Do you vape in a no smoking area?

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ECF Guru
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Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
I also ask when entering a restaurant if vaping is permitted. If not, I respect the property rights of the management and either go somewhere else, or eat without vaping. It really is not that hard and I get the green light about half the time.

Of the attention I get it is 60% curious, 30% positive, 10% negative. I have had someone make a scene after I got permission from the owner prior to vaping. In this case, I just stopped so that the proprietor was not put in a bad situation because of this loudmouth ANTZ.

I do not vape in smoking areas. I do not want to associate vaping with smoking. I do vape outside without permission, unless in a crowd. I vape in my office at work, in my car and in my home. When I am doing field work I do not vape in my client's building. I do not even ask because I consider that to be unprofessional. I don't ask in schools or such places.

I disagree with the concept that vaping publicly is what is getting vaping banned. I think having a meek attitude and being ashamed about it is more detrimental to vaping than being rude. But I do not advocate either. I think if you follow the "ask openly and then vape proudly" it is the best thing you can to further our cause.

Excellent response. I agree completely. Vape openly but respectfully.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 24, 2012
Denver, CO, USA
I think I'll eat several big bowls of chilli, go and sit by you at the theater, and fart all the way through the movie. They aren't harmful, they can't hurt you. Heck, I kind of like the way they smell, and really, who cares if you like it or not.

If you wanna make me go away just wear too much men's cologne and/or aftershave. :evil:


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Feb 24, 2013
Orlando, Florida
I always ask first, out of respect. So far the only place I've been asked not to vape is in class. They don't want the vapor in the computer rooms with all of the equipment. Personally, I don't see a problem with vapor and computers, I do a good chunk of my vaping in front of a computer or other electronic device. However, I respect their rules. Our whole campus is totally non-smoking, but I've been given permission to vape outside.

I think showing respect is important and, along with educating non-vapers, will help to increase acceptance.


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Oct 24, 2012
USA, Florida
I vape while pumping gas LOL
But seriously I believe in being respectful but I also like to provide knowledge as well. If someone wishes to be stubborn and remain ignorant I just go somewhere else as not to bother them. I vape in restaurants as well. Heck my last vape meet was in a restaurant and as you walk in there was a huge no smoking sign. Probably 25 vapers in there as well as normal patrons with their kids and no one seemed bothered in the slightest.


Senior Member
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Mar 21, 2013
Livermore, CA, USA
There's no proof that it's not harmful.

There never will be proof that vaping, or anything, is not harmful. Scientists have to demonstrate it causes harm. All research I've seen indicates not harmful. Does this mean the final verdict is not harmful? No, but as the not harmful studies mount then the evidence becomes to great to ignore.

Plus, what is harm?

Is shortness of breath after vaping a sign of harmful? Shortness of breath after running a sign of harmful? Is returning to normal breathing shortly after conducting an activity a sign the activity is not harmful? Is harm from large doses of, water, a sign that water in general is harmful? So many questions to sort out...

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Vaping Master
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Feb 3, 2011
Florida Suncoast
I think I'll eat several big bowls of chilli, go and sit by you at the theater, and fart all the way through the movie.

Knock yourself out! Just be sure to ask the management first...

J.R. Bob Dobbs

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Nov 18, 2012
near buffalo, NY
I think I'll eat several big bowls of chilli, go and sit by you at the theater, and fart all the way through the movie. They aren't harmful, they can't hurt you. Heck, I kind of like the way they smell, and really, who cares if you like it or not.

come on over...I'll bring a lighter so we can get some great pics of the methane flames!


Super Member
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Apr 7, 2013
southern california
I mean seriously, I sometimes don't vape in no smoking areas, but I'm concerned of like ignoring the sign while I'm vaping, it's like irresponsible. I'm just asking though, do you vape in no smoking areas? Just wondering.

i don't but not because it is "irresponsible" or i am afraid of "getting in trouble"...i am not smoking.
I figure if i could wait while having an analog nic fit which is way way way more fitty than wanting to vape...i can wait to vape.

to all the folks that are making it about "rights"...i just noticed the OP is in the Phillipines and the culture/concern/consequences are probably very different....


