DIYFlavorshack 110% Customer Service

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ECF Veteran
Apr 29, 2010
SomeWhereOverTheRainbow, GA
Wanted to take a moment to give a small review of my initial impressions with . At this time i have place 2 orders with Dawn @ DIYFS, I have not recieved either order yet (one placed just a bit ago and my first order was placed on May 4th, shipped May 7th and is currently en route). I didn't want to wait for my packages to arrive to write up my review, seeing as this particular review is of the service and not as much the product itself.

WHY I PLACED AND ORDER: Before I placed an order, I placed a phone call to ask some questions regarding shipping time, vg/pg, noobishness type questions. My call was not immediately answered, however within a couple of hours i received a return phone call from a guy named George. In a matter of minutes he answered all my questions and cleared up any doubt i had regarding ship times ( they are on the west coast(702 area code, vegas?), im east coast and suffer from impatientness/OCD). Here's the thing, when was the last time you went to (,, or any e-commerce site) wanted to ask a question about a product and instead of having to wait on an email response you were able to just pick up a phone? More than this, upon placing my second order i had yet another question, recalling Dawns super fast email correspondences, i shot her off an email.. within 5ish min i had my response and within another 10 i had my order placed.

Let me start with SPEED Of SERVICE: One word: REMARKABLE, i do not say this lightly or exaggeratedly (is that word? must be spell checker didnt correct me....). My claim is backed by this: George's return phone call... Questions answered by email in matter of minutes not hours/days... shipping is what it is, takes time to get across country... I have now ordered from 4 vendors online, and of the 4, DIYFS has had the most "personal" feel regarding service.

VAST. My wish list on the website is pretty well rounded.. (though i did just knock off 6 flavors today, thanks sampler) DIYFS has a very large selection of both unflavored and flavored juices, quantities vary from 6ml all the way to 1 liter whole sale quantities. Varied strength of nic content ranging from 0-48mg and in some of DIY larger bottles for mixiing it comes higher.... It gets better than just having page after page after page of flavors to look through, SHE TAKES REQUESTS! and more than that, DIYFS has a "flavor of the month" club, where as it looks like they constantly get new flavors in and want to share them with us!

PERSONALIZED/"CUSTOM" SERVICE: I was looking around the forums reading other rave reviews of DIYFS when i came upon a thread from dawn asking for flavor combo ideas/suggestions/input. In my very first order, in the comments section i jokingly made reference to wanting to try a pomegranate/clove combo.... the email that i received ~5min after the order was placed, Dawn thanked me for my order and told me she would fix that combo up for me! Want to point out what should be obvious about that but might not be to some: The response that i received moments after placing the order.. was NOT an auto generated response, obviously "she/dawn/a human being" looked at my order, and handled it immediately. Ive heard a bit about folks getting sample bottles of this, or extra supplies of that... etc.. but really, what more can you ask for, "hey this might be cool"... response: DONE! thanks dawn that was awesome.

PRICING: FAIR, in comparison, to keep it real, they aren't the cheapest, nor the most expensive. Now again, i have NOT received my juices yet, the quality of the juice may well explain the middle ground pricing. and if that is the case, then i will come back and reclaim this one to read : "damn well worth it". ( be continued)

ALL IN ALL: Provided the juice is what ppl say it is, DIYFS may well become my primary juice vendor, more than that, looking at the variety of "premixed" juices and the supplies and accessories needed to mix myself ( i prolly wont go that route, i kinda dig the idea of a hawt girl in a sterile lab surronded by beakers and bunsen burners hand mixing my juice just for me... but thats prolly just MY fantasy and totally worth missing the satisfaction of doing it myself ((clarification: i have never met, nor visually verified the identity of Dawn)), if DIYFS were to carry more "hardware" this really could be my "One-Stop-Shop" for all my vaping needs.

OK so i guess it wasn't a small review, but it WAS honest and accurate.

/end wall of text.

Thanks for all the help Dawn.


Ultra Member
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Apr 29, 2010
Sincity and the City of Angels
I totally agree with the both of you. Dawn and George are just good, honest people. I've emailed Dawn a couple of times and she's always answered all my questions. They both are so very busy with their night jobs, but they always have the time to answer my questions and you can tell through Dawn's responses that she is geniuine and really cares about what the customer wants.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 29, 2010
SomeWhereOverTheRainbow, GA

After recieving my first order and vaping the juices (Sour Apple & Thin Mints, Review in Liquids Review section)....

I wanted to come back to this thread and clear something up....

PRICING: FAIR, in comparison, to keep it real, they aren't the cheapest, nor the most expensive. Now again, i have NOT received my juices yet, the quality of the juice may well explain the middle ground pricing. and if that is the case, then i will come back and reclaim this one to read : "damn well worth it". ( be continued)

Pricing: "The Juice is Worth The Squeeze" a.k.a. Darn Well Worth It
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