E-cigarette - Freedom fighters on the Offense

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2010
I'm interested in some discussion on a subject that will
be a topic in an upcoming monthly meeting.

The topic of discussion will be "Going on the Offense"

Often we refer to our movement as a War and refer to ourselves
as Freedom Fighters.

Most of us are mad as hell regarding the recent events in New York
as well as many other areas around the country IE King County, WA

Many of us are becoming extremely frustrated with constantly fighting
a Defensive war and have expressed desires to go on the Offense.

Every football team has an Offensive and Defensive team and both are
equally important in order to win the game.

We have the troops and the truth. We have thousands of members
in all walks of life and in many countries around the world. We together
can do anything we collectively set our minds to accomplish.

I suggest there are Many things we can do to go on the Offense
and create Good News.

One suggestion is to publish OUR articles on "News Websites". We are
not limited to just reacting to negative E-cig in the News articles.
Many of these articles "In the News" are not written by staff reporters.
Articles do not have to be written by CASAA (in order to protect
their reputation) however, these articles should be proof-read by IE
CASAA staff member so not to publish misinformation.

Our fight should not be limited to opposing those who suggest bans
and those spreading misinformation. We can expose those who are
lying and spreading misinformation. There are no rules that state
we are not allowed to take the gloves of and fight.

I say... Smoking will never become a sociably accepted behavior...
at best only tolerated.

We can win the war but not without public support and public support
(to me) doesn't mean public approval of E-smoking... but the public's
awareness of the truth and advantages of E-smoking. One small example
is increased employee production... which would appeal to employers.

Land of the Free and Home of the Brave… is becoming a joke!

My last war was Vietnam…
I’m all about wining the E-cigarette war.

Articles are just one suggestion to open the discussion

Thoughts, comments, and suggestions?


Super Member
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Aug 3, 2010
Indiana, USA
I know our local paper has an opinion column where individuals can have their letters to the editor or comments regarding recently published articles published, so that is one area that we can also use. I've even recently had one of my own articles published about how smoking ban laws not making sense. It was about how it is no longer just about the smoke but has morphed into an anti-nicotine mentality as well. My article received a vast majority of people siding with me and the majority of them are non-smokers who were agreeing with the what I had to say. We also have a non-smoking friend who has articles done on a radio talk show in Owensboro, KY ... he is going to be doing an article soon about KY wanting to ban e-cigs, he's on our side and has been gathering all the info to present to the public ... gave him the CASAA site to gather the info from.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Mar 22, 2010
Personally, I think what we need is one all encompassing act, an organized movement to get everyone's attention. Whispers of a vapers' march make the rounds every once in a while, maybe that's exactly what we need. Choose a month and make it e-cigarette awareness month. Find someone to create a website for a virtual march and culminate with everyone that can meeting up in D.C. to vape on the national mall. Letters and comments and news articles help, but we really need to do something to draw as much attention as possible, legally of course lol, at the same time. A few people banging drums in a couple of places isn't going to get much notice, but thousands of people banging drums all over the world, people are going to talk.

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
If everyone who posts notes on this forum (complaining about and criticizing e-cigarette prohibitionists) would simply write letters-to-editors of local newspapers and contact elected officials when they are considering e-cigarette legislation, we would have won this war long ago (and we will win in the near future).


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 4, 2010
I'm aboard! I'd also like to take parts of Elaine's letter from Post 155 and send to every single Investigative Journalist for TV and Radio and Newspaper in the world. But I'd start with my local. First I would need permission from Elaine of course. I would also submit Dr. Whelan's reports and Dr. Seigels reports and so forth. FLOOD them with the FACTS. I'm all aboard.
Also get tv stations to cover some kind of Video Conference, so the world can literally SEE all the faces and voices whose lives are being toyed with by the arrogant juveniles who lead our country.

Insert music here: Let's get it started


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Mar 22, 2010
If everyone who posts notes on this forum (complaining about and criticizing e-cigarette prohibitionists) would simply write letters-to-editors of local newspapers and contact elected officials when they are considering e-cigarette legislation, we would have won this war long ago (and we will win in the near future).

It seems to me that the ones complaining are the ones that are writing, even to officials of states they don't reside in. It's the hundreds of others that don't ever step foot in the news or campaigning sections and who either have no idea what's going on or don't care that has me worried.


Super Member
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Aug 3, 2010
Indiana, USA
Write letters to all of the editors of papers in your areas. Write letters to the ones in charge of tv news stations in your areas. Get in touch with all of your local public officials. Write letters to all of your state officials. Pass out printed fact sheets to everyone you meet. We have got to become proactive instead of just reactive.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 18, 2010
Washington State
I had to put this somewhere, copied from the FDA's site:

"The FDA is also responsible for advancing the public health by helping to speed innovations that make medicines and foods more effective, safer, and more affordable; and helping the public get the accurate, science-based information they need to use medicines and foods, and to reduce tobacco use to improve health."

