Disappointment After Disappointment... Rant Mode Activated

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Ultra Member
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Mar 15, 2011
Tyler, Tx
I loved my 510's too- and was happy with the vape-

I DID the the tank thing- for me it was more of a 'that cotton isnt giving me ALL my juice'... LOL

I DID switch to the Riva- I got a 30% OFF coupon and use it for one. THAT is where I fell in love- I am happy with my riva- and I switched to fluxomizers. and I have used every carto and cart out there-

I think I am happy here- Sure I know I could get more out of a 5v- and one day I might try one- but right now, I am just getting riva batts and enjoying them. I am even thinking about giving up my 510's. I really dont use them anymore- Its the battery life that I love.

but heck, I am a simple girl. and learned to be happy being poor along time ago-

For me it kinda mirrors real life- I live on a farm, still do most things 'the old way' and am happy being me. I have friends who live the 'city life' massages, mani pedi's- Shopping the big city, someone cleaning their car on a weekly basis- I do my own nails, buy stuff on clearence from walmart or tractor supply, and make whichever kid was the worst this month clean out my big old truck.

JUST now for the first time in my life (like 2 months ago) got something other than 25.5kbm dial up- and I have been on the computer for over a decade. LOL it worked for me- and honestly, there are days I miss it- sure it was slow- BUT, I never got booted!! or had to call tech support 8 times in ONE week!!

I guess my point is- sometimes, we NEED to keep things simple- would I love an Ipad? maybe- am I happy with my laptop? heck yeah- I can sit on the porch and listen to the chickens (while they are still in the coop and not the cook pot) while I surf the net :) I am sure there is a mod out there for me- BUT- if I am happy with my pen looking Riva- then thats good enough :) until that goofy woman at 4-H picks it up again and ends up throwing it away because she thinks its a pen that doesnt work.....

As long as it keeps me from the marlboros- I am good.

My hubby calls my ego my "bat"...lolz


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Apr 11, 2011
Twin Cities, MN

My husband uses carts, he loves them. I have filled cartos for him, had him try my REO, higher voltage, everything - he only likes carts.

I think some people (me!) just use the bigger, better, newest thing as a distraction to keep us from going back. You aren't missing anything except frustration, although I will admit that a REO is awesome. I don't use mine like most - I use 2.0 Boge cartos on it and a cone with an adapter. The reason I like it is because every vape is the same and I don't have to think about juice anymore. It made the whole process easier than smoking.


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May 16, 2011
Riverview, FL
Hey, wanna know a terrible, shameful little secret of mine, Raynen?

I have crap-tons of different configurations; mega/regular clearomizers, LR cartos, tanks, and atty/cart combos. 8 different bottles of juices sitting on my desk, multiple Post-It notes with lines and descriptions sectioning off different juice combos in various delivery hardware.

I enjoy many of the different flavors and enjoy experimenting, I even modded a mega clearomizer to have a pretty blue LED light up when I puff, which is so awesome, and the one juice combo I have in the clearo is pretty good (that's the other 10% of my vaping [see below]).

But you know what? In the end, 90% of my vaping involves the pre-filled Classic Tobacco cartomizers from blu Cigs. Yep, no matter how much I want to enjoy the plethora of equipment and juices I have (AND CONTINUE TO PURCHASE FOR REASONS UNKNOWN), it seems I cannot get away from the blu carts. I simply love the flavor, TH, feel, draw resistance, etc...basically they're perfect, to me.

So, don't worry, you're not alone!


DIY Enthusiast
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Mar 21, 2011
You realize the very first sentence of your post says it all?

You could spend tons of money on "improvements" just to return to the equipment you love. Why?

If you want to experiment with mods and such search for deals. There are some very inexpensive ones.

But before you purchase anything come back here and read that sentence again.

Just my humble opinion. Hope you're feeling better now and happily vaping away.

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2010
erie, PA
nothing wrong with using something you like. In my case I think the whole affair has just morphed into a hobbie. I could have stayed with my original setup and gone about vaping as purely a nicotine delivery system. Once the novelty wears off of smoking cigs where can you go. Nowhere. Once the novelty wore of of my original device, where could I go? 10 different new ways. Vaping allows me to renew my excitement regularly with the new. I can say once I find something that works better going back seems silly. So if you haven't found something better nothing silly about doing what you do. I bet there is something you would like better out there. The fun for me is finding it.


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Oct 8, 2010
North Carolina
Raynen, I absolutely hate that you feel out of the loop, but guess what . . . I'm a cartridge user too! I have 510's and egos. I moved up to an ego simply because I vape a lot and the 510 batteries couldn't keep up with me. I've tried dripping, cartos, have looked at ALL the mod stuff, T stuff, etc. Wasted a lot of money and was disappointed. Guess what. The cartridge and filler works for me . . . so-don't feel like you're on your own. Good luck and stay strong, my friend!


