E-cigarette - Freedom fighters on the Offense

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 9, 2011
Owego, NY
My rules for engagement:

A) reject the premise that e-cigs are bad. It's about tobacco, not e-cigs
B) if you are anti e-cig you are pro tobacco and pro death. Stress the word death (because that's the option)
C) know the facts and memorize the research
D) know what point you want to make and don't be distracted by other questions.
E) be cheerful and likable.
F) always be respectful
G) if at a public gathering, dress well. Don't show up in a greasy wife-beater with a baseball cap that says "who farted?".


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 18, 2010
Washington State
Here's one we can put in our information toolbox, copied from the nicorette webpage:
" Choose from six great tasting flavors: White IceTM Mint, Cinnamon SurgeTM, Fruit ChillTM, FreshMintTM, Mint and Original."
But what about the children?.........It's chewing gum for gosh sakes!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2010
If the e-cig community was compared to the US Government....I would say CASAA is something like the State Department. Professional, diplomatic and polite. Although that is needed and they do a good job educating....I think we really need something more akin to the CIA to get some things done when diplomacy fails. That's what I think of when people mention "going on the offensive." I would be interested in something like that. I am no longer interested in begging or educating people that either don't want to learn or are being deliberately obtuse. Did enough of that during the Smoke Wars.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2010
I propose infiltration and perhaps sabotage....

We should be joining anti groups under new screen names and digging for information. Use disposable email, join forums and social groups that are anti. Find out what they are saying and doing and perhaps feed them false information. Another trick is to appear to be part of the anti group, but be totally embarassing to that group. When replying to a negative e-cig article....instead of arguing it....wildly support with absoulutely insane stuff. Make the group look bad. Destroy from within....

Just a couple ideas off the top of my head.....


Super Member
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I propose infiltration and perhaps sabotage....

We should be joining anti groups under new screen names and digging for information. Use disposable email, join forums and social groups that are anti. Find out what they are saying and doing and perhaps feed them false information. Another trick is to appear to be part of the anti group, but be totally embarassing to that group. When replying to a negative e-cig article....instead of arguing it....wildly support with absoulutely insane stuff. Make the group look bad. Destroy from within....

Just a couple ideas off the top of my head.....

I've considered doing that, but I spend so much time on here, that when I find an "anti" site, I just get too aggravated. But there are some posts on here that make me pause and think that there are probably "anti's" on here too, so I'll be moseying on over to ASH....


Ultra Member
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ECF Veteran
Oct 28, 2010
Is there a list of anti vaping forums that we could join and argue our case? We also need to get more smokers to try vaping and get our numbers up. That's really the only way we can be effective in politics against money. Reason may change a couple of politicians minds but they all need money for that next election and numbers is the only way I know of to counter that.


CASAA Activist
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ECF Veteran
Well, there is the CASAA Facebook page of course.http://www.facebook.com/group.php?g...ke-free-Alternatives-Association/158188647867

And then there is the Tobacco Harm Reduction Organization's Facebook page: Tobacco Harm Reduction | Facebook

There is an option on the left side of the page "Suggest to Friends". How about inviting people you know who are not vapers? They can be smokers, friends, relatives, people who care about your welfare. If each one person invites 2 or 3 more, and they invite 2 or 3 more, pretty soon we have gone viral!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 4, 2010
Virginia, USA
Yes, I realize that and I stated that I knew there were already groups on Facebook like CASAA.

I can (and have) suggest you to friends.

To really "Go Viral" we are going to really need a video or something that is pushing the boundaries, something cheeky but smart, something more "In Your Face" and not necessarily professional. This is why I thought a group create for that type of information delivery that wasn't an organization or professional group that could be less politically correct would be nice to have.

If you've seen the commercials by thetruth.com designed to "Educate" youth about big tobacco, then you have an idea of the type of videos I'm talking about. Maybe a scene where a couple people are vaping in their home and the FDA or police knock down their doors and come in guns drawn - snatch their PV's out of their hands and force cigarettes into their mouths.....as they handcuff them....

I think that would be a great visual statement, but maybe not something an existing professional group would be willing to make or present.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
Yes, but it's meant to lead people to casaa.org, which has a ton of info about e-cigarettes - the e-cigarette medical infograph, the tri-fold flyer, the 8 Common Myths flyer, lab reports, news articles, etc. We are working on a FAQS page that will have common questions and answers about e-cigarettes & other smokeless alternatives, as well. I can probably add some of those to the Facebook page, too, but we'd like people to actually join CASAA and not just "like" the facebook page.

Oh I've linked to it a couple of times, but in general the CASAA facebook page seems to be legal information about the fight to keep them legal, and information about CASAA itself - not a page of just information about PVs and Vaping.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 4, 2010
Virginia, USA
heck, I'd like to make a video showing a ALA exec discussing how much they need to have people smoke - without smokers dying of lung cancer their contributions would fall off .... they can't exist in a world without smokers dying of lung cancer....

see, probably not the stuff CASAA or other professional groups would want to be putting out there on their website or facebook pages.


Super Member
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Aug 3, 2010
Indiana, USA
Yes, but it's meant to lead people to casaa.org, which has a ton of info about e-cigarettes - the e-cigarette medical infograph, the tri-fold flyer, the 8 Common Myths flyer, lab reports, news articles, etc. We are working on a FAQS page that will have common questions and answers about e-cigarettes & other smokeless alternatives, as well. I can probably add some of those to the Facebook page, too, but we'd like people to actually join CASAA and not just "like" the facebook page.