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
People like you will get us banned.

The people trying to ban e-cigarettes are the ones who have never been exposed to them in person. The legislators who have supported vaping have almost all been exposed to them in person and found them to be unoffensive. So, the evidence would suggest that bans are are far more likely to be initiated by the uninitiated.

Until Vaping is generally recognized and accepted as a safer alternative to smoking, and has nothing to do with smoking . . . No, I do not vape in non smoking areas.

To do so, would alarm the uninitiated and give more reason to the anti-vaping community. The general non smoking public already has a low tolerance to smokers. As an ex-smoker, now, I can understand the non smoking mentality. I would not want to be confused for a smoker.

- Andy . . . Challenge the day.

Second hand smoke in public has been scientifically proven to NOT pose a significant danger to bystanders and yet smokers are being banned everywhere - including in outdoor places and private residences. It really came down to the non-smokers being annoyed or bothered by smoke and latching on to the ridiculous ANTZ lies about health hazards in order to banish the smokers outside. Proof of safety will not be what gets us social acceptance. What will get us social acceptance is showing the non-smokers that the vapor won't bother them like smoke did and they won't know that unless they experience it first-hand.

That said, we should still respect business owners who request we don't vape in their establishment. But we should gently try to show them the difference and try to convince them that allowing vapers could bring back a lot of the smoking customers they lost when smoking bans were passed. ;) If they still insist on forbidding it, we should respect that because it is their property. Government-imposed smoking bans in public areas we should ignore whenever we can though. The smoking bans are ridiculous enough. IMO, we shouldn't support their future attempts to put vaping in the bans by already refraining from vaping like we are smoking.
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Free at last
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Jul 28, 2011
Tennessee, USA
The people trying to ban e-cigarettes are the ones who have never been exposed to them in person. The legislators who have supported vaping have almost all been exposed to them in person and found them to be unoffensive. So, the evidence would suggest that bans are are far more likely to be initiated by the uninitiated.

I don't have a problem with what you're saying, or what most people are saying. All I originally said was I don't vape in non-smoking areas without getting permission. What infuriates me is all the people with the attitude of "I'll do what I want when I want and I don't care how it affects anyone else". Those people don't need to be living in polite society.


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Sep 3, 2011
North Carolina
I already live in a state that has lumped vaping with smoking. So, I can't legally vape in a no smoking area. To do that would cost me a $250 fine. I do stealth vape in a bathroom stall, however. If I'm caught, the catcher has more problems than I do.

I'm moving in a little over a month to NC. I will have to look up the laws there & see where I can vape legally, it's gotta be more places than NJ!


Full Member
Apr 8, 2013
Some say it depends on their country, others say it's their right, a few says it depends on the situation at hand, a portion of people vape when they wanted to. What do I say? I say, respect them, it's kinda disrespectful and irresponsible when I ignore them, be smart, if you know that the area you're in is a smoke free area, then cooperate with the atmosphere of the area, it's good to see a clean area stays clean.


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Apr 3, 2013
puyallup, wa 98374
I generally vape wherever whenever...when I am in a place that requires close proximity to others im respectful. Example : the other day my wifeandi went to red robin amd asked the wait staff IN THE BAR if there was any problems with us vaping. We were told its fine. Shortly after a couple sat down close to us, I asked if they had a problem. After a brief explanation of what it was they were intrigued and wer interested in making a switch. I pointed them to a local b&m stores and happily vaped away. About twenty minutes in a young manager promptly came up to my wife and I and told us red robbin has a strict no vaping policy. We put our gear down, ate our dinner and that was that. I try to be polite but unless told otherwise I do vape everywhere.
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