cold turkey? Something like two or three percent?

My favorite are the people on that forum who say stupid stuff like, "well, a .... hit every now and then won't kill me, stoopit. E-cigs are used every day and you're smoking antifreeze. Pot is a plant...duh". So, sucking on plastic straws, using the patch, or using an e-cig to quit = bad. Hitting the changing color party .... once a month = okay? I also love how when a member makes a valid point everyone else comes along with, "you're a spambot!" or "so?" If nicotine abstinence kills your brain cells that much then I'm glad I'm still vaping low nic.

Oh, and did anyone else notice they not only gave ECF a shout-out, but linked directly back to a couple of the threads here? I love how they call us "pathetic" and "losers".
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 4, 2010
I wonder how many members they have versus ECF? I'll BET not a fraction. Strength in numbers, folks, strength in numbers! :)

Well, I wonder how many stay members of that forum, versus this one. Most of those quitting forums have a strict policy - you slip up, don't come back. They don't even want to know you've lit up just one more time, but only took a few drags. They don't want to know you've tried snus. Basically once you fall off the wagon, you're history. I'd hazard a guess there is a very small core membership of people who have successfully quit smoking long-term and the rest of passers-through looking for support before they slip back into the habit. It happens. I left the Freedom Forum when I started smoking again after nearly a four month quit.

ETA: I really think these websites should be more honest. If the goal is to quit nicotine altogether, then they need to be called a "Quit Nicotine", not "Quit Smoking". If a person switches to chewing tobacco then they are not a smoker. If a person switches to cigars then they are still a smoker. If a person switches to shooting up ......, then they are a ...... junkie, not a smoker. If they switch to herbal cigarettes, then they are a smoker.

I hold nothing against people who want to abstain from nicotine. I sure wish I'd never gotten hooked on the stuff, but I am an addict and I chose to reduce the harm to my body by quitting smoking and using a PV. I take serious issue, however, with people calling those who quit using an e-cig of not being a real quitter, or a loser or pathetic.
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Unregistered Supplier
Nov 8, 2010
Austin, TX
Unreal..... they're a bunch of Anti-Vapists . I'm weening myself of the analogs again and to be honest.... with ecigs it's like not all that difficult. When I got my first one a year and a half ago.... I went from smoking 15-18 cigs a day.... to 2-3. I did this for 3 weeks I think. Could have dropped the analogs all together back then. Don't know why in the heck I didn't. I think I hadn't figured out how to clean the things, or how to mix a batch of eJuice I totally loved. or maybe it was just pure stupidity and I wanted to give another couple grand to the tobacco industry and tax collectors. Like most all of us in here... I've tried gum, patches, cold turkey and even and herbal supplement that actually did work well. Managed to quit for like 3 and a half months. Then I had a really wonderful day with one of the businesses I owned, and 20 subcontractors that could not be found for like 7 hours. It was either light up... or go buy a gun....LOL. But it's amazing that a group of people would be so "Nazi-ish" about ecigs. It's only about 5000 times better than all the other crap on the market that just never works that well.
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