Do you vape in a no smoking area?

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This is really good to know about. But in my case I'd have to blow the steam down my shirt or something.

Ahh Jibbu, you're in Alt Spgs area huh? I grew up around there years ago. I skateboarded the Alt Spgs mall...during it's construction! (that will give away that I'm an old guy :p ) Anyways, good to talk at another Floridian!


Vaping Master
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Feb 3, 2011
Florida Suncoast
...that my mod is a medical device

I've looked da world over (on-line) for some small caduceus decals for PVs and/or eGo batts...


If anyone finds some, please LMK!


Vaping Master
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Feb 3, 2011
Florida Suncoast
Any print/sign shop should be able to make you up one any size you wish...

I really wanted to send 'em out for just da po$tage, no profit desired! Been through da '$et up' fee$ and min order #s in pa$t endeavor$!

That symbol would 'short circuit' many vaping confrontations for those adverse to 'confrontations'.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 3, 2011
I mean seriously, I sometimes don't vape in no smoking areas, but I'm concerned of like ignoring the sign while I'm vaping, it's like irresponsible. I'm just asking though, do you vape in no smoking areas? Just wondering.

I vape right in my cubical at work, all day. If I'm sitting in a bar--non smoking here in utah--or a restaurant I also vape though not as much and I try to be discrete about it.

Basically I avoid vaping in situations that would require explaining things to people or where I'd get hassled, say on the bus or train. Other than that I just practice common sense.

J.R. Bob Dobbs

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Nov 18, 2012
near buffalo, NY
if the fda decides my PV is a medical device i will just go get a prescription.

but this whole issue misses one simple point.

If you fail to exercise your rights they go away.

much like your farting example thompson. Its legal, whether someone likes it or not. The law says something is legal and everyone is allowed to do it. if one person does not like it they have the ability under our laws to protest and try to change the law, then someone in charge gets to decide if the one person is right or wrong then laws are changed. vaping is as of current is still legal. if we hide it then people see us hiding and think we are doing something wrong. Then they try to ban it or call them "assault vaporizers" or something. they they limit us to 7ml tanks instead of get the idea. (lol maybe that analogy went a tad far)
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I vape in the lounge at my college's business school every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12-2...sure as clockwork. :p No one has ever said anything to me about it before, so I see little issue.

I tend not to vape in crowds, as I never did really master exhaling in a specific direction with any sort of accuracy, and I don't want random passerby to take offense. May not be second hand smoke, but I can understand being miffed at that.

I don't vape in the bio department at all, but that's solely for the fact that the department head is axe crazy, and seems to be EVERYWHERE. So no. No no no no no.


Ultra Member
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Mar 15, 2013
Alabama, United States
I was just in Wal-Mart a few hours ago. My daughter is a customer service manager there and she told me to vape I do and nobody says a word to me. I have done that many times. Everyone just smiles and never say anything to me or asks me to quit. I've had a couple of people ask if it was an e-cig and said how odd it looks but they said it was so much better than cigarettes and smiled and went on their way.

I vape at work. Tuesday the operations manager called me into his office and told me that he was really proud of me that I quit smoking and went to that 'puffer thingy' he said that it is a wonderful device for ex smokers. In fact I have converted 4 people at work thus far ;)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 3, 2011
if the fda decides my PV is a medical device i will just go get a prescription.

but this whole issue misses one simple point.

If you fail to exercise your rights they go away.

much like your farting example thompson. Its legal, whether someone likes it or not. The law says something is legal and everyone is allowed to do it. if one person does not like it they have the ability under our laws to protest and try to change the law, then someone in charge gets to decide if the one person is right or wrong then laws are changed. vaping is as of current is still legal. if we hide it then people see us hiding and think we are doing something wrong. Then they try to ban it or call them "assault vaporizers" or something. they they limit us to 7ml tanks instead of get the idea. (lol maybe that analogy went a tad far)

Off-topic.....but PRAISE BOB!


Senior Member
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Jan 21, 2012
I don't vape in close quarters with strangers or anyone that has expressed a dislike for the smell, or anyplace that asks me not to (none yet). So far my wife next to me in bed hasn't noticed anything except when I asked her and blew it at her (and she's generally over sensitive to smells :p). I'm discreet in no smoking areas, but I also don't feel I need permission unless I plan on doing it there repeatedly or less discreetly, which is not usual. It's NOT the same as smoking so I don't feel bad about it, but I'm not getting in anyone's face over it either. While vaping hasn't been proven to be benign, it most certainly HAS been proven to be substantially less harmful than smoking tobacco, which lest we forget, is what a No Smoking regulation or sign is targeted at.

My rights DO end where other's begin but that doesn't mean that one trumps the other. It's an impasse that needs a solution. It's a two way street like everything else and if it actually bothers someone than it's their obligation to politely tell me, and my obligation to politely and reasonably work with them to eliminate their discomfort. That's just being civil. My personal analogy is that some body odors annoy me and some perfumes make it hard for me to breathe, but it's not that difficult to correct the situation myself without resorting to confrontation or asking that legislation be enacted. And as far as I know some of those perfumes probably actually do harm my respiratory system. Still, I don't need to get all righteous about it unless your married to me or we're chained together at the wrist.
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