ECF Guru
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Nov 22, 2010
It really doesn't, but then again I was a pack-a-day buyer, and never allowed to get cartons. I would have chain-smoked them GONE. I've decided that my change jar is dedicated to buying a Mini. I add at least a dollar a day into it, so I have at LEAST 75 in there now :) Thank you for your honesty, it definitely made me think about why I quit analogs in the first place :laugh: :vapor:

The REO Mini is the best thing that ever happened to my vaping experience. It is not a gadget or a gimmick, just an extraordinarily designed and built piece of equipment that makes vaping easier than smoking. I am pulling for your change jar to fill up quickly. Good luck! :)


Super Member
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Mar 24, 2010
Santa Rosa, CA
I'll be honest, I didn't read the entire thread, but I kind of understand what you are saying about the air flow on carts. Have you thought about getting one of the tanks and just using a cart with the filler removed so that it still gives you that tighter air flow? There are a LOT of things you can do with a modded standard cart. Take the Mr. Puffer for example. I actually loved the feed system. You could also look into the vape mate with a standard fillerless cart instead of a drip tip.

Just some thoughts I had after reading your story.


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I have turned lots of my friends on to vaping and not one has stuck with it! It's because of just the things you've posted...too many options. It makes me sad. Here I've been off ciggies and happily vaping for two years! Yeah, it was confusing at first, but I do firmly believe as you do...this forum is essential for finding your way and all the support it gives!

And yeah, as others have said, you stick with what works for you. Carts worked for me the first year. Now I've switched to dripping, but that took my quite a while to get the hang of. I've settled into the perfect combination for me, which is a GGSlim and dripping onto an LR 901. Been on that combo for a year :)

Don't ever feel "wrong" for whatever setup keeps you off the ciggies and don't forget that vaping is an evolution...you will know when you find your way.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 5, 2011
Sunny Tampa Florida
So sorry you are frustrated. I often feel frustrated with new products not living up to their hype. If you like carts, try the smart carts. They combine the normal filling in carts with a tank so you don't have to fill so much and fit all your regular 510 atty's. They are cheap and work great. Just remember you are not alone, a lot of us get frustrated with new products but it is one of the things we have to deal with as the industry tries to make things better and easier for us. We are all in this big experiment together. I'm continually amazed with how individualized vaping is but our end goal is all the same -to quit smoking and save our health. HUGS! :)
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 25, 2010
Huntington, West Virginia
Well spoken er written Lambchep. I think some day it will all become realized to the point where if you want to use a small size PV (personal vaporizer) that looks like a cig it will work. Or if you want to use a mod it will work. The industry is very young still I know that PVs didn't really start to become recognized till (correct me if I'm wrong) 2009 in the USA. But they've been in existence for 6 years before 2009 originating from India (I think). Some day these PVs will accomplish their final stage and we are all indeed in this together.. Many will look at these things as cheesy or stupid, as my ex-friend once told me as he was smoking his menthol cig in front of me at a bar ("Don't you feel gay smoking that?") to which I replied "Don't you feel &%#$ing stupid knowing you're taking 22 years off your life, and you're feeding the FDA by buying those oh yea you're a real rebel Brian"...:facepalm:
I'm kinda new here (only been vaping two weeks) but I just wanted to say that after reading your whole post, I totally feel you. I get so lost when people post and rattle off about volts and ohms and their new mods, etc. It makes my head spin. I feel like I'm reading a different language (haha). I just ignore/skim those posts until I feel I'm ready to upgrade.
I'm sticking with my 510-T for now! LOL And who knows, maybe I won't ever upgrade, as long as I'm off analogs.. I don't care! :)


Ultra Member
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Dec 27, 2010
Griffin, GA
Ok...I'll admit I skipped a little anxiously wanting to post on here....lol

Ok, there are a couple of things I want to say, and many others have already said some of it. Just like everyone else, things went GREAT for the first 3 months. I had manual 510 batteries and 2 eGos. My eGos with LR 510 attys and CARTS using the Lipton pyramid tea bag mod were what got me through...never let me down. Then I caught the mod bug. :facepalm: Reo Grand was the first one.....didn't last long because it was so expensive, I never wanted to take it out of the house. (going to skip over the swaps, purchases, etc. to get to my point, and basically all except for what I own now have met the same fate as the Reo)

It has been almost 6 months now, and I have finally found what works for me....for the most part. I do have an expensive home mod....a GGTS that I recently received through a trade. But I have two mods (I only use mods because of battery life) that go out with me....my Screwdriver MKII and my OldGoat bottom feeder. Still use a LR 510 (and occasionally LR 801..great for flavor and vapor) and still use the PTB mod in my carts, just not with my bottom feeder....that's a debridged, dewicked atty and DT. My personal favorite and most used is my OldGoat. Uses a 14500 battery which will last me about all day, and holds 3ml of juice...and hits like a TRUCK! LOL and the best part about it, you can pick one up for around 35 bucks! More options ( i.e. Paint, lanyard, etc) equals more money....but all of that doesn't do anything for the vape so isnt important to me.

Here's my point in all of this....if you want to try a mod and you like the simplicity of one bottle of juice to refill your one atty and cart....check out Ron (OldGoat). If you decide to give it a try, if you dont like it....I will buy it back from you so that you don't lose one cent! I own one of his small bottom feeders, and have one of his big box feeders as well, and love them both. And the best part is....the are not so expensive that I am afraid to take them out of the house so I actually use them! Check them out...my offer will stand.

Keep your head up! We are here for each other and will help you get through it! (And sorry for the ranting....lol)
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