What a bunch of freaking hypocrites.


Ultra Member
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 28, 2010
One of the things we can do is post to comments sections on articles that have anything to do with e cigs. There are also numerous forums that we can post on. At least that is what I am starting to do. I still need to get my own information and answers in better order and that's what I will be doing next. Then go back to the internet and start posting.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 15, 2010
Seattle, WA
StormFinch said:
Find someone to create a website for a virtual march and culminate with everyone that can meeting up in D.C. to vape on the national mall. Letters and comments and news articles help, but we really need to do something to draw as much attention as possible

I like this idea a lot. I could volunteer some time to this - I'm a PHP programmer by trade. I suggest some cool ribbons we can wear on our lapels - with proceeds going to IVAQS.

toril said:
I know there are (ecig & harm redution) groups that have facebook pages, but are there any facebook groups dedicated to educating the public at large about it? If not, can we start one, dedicated to that? Can we get some videos and graphics to post that perhaps could go viral regarding these issues?

I very much agree with this! I've been looking for one myself - many of my FB friends responded to my sharing of the article about NY (calling it dumb) and it would be awesome if I could give more information.

As for a letter to the editor, I tend to ramble when I write something like that, especially if I'm emotionally invested in it. But, I've been stewing over something.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 4, 2010
Virginia, USA
I like this idea a lot. I could volunteer some time to this - I'm a PHP programmer by trade. I suggest some cool ribbons we can wear on our lapels - with proceeds going to IVAQS.

I very much agree with this! I've been looking for one myself - many of my FB friends responded to my sharing of the article about NY (calling it dumb) and it would be awesome if I could give more information.

As for a letter to the editor, I tend to ramble when I write something like that, especially if I'm emotionally invested in it. But, I've been stewing over something.

OK, lets think up a group name and I'll get it (Facebook group) up and running.


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As for a letter to the editor, I tend to ramble when I write something like that, especially if I'm emotionally invested in it. But, I've been stewing over something.

I submitted this in response to an article. Feel free to borrow whatever you'd like from it.

Electronic cigarettes were invented to REDUCE HARM to current smokers. This product delivers nicotine in a suspension which can include propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin and flavorings. I purchase my nicotine liquid from U.S. vendors who only use ingredients that are FDA approved for human consumption. The FDA has grossly misrepresented it's findings based on extremely limited testing of cartridges obtained from China.

As someone who has used this product since August 7, 2010 (which is also the last day I smoked tobacco) I have provided financial support to the IVAQS Project. The Indoor Vapor Air Quality Study will study the contents of the water vapor that is exhaled when one uses a personal vaporizer, which is a more accurate term, since there is no combustion there is no smoke.

I am thoroughly disgusted that the FDA, along with a number of narrow minded legislators, are not able to grasp that nicotine is not the evil in a tobacco cigarette, it is the thousands of carcinogens found in the tobacco smoke. Nicotine is certainly a drug, no argument there. So is alcohol. As an adult I can choose whether or not to drink vodka, and if I want that vodka to be raspberry flavored, I just have to reach for the bottle on the shelf and show my ID. (Although I'll admit I can't remember the last time someone actually needed to see it!) Alcohol is certainly more dangerous than nicotine, yet there are many people who are actively working to take away my rights as an AMERICAN adult to make my own choice.

Health Insurance costs could be substantially lowered if the medical community could only realize that this product has single-handedly, and in many cases accidentally, turned thousands of smokers into ex-smokers since it was invented. Insurance companies that write policies for homeowners and apartment dwellers would see a substantial decrease in fires caused by careless disposal of smoking materials.

When I bought my first kit, I really thought it would end up in the drawer next to the expired Chantix and patches. Instead, I was absolutely amazed that I was able to basically STOP using tobacco once this product was in my hands. It is truly a shame that this country has digressed to the point that we are being punished because people who should be minding their own business feel they have the right to tell me I shouldn't vape, because someone might THINK I'm smoking tobacco. Next thing you know these busybodies will be telling the soda manufacturers that they can't sell root beer, because someone might get confused. Think it won't happen? The inexplicable war on e-cigarettes in just one instance where our rights are slowly being taken away. The FDA, Big Tobacco and Big Pharma have big voices, I'm just one little person in Massachusetts, that is sick and tired of government NOT doing what is best for me.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
CASAA's mission statement: Our mission is to ensure the availability of effective, affordable and reduced harm alternatives to smoking by increasing public awareness and education; to encourage the testing and development of products to achieve acceptable safety standards and reasonable regulation; and to promote the benefits of reduced harm alternatives.

The whole reason we have a web site and Facebook page IS public awareness and education! :)

I know there are (ecig & harm redution) groups that have facebook pages, but are there any facebook groups dedicated to educating the public at large about it? If not, can we start one, dedicated to that? Can we get some videos and graphics to post that perhaps could go viral regarding these issues?
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