I have to tell you kristin, that even I have a very difficult time finding where these articles are on site. I usually end up having to scan through each section trying to find what I'm looking for as there is no really clear labeling that those articles are in a particular place.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
That takes money and involvement. Up until recently, CASAA has received very little support - it's been basically the 7 board members doing all of the work and using money from their own pockets. That is why we are always asking for donations and trying to get people to join and started the bi-weekly meetings. The more money and manpower we have, the more we can accomplish.

As Maxx said, we have only been able to be reactionary and try to educate people. That is part strategy to gain acceptance and credibility and part necessity due to lack of funding and member participation. The more members of the vaping community invest in CASAA, the stronger we will be together and the more we can accomplish! :thumbs:

If people really want to be on the offense, here is what they should do:

1. Join CASAA and put your money and/or your time where your mouth is. We can't do it without both and ANY organization is going to need those two things to succeed. The movement needs a respectable and valid organization to represent it or we look unorganized and "fringe." No one will take us very seriously as individuals. CASAA has worked very hard over the past year to get noticed by the media and other supporting groups and it's finally happening. We need to take advantage of that and strike while the iron is hot.

2. Learn the facts about e-cigarettes and how the antis work. There are too many people arguing for e-cigarettes and they are way off in left field with their facts (arguing for PG when the antis mean DEG, blaming big tobacco, claiming e-cigarettes are legally a tobacco product, calling it "just water vapor," etc.)

3. Be proactive. Download and print out the legislative packet from CASAA.org. Read it and familiarize yourself with the facts. Then write your mayor, city council, state reps and federal reps. Tell them what is happing elsewhere, your concern about it happening in your area and why you oppose it. Meet with them face-to-face or send them a copy of the legislative packet. Encourage them to contact CASAA.

4. Write you news editors and station managers RIGHT NOW. Talk about the news in New York and why your city/state shouldn't follow suit. Encourage them to contact CASAA - you can give them Elaine's contact info as she is our media contact.

5. Read Dr. Siegel's paper about e-cigarettes. It gives all of the facts and ammunition you need and is a MUST READ for every vaper. Include it in anything you send/give to the media or government. http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/centers-institutes/population-development/files/article.jphp.pdf

6. Go to http://tobaccoanalysis.blogspot.com, http://tobaccoharmreduction.com and http://velvetgloveironfist.com and read about tobacco harm reduction and the insanity that is the anti-tobacco (now anti-nicotine) movement. You must know and understand your enemy before you can fight them!

7. Once we are organized, we can plan our attack in an organized and cohesive manner. We'll be able to afford to send reps to speak to legislators, make commercials, ads and videos and maybe even hire our own lobbyists. This is what CASAA was always intended to be, but we need community support and funding to do it.

Yes, I realize that and I stated that I knew there were already groups on Facebook like CASAA.

I can (and have) suggest you to friends.

To really "Go Viral" we are going to really need a video or something that is pushing the boundaries, something cheeky but smart, something more "In Your Face" and not necessarily professional. This is why I thought a group create for that type of information delivery that wasn't an organization or professional group that could be less politically correct would be nice to have.

If you've seen the commercials by thetruth.com designed to "Educate" youth about big tobacco, then you have an idea of the type of videos I'm talking about. Maybe a scene where a couple people are vaping in their home and the FDA or police knock down their doors and come in guns drawn - snatch their PV's out of their hands and force cigarettes into their mouths.....as they handcuff them....

I think that would be a great visual statement, but maybe not something an existing professional group would be willing to make or present.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
I agree completely, Moonrose and that is finally being addressed. The Document Library was organized better last week, but the documents and reports need to be redone completely and that is VERY high on my priority list!

I have to tell you kristin, that even I have a very difficult time finding where these articles are on site. I usually end up having to scan through each section trying to find what I'm looking for as there is no really clear labeling that those articles are in a particular place.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 18, 2010
Washington State
also, I've been looking for information about the $$ amount each state takes in from tobacco sales per year, then trying to estimate the potential tax losses per year in states like New York if a certain percentages of current smokers switched over to PV's.

From yesterday:

NY has 4 categories of tobacco-related tax, these are the totals for FY 2010:

Cigarette Tax $1,287,699,624
Tobacco Products Tax $63,632,247
Cigarette Retail License Fees $12,698,360
Cigarette Vending Machine Stickers $224,141

Text copied from tax.ny.gov


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
You'd be surprised. I think CASAA would be fine with edgy or cheeky (probably not vulgur, though) but there are many ways to get the point across.

The point is, why act as separate groups and have people start from scratch? CASAA already has a lot of infrustructure in place and WANTS to do these things. Let's work together as one cohesive group.

CASAA has discussed having an e-cigarette video contest in the past. If anyone has ideas of how to get this going, we'd love to hear from you!

Check out this video from a contest: YouTube - THE COPS!! Future of the electronic cigarette....Maybe

If we can get stuff like this that is a little more to the point, we'd be happy to feature them on the CASAA YouTube site!

heck, I'd like to make a video showing a ALA exec discussing how much they need to have people smoke - without smokers dying of lung cancer their contributions would fall off .... they can't exist in a world without smokers dying of lung cancer....

see, probably not the stuff CASAA or other professional groups would want to be putting out there on their website or facebook pages